Examples of the the word, rebuild , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rebuild ), is the 4236 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 2002-2010: Shapiro years First" rebuild ing of the team" Shapiro moved to, rebuild ,by dealing aging veterans for younger talent. He traded Roberto Palomar to the
  2. He repaired the city walls and the temples of the gods. He had planned to, rebuild ,the palace of Poly crates at Amos, to finish the temple of Didymaean Apollo at
  3. Built in 1944. " The Cipher Challenge verified the successful completion of the, rebuild ,project. " On the strength of today's performance Colossus is as good as it
  4. To move the most southern part of the track away from the housing estate and, rebuild ,a more compact track in the remaining former 'infield '. In January 1987 this
  5. Supply money to the King. £1.2m was raised in 12 days; half of this was used to, rebuild ,the Navy. As a side effect, the huge industrial effort needed to be started to
  6. Exile. It ends with the Persian decree allowing Jews to return to Jerusalem to, rebuild ,the Temple. The Kevin comprise the following eleven books, divided,in many
  7. Approved a $2 billion line of credit to Angola. The loan is being used to, rebuild ,Angola's infrastructure, and has also limited the influence of the
  8. Stadium, which hosted the FA Cup for six years (from 2001 to 2006) it took to, rebuild ,Wembley Stadium. In 2009,Cardiff hosted the first Ashes cricket test, between
  9. Of Judah ", and directs the Israelites to return to Jerusalem with him and, rebuild ,the Temple. *2. 42,360 exiles, with men servants, women servants and" singing
  10. Temple. Haggai attributes a recent drought to the peoples' refusal to, rebuild ,the temple, which he sees as key to Jerusalem’s glory. The book ends with the
  11. The Ammonitesand the Arabs, as well as the city of Ashdod, but manages to, rebuild ,the walls. He then purifies the Jewish community by enforcing its segregation
  12. In the land, and asks Artaxerxes for leave to return to Jerusalem and, rebuild ,its walls; the king is receptive and extends aid to his mission. *2. Nehemiah
  13. Of the usurper named Clausius II. Lyrics was afterwards commissioned to, rebuild ,the Temple in Jerusalem as part of Julian's systematic attempt to reverse the
  14. Between the wars. Unlike her sister Renown, Repulse did not receive a full, rebuild ,as planned, which would have added anti-torpedo blisters. During the Sea Battle
  15. In 1495-1500. File: Kraków Water 20070804 0930. JPG|In 1504 he ordered to, rebuild ,the Water in a Renaissance style. Alexander II (, Aleksandr II Nikolaevich) (
  16. Difficult, especially if the dam is downstream of an active lodge. Beavers can, rebuild ,such primary dams overnight, though they may not defend secondary dams as
  17. Website). In the wake of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, there have been calls to, rebuild ,the army horse inventory for disaster relief in difficult terrain. Recent
  18. Was destroyed. Much of the money spent by the Russian federal government to, rebuild ,Chechnya has been wasted. According to the Russian government, over $2 billion
  19. Located within the park. Another team, led by John Harper, has undertaken a, rebuild ,of the bombe. On 6 September 2006,the Trust demonstrated that the Bombe was
  20. Of such a law, and blamed the Jewish uprising instead on Hadrian's decision to, rebuild ,Jerusalem as Amelia Capitoline, a city dedicated to Jupiter. Antoninus Pius
  21. Frederick William, the so-called" Great Elector ", who worked tirelessly to, rebuild ,and consolidate the nation. He moved the royal residence to Potsdam. Kingdom of
  22. With a stock of Class 37 and Class 47 locomotives, as well as the, rebuild ,Class 57 locomotive. Statutory framework Railways in Great Britain are in the
  23. In 1965,but a local ownership group took control that year and began to, rebuild ,the team. However, the team's first superstar," Franchise" Floyd Little, due
  24. The Nan yang Fleet, which fell prey to the French fleet. The Chinese would, rebuild ,its fleet, only to be ravaged by another war with Japan (1895),Revolution (
  25. Restored to their rightful place in society, they will have enough capital to, rebuild ,the world. Kept in the background for much of the book, Danneskjöld makes a
  26. At Maize as a classroom. In return for teaching Alexander, Philip agreed to, rebuild ,Aristotle's hometown of Niagara, which Philip had razed, and to repopulate it
  27. Retrace the steps Bruce had taken when he originally left Gotham City, to ", rebuild ,Batman. " In the. This becomes an important part of the regular Batman title
  28. Had once been a place of habitation. " When the Roman Emperor Hadrian vowed to, rebuild ,Jerusalem from the wreckage in 130 AD, he considered reconstructing Jerusalem
  29. By the city's" Ten-Year Housing Plan" and community members working to, rebuild ,the social, economic and environmental infrastructure by creating affordable
  30. Endeavor that starred Corolla as a contractor and father who attempts to, rebuild ,his life after his wife leaves him. Corolla was set to executive produce the
  31. Then all the land, factories and other assets that it possesses. People, rebuild ,a country after its destruction, and it is therefore important for the economic
  32. Considerably since 2000. According to the New York Times, major efforts to, rebuild ,Grozny have been made, and improvements in the political situation have led
  33. Babylonians in 586 BCE, and Nehemiah finds it still in ruins. His task is to, rebuild ,the walls and to re-populate the city. He faces opposition from three powerful
  34. Kits War, which gave Hadrian and his architect, Decriannus, an opportunity to, rebuild ,it. In 215,the emperor Caracalla visited the city and, because of some
  35. Mashhad sought to maintain Chechen sovereignty while pressing Moscow to help, rebuild ,the republic, whose formal economy and infrastructure were virtually destroyed.
  36. Virginia, were in poor working order (the ship had been slated for an engine, rebuild ,prior to the decision to abandon the Norfolk naval yard),and the salty
  37. Bears lost in the playoffs. It reopened on September 27, 2003 after a complete, rebuild ,(the second in the stadium's history). Many fans refer to the rebuilt
  38. Their friendship, leading a team of mutants," The Kenosha Excalibur," to, rebuild ,and restore order to the destroyed island nation. " Danger" At the mansion
  39. Students to give back some time by helping residents and communities clean up, rebuild , and/or serve each other. Faculty, staff,alumni, members of the community and
  40. Surface, but also through the material itself. Computer methods are utilized to, rebuild ,a three-dimensional view of the sample, prior to it being evaporated, providing
  41. Group on Reconstruction of destroyed cities),authorized by Speer in 1943 to, rebuild ,bombed German cities to make them more livable in the age of the automobile.
  42. The Soviets offered Massed a temporary truce, which he accepted in order to, rebuild ,his own forces and give the civilian population a break from Soviet attacks. He
  43. The Trade" later allowed Dallas to draft a number of impact players to, rebuild ,the team. Johnson quickly returned the Cowboys to the NFL's elite. Skillful
  44. The ruins of Birkenau thoroughly for re-usable fallen bricks, so they could, rebuild ,farm buildings for shelter needed for the next winter. That explains the "
  45. In 2004 China's Embank approved a $2 billion line of credit to Angola to, rebuild ,infrastructure. The economy grew 18 % in 2005 and growth was expected to reach
  46. Was accumulated in the harbor until it was made useless, and Rome was forced to, rebuild ,Carthage. By 122 BC, Gaius Gracchus founded a short-lived colonia, called
  47. To run on Unix-like operating systems. Unlike Corwin which requires" You, rebuild ,your application from source if you want it to run on Windows ", the full Wine
  48. To a future when he would allow a purified people to return to Jerusalem and, rebuild ,the Temple. The same period saw the rapid rise of Persia, previously an
  49. Roots organization Nos Edams' endeavor known as Melrose Commons began to, rebuild ,areas in the South Bronx. The ripple effects have been felt borough-wide. The
  50. Dead. Burkina Faso people requested international aid to help the victims and, rebuild ,the country. Japan, France,Ivory Coast and the European Union responded, while

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