Examples of the the word, comparable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( comparable ), is the 4226 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Exists under siege; while in others, there is a Nazi/Japanese Cold War, comparable ,to the US/Soviet equivalent in 'our' timeline. Fatherland (1992) by Robert
  2. In the past, APL compilation was regarded as a means to achieve execution speed, comparable ,to other mainstream languages, especially on mainframe computers. Several APL
  3. Dodesukaden has since been typically considered an interesting experiment not, comparable ,to the director's best work. Unable to secure funding for further work and
  4. Aircraft. The vessel is 248 meters 813 feet long and 19,500 tons, comparable ,to Italian light carrier Cavour and Spanish Juan Carlos I. Russia Russian Navy
  5. Which Azerbaijan shares with Russia, Kazakhstan,Iran, and Turkmenistan, are, comparable , in size to the North Sea, although exploration is still in the early stages.
  6. Wing of 30–50 air superiority aircraft and helicopters, which makes her roughly, comparable ,with the French Charles de Gaulle. " The giants that the US Navy builds, those
  7. Were capable of producing a whip-like cracking sound of over 200 decibels, comparable ,to the volume of a cannon. In popular culture The length of time taken for
  8. It was 9.9 % among married-couple black families. Among white families,the, comparable ,rates were 26.4 % and 6 %. According to Forbes magazine's" wealthiest
  9. Of antimony in the Earth's crust is estimated at 0.2 to 0.5 parts per million, comparable ,to thallium at 0.5 parts per million and silver at 0.07 ppm. Even though this
  10. That the Austin–Round Rock metropolitan area had 1,705,075 people (roughly, comparable ,to the San Jose, California area in the U. S.; the West Yorkshire area in the
  11. Systems become more complex, errors can occur in the digital data stream. A, comparable ,performing digital system is more complex and requires more bandwidth than its
  12. A medium effect and 0.1379 a large effect. Though, considering that η2 are, comparable ,to r2 when DF of the numerator equals 1 (both measures' proportion of
  13. But no gender. In modern Armenian the use of auxiliary verbs to show tense (, comparable ,to will in" he will go" ) has generally supplemented the inflected verbs of
  14. In the 1990s,and the first commercially available oxazolidinone, linezolid, is, comparable , to vancomycin in effectiveness against MRSA. Linezolid-resistance in
  15. e. g., upgrade of permutation vector),to achieve a level of performance, comparable ,to that of FORTRAN. The Next Visual APL system is a departure from a
  16. Wanted his hunting bow. The virginal Artemis of classical times is not directly, comparable ,to Ishtar of the many lovers, but the my theme of Artemis shooting Orion, was
  17. Vacuum aspiration (EVA) abortion uses an electric pump. These techniques are, comparable , and differ in the mechanism used to apply suction, how early in pregnancy they
  18. Much smaller lakes, many of them brackish and without outlet, the only one, comparable ,to those of the western trough being Lake Turkey or Basso Nook. At no great
  19. Health compared to before, although still relatively better than many other, comparable ,jurisdictions. The spin-offs from petroleum have allowed Alberta to develop
  20. Example, was completed recently with funding from the European Union, and is, comparable ,to many European main routes. Progress to complete the road infrastructure is
  21. This phenomenon. The current life expectancy of African Americans as a group is, comparable ,to those of other groups who live in countries with a high Human Development
  22. Remittances processed through Armenian commercial banks. According to RFE/RL, comparable ,sums are believed to be transferred through non-bank systems, implying that
  23. As the freeware http://www.theflamearrows.info/homepage.html ASM-One assembler, comparable ,to that of Microsoft Visual Studio facilities (ASM-One predates Microsoft
  24. Observer into account and postulates: among several observations classified as, comparable ,by a given subjective observer, the aesthetically most pleasing one is the one
  25. Name weiss2001/> The presence of an external electric field can cause a, comparable ,splitting and shifting of spectral lines by modifying the electron energy
  26. More stress on Adelaide's transportation system – although not on a level, comparable ,with Melbourne or Sydney. In the 1960s a Metropolitan Adelaide Transport Study
  27. During its long eighty-year elliptical orbit with respect to Alpha Centauri A (, comparable ,in speed to Uranus here). Depending on the position on its orbit, Alpha
  28. At, Angola is the world's twenty-third largest country (after Niger). It is, comparable ,in size to Mali and is nearly twice the size of the US state of Texas, or five
  29. Meant England won the series 2–1. 1989 to 2003 The Australian team of 1989 was, comparable ,to the great Australian teams of the past, and resoundingly defeated England
  30. Temporary way to escape this pain is through aesthetic contemplation (a method, comparable ,to Zapffe's" Sublimation" ). Aesthetic contemplation allows one to escape
  31. Because of hydrogen bonding, alcohols tend to have higher boiling points than, comparable ,hydrocarbons and ethers. The boiling point of the alcohol ethanol is 78.29 °C
  32. By others such as Stephan A. Heller. In this sense, Jung viewed alchemy as, comparable ,to a Yoga of the East, and more adequate to the Western mind than Eastern
  33. Testing requirements vary, so a particular rank in one organization is not, comparable ,or interchangeable with the rank of another. Some dojos do
  34. Orthodoxy, which is a very ritualistic, conservative church, roughly, comparable , to the Coptic and Syrian churches. Armenia also has a population of Catholics
  35. Example, was completed recently with funding from the European Union, and is, comparable ,to many European main routes. Progress to complete the road infrastructure is
  36. To eta-squared. When the DF of the numerator exceeds 1,eta-squared is, comparable ,to R-squared. Omega2 (omega-squared): A more unbiased estimator of the
  37. People,265,649 households, and 141,590 families residing in the city (roughly, comparable ,in size to San Francisco, USA; Leeds, UK; Ottawa and a bit less than Alaska).
  38. In their essential features, with only occasional noticeable differences in, comparable ,media (comparing American newspapers with British newspapers, for example).
  39. Entitled A Happy Death (1970),featured a character named Patrice Somersault, comparable ,to The Strangers Somersault. There is scholarly debate as to the relationship
  40. Voices demand the recognition of“ Angolan Portuguese” as a specific variant, comparable ,to those spoken in Portugal or in Brazil. However, while there exists a certain
  41. Anne was only twenty-eight when she wrote The Tenant of Wild fell Hall; at a, comparable ,age, Charlotte had produced only The Professor. The general view has been that
  42. Solar distance infinite. Later in Europe, Copernicus and Tycho Brahe also used, comparable ,figures (1,142 Earth radii and 1,150 Earth radii),and so Ptolemy's
  43. As well. Even if the resolution of an analog signal is higher than a, comparable ,digital signal, the difference can be overshadowed by the noise in the signal.
  44. Primordial has an abundance of only 31.5 ppm (= 9340 ppm x 0.337 %), comparable , to that of neon (18.18 ppm). The Martian atmosphere contains 1.6 % of and 5
  45. New Wave critic-filmmaker Jacques Ivette, said:" You can compare only what is, comparable ,and that which aims high enough ... Mizoguchi seems to be the only Japanese
  46. Most infectious diseases, move to humans from animals. No human pathogens of, comparable ,virulence have yet emerged from marine species. Harvest stagnation in wild
  47. Life in the ancient world that spans almost four hundred years. There is no, comparable ,site in which the organization, social interactions, working and living
  48. Actinium is deposited into the bones and 50 % into the liver. Its toxicity is, comparable , but slightly lower than that of americium and plutonium. Americium () is a
  49. Including calcium, iron,magnesium, phosphorus,zinc, copper,and manganese -, comparable ,to common grains such as wheat germ, oats and others. Most fruits and
  50. Have no bad consequences on ethics or moral life. 9. Of the reason of animals (, comparable ,to man) Hume insists that the conclusions of the Inquiry will be very powerful

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