Examples of the the word, registry , in a Sentence Context

The word ( registry ), is the 4222 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The organization as a full member in 2004. Cyprus has the fourth-largest ship, registry ,in the world, with 2,758 ships and 25.5 million gross registered tons (Arts).
  2. Portuguese authorities realized the benefits of enforcing the use and, registry ,of surnames. Henceforth, they became mandatory, although the rules for their
  3. 0x5E). Aliases A June 1992 RFC and the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, registry ,of character sets Of these, the DIANA encourages use of the name" US-ASCII "
  4. New residents, are automatically registered. Individuals are identified in the, registry ,by means of a national identification number (the so-called Kennith),a
  5. In the two large islands only). Internet Alderney hosts the domain name, registry ,for both Bailiwicks. The Channel Islands have their own country-code
  6. States today, and the American Quarter Horse Association is the largest breed, registry ,in the world, with more than 4 million American Quarter Horses registered. The
  7. With 2,758 ships and 25.5 million gross registered tons (Arts). It is an open, registry ,and includes ships from more than 43 countries, including Greece, Germany,and
  8. Table, with a ballot-box each, is set up for at-most 200 names in the voting, registry , Each table is manned by five people (vocals de mesa) from the same registry
  9. With the guidance received from the Advisory Council and the goals set by the, registry ,'s members. The Bot is responsible for determining the disposition of all
  10. Each tied his shoes. For the 101 peasant characters in the film, he created a, registry ,consisting of 23 families and instructed the performers playing these roles to
  11. CPR). European FCI clubs and the AKC recognize the FCPR as an acceptable, registry , The AKC currently recognizes Arawak as a Foundation Stock Service breed and
  12. An encoded character set for use in ISO/IEC 2022,in the ISO-IR international, registry ,of coded character sets. Due to the size of the set, a two-byte encoding was
  13. Laws that took some old roles of the church into the State's hands such as the, registry ,of births and marriages. In 1886,José Manuel Balanced was elected president.
  14. In this scheme each chemical substance is identifiable by a number known as CAS, registry ,number. Molecule A molecule is the smallest indivisible portion of a pure
  15. Gopher protocol handler; however, it can be re-enabled by editing the Windows, registry , In Internet Explorer 7,Gopher support was removed on the Winner level.
  16. 848,150 GET/: ships by type: (1999 est. ): note: a flag of convenience, registry ,; (1998 est. ) Airports 119 (1999 est. ): Main international airports: San
  17. Maintaining the database of names registered within the TLD it administers. The, registry ,receives registration information from each domain name registrar authorized to
  18. In November 1948,six months after its creation, to establish the population, registry , Subsequent censuses were conducted by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics
  19. Use the camel case as a naming convention, such as About. Other uses The DIEM, registry ,requires that XML data elements use upper camel case and XML attributes use
  20. Agency national pour l'employ (ANPE) ) maintained a public, registry ,for the allocation of social benefits to unemployed people (but now a single
  21. Serviced technically by an administrative organization, operating a registry . A, registry ,is responsible for maintaining the database of names registered within the TLD
  22. Registries instead of registrar databases. For COM and NET domain names, a thin, registry ,model is used: the domain registry (e.g. Version) holds basic WHOPS (
  23. Vote after his identity has been verified at the table corresponding to his, registry , Ballots are manually counted by the five vocals, after the table has closed
  24. Which was granted 9 May 1901. Beatty and Ethel married 22 May 1901 at the, registry ,office, St. George's, Hannover Square, London with no family attending.
  25. Version numbers. However, the DirectX and Windows XP MSDN page claims that the, registry ,always has been in the x. xx. xx. XXX format. Put another way, when the above
  26. A provision of the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986 prohibited further, registry ,of machine guns manufactured after it took effect. The result has been a
  27. Were excluded, but now with the advent of DNA testing to verify parentage,the, registry ,accepts all colors as long as both parents are registered. Genetic diseases
  28. Systems are provided. /pro/ registry provides direct file system access to the, registry , *POSIX symbolic links are supported. They are represented as plain text files
  29. Data. Since about 2001,most gTLD registries have adopted this so-called thick, registry ,approach,i.e. keeping the WHOPS data in central registries instead of
  30. Atoms are eclipsed, with boron atoms lying over and above nitrogen atoms. This, registry ,reflects the polarity of the B-N bonds. Still, h-BN and graphite are very close
  31. A horse (or any other animal) with a defined pedigree recognized by a breed, registry , Horse breeds are groups of horses with distinctive characteristics that are
  32. As of 2002,grizzly bears were listed as Special Concern under the COMEDIC, registry ,and considered threatened under the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Within the
  33. For COM and NET domain names, a thin registry model is used: the domain, registry ,(e.g. Version) holds basic WHOPS (registrar and name servers, etc.) data.
  34. States today, and the American Quarter Horse Association is the largest breed, registry ,in the world, with over 3 million American Quarter Horses registered worldwide.
  35. The WPF entries are absent, and the GDI values are used in their absence. WPF, registry ,entries can be tuned using the instructions from the MSDN WPF Text Blog.
  36. Default time out value to half an hour, which may be changed in corresponding, registry ,keys. Other applications The system outlined above provides a somewhat
  37. For the allocation of social benefits to unemployed people (but now a single, registry ,is shared with the independent ASSEDIC paying them, a joint association of
  38. Substantial revenues. An estimated 550,000 companies were on the offshore, registry ,by the end of 2004. The adoption of a comprehensive insurance law in late 1994
  39. Since Quarter Horse/Thoroughbred crosses continue to enter the official, registry ,of the American Quarter Horse breed, this creates a continual gene flow from
  40. And serviced technically by an administrative organization, operating a, registry , A registry is responsible for maintaining the database of names registered
  41. Union and the various committees and working parties. Moreover, it ensures the, registry ,of the Benelux Court of Justice. Politics A Benelux Parliament (originally
  42. Breeds The concept of purebred bloodstock and a controlled, written breed, registry ,has come to be particularly significant and important in modern times.
  43. The Blissymbolics script was also assigned the standard code Bliss in the, registry ,for ISO 15924 script codes. It is expected that this Blissymbolics script will
  44. The layers are held together by weak van der Waals forces. The interlayer ", registry ," of these sheets differs, however,from the pattern seen for graphite, because
  45. Are registered with a domain name registrar their installation at the domain, registry ,of a top level domain requires the assignment of a primary name server and at
  46. Registry. Each table is manned by five people (vocals de mesa) from the same, registry , Vocals have the duty to work as such during a cycle of elections, and can be
  47. In some of which the U. S. Supreme Court has dealt with. There is no federal, registry ,of franchises or any federal filing requirements for information. States are
  48. Unpainted airplanes. NASA's Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, with the, registry ,N905NA,originally belonged to American Airlines, and in its early years still
  49. Consisting of many domain name registrars In this method of management,the, registry ,only manages the domain name database and the relationship with the registrars.
  50. Is anti-aliased and rendered using ClearType. There are separate ClearType, registry ,settings for GDI and WPF applications, but by default the WPF entries are

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