Examples of the the word, scare , in a Sentence Context

The word ( scare ), is the 3673 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Run (Reinna, stem ring-/ran-/run-, related to OE. cognate" Brennan" ), scare ,(skirt),scrape (scrap),seem (SMA),sprint (sprint),take (take)
  2. Identify as" Good Times," though this will not be the cause of the original, scare , Spoofs Weird Al Markovic made a song parody of the virus titled" Virus Alert
  3. Crepuscular behavior. Bongos are both timid and easily frightened; after a, scare ,a bongo moves away at considerable speed, even through dense undergrowth. They
  4. While largely seen by exotic pet owners and vendors as unfair, the monkeypox, scare ,was not the only zoonotic incident associated with prairie dogs. Prairie dogs
  5. For cranberries collapsed and growers lost millions of dollars. However,the, scare ,taught the industry that they could not be completely dependent on the holiday
  6. Particularly against charging opponents, and flying kicks can be effective to, scare ,off attackers. Some contrasting views have stated that high kicks are
  7. Listening outside. During the first of five concerts in Perth, there was a bomb, scare ,with everyone having to evacuate the Entertainment Center. The trip was
  8. Adjoining room with only the aperture visible, to make it seem more magical and, scare ,people. By the 18th century, use by charlatans was common for religious reasons
  9. And in particular his story of spontaneously reciting Resonate, in order to, scare ,off a pair of robbers who confronted him one evening in Manchester.
  10. Attributable to bird- scare rs, automated cannon-like devices used by farmers to, scare ,birds away from the many vineyards, orchards and crops. There is however no
  11. Of trendy philosophies. After he and his lover, Elizabeth,have a pregnancy, scare , they decide to marry. Although they do not have a child, the marriage stands.
  12. Meanwhile, Ben,inspired by observing white children pretending to be ghosts to, scare ,off black children, fights back by forming the Ku Klux Klan. As a result, Elsie
  13. Call telling her that Cagney was dead. Cagney alleged that, having failed to, scare ,him and the Guild off, they sent a hitman to kill him by dropping a heavy light
  14. Shocked Western powers more than any event so far and set in a motion a brief, scare ,that war would occur and swept away the last vestiges of opposition to the
  15. As a strong bluff technique, although the opponent could put in a re-raise to, scare ,off a bluff. Twist is poker jargon for a round with specific rules which is
  16. Gain kudos amongst other virus writers by appearing to have created a worldwide, scare , In general, virus researchers avoided naming these viruses as" Good Times,"
  17. As Dr. Strange love, is a 1964 black comedy film which satirized the nuclear, scare , It was directed, produced,and co-written by Stanley Kubrick, starred Peter
  18. About his mother. He even saw his mother’s ghost and got Persian magicians to, scare ,her away. Years before she died, Agrippina had visited astrologers to ask about
  19. Who spent most of the match on the bench. The match's added time featured a, scare ,for already injured Beckham when he got tackled by Steve Si dwell whose cleats
  20. Highflying Internet upstarts will have used up all their cash. If they can't, scare ,up anymore, they may be in for a savage shakeout. An exclusive survey of the
  21. Not being in step with the Truman Administration and owing to the emerging 'red, scare ,' on known or suspected Communists by the US government after Roosevelt's
  22. But there was little need after the failed merger. The ground again suffered a, scare ,in 1933,when there were plans to demolish it and start again from scratch with
  23. Be exceedingly careful about their use of pesticides. After the aminotriazole, scare , Ocean Spray reorganized and spent substantial sums on product development. New
  24. The Amazon” from exactly where he had left off. Don Hickman reported the bomb, scare ,in his review for the New York Times entitled“ Don McLean Survives Two
  25. Over the Oilers and Pittsburgh Steelers at 9–7. The Browns narrowly survived a, scare ,from the Buffalo Bills in their divisional playoff game, when Scott Norwood
  26. Hand. Better might sometimes be to only draw two or one new card, trying to ", scare ," other players that the hand is better than it really is. The opposite can
  27. He staged routines doing this at his coffee shop in Leipzig. He did this to, scare ,people and make them think he was a good actor. Schroeder ended up going crazy
  28. Shows McLean in concert at Columbia University as he was interrupted by a bomb, scare , He left the stage while the audience stood up and checked under their seats
  29. Was to discredit and disrupt. Their very presence served to undermine trust and, scare ,off potential supporters. The FBI and police exploited this fear to smear
  30. Of taking himself and his best employees to the new company; the goal was to, scare ,the remaining holdout stockholders of the Ford Motor Company to sell their
  31. The sale of ciprofloxacin increased dramatically following the anthrax, scare ,of 2001. On 24 October 2002,the Bush Administration (2001–2009) announced a
  32. Cornstalks! Whip us: Fair and square, : Was it luck that trip us?: Was it, scare ,?: Kangaroo Land's 'Demon, or our own: Want of 'devil ', coolness,nerve
  33. Has said that" the CO2 scare is a red herring ", that the" global warming, scare ,is being used as a political tool to increase government control over American
  34. Most attractions are seasonal Halloween businesses. Origins of these paid, scare ,venues are difficult to pinpoint, but it is generally accepted that they were
  35. Horror is an emerging threat. Another trend is the emergence of psychology to, scare ,audiences, rather than gore. The Others (2001) proved to be a successful
  36. To minimize damage caused by collision. Bonnet-mounted devices, designed to, scare ,wildlife off the road with ultrasound and other methods, have been devised and
  37. Against the Czechs, this increased rather than diminished the“ Romanian war, scare ,” of March 1939. From the British point of view, it was regarded as highly
  38. Popularity and enthusiasm for the ‘ Evil Dead’ series. We can't wait to, scare ,a new generation of moviegoers using filmmaking techniques that were not
  39. Attractions Haunted attractions are entertainment venues designed to thrill and, scare ,patrons. Most attractions are seasonal Halloween businesses. Origins of these
  40. Consensus on anthropogenic climate change, Schmitt has said that" the CO2, scare , is a red herring ", that the" global warming scare is being used as a
  41. An example from 2004 would be the case of Creek stone Farms. After the mad cow, scare , Creek stone decided to test all its cows for mad cow disease. This would enable
  42. Sends a gang of thugs, led by his flunky assistant Haggard (Slim Pickens),to, scare ,them away, prompting the townsfolk to demand that Governor William J. Le
  43. Provinces. The camels were mostly used in combat because of their ability to, scare ,off horses at close ranges, a quality famously employed by the Achaemenid
  44. Current advice is never to wear any gas mask of uncertain military origin. Many, scare ,stories have originated from various Russian gas masks and their filters that
  45. Of Hermes’ achievements. Callimachus said he disguised himself as a cyclops to, scare ,the Ocean ides and was disobedient to his mother. One of the Orphic Hymns
  46. Unsuccessful attempt was made to quarantine a man during the 2007 tuberculosis, scare , International conventions Since 1852 several conferences have been held
  47. Demons and witches. A more recent example is the Satanic ritual abuse, scare ,of the 1980s – beginning with the memoir Michelle Remembers – which depicts
  48. With any serious ailment. The discovery of his death sparked a minor health, scare , with officials stating he likely died of either plague or antivirus, and 49
  49. Itself will trigger the virus. Some e-mail viruses written after the Good Times, scare ,contained text announcing that" This virus is called 'Good Times,' "
  50. Lightly clipping leaves of a tree whose branches house birds, would help, scare ,the birds towards the thrower. This was used to frighten flocks or groups of

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