Examples of the the word, essence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( essence ), is the 3678 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To correct for (the rare case of) a direct overlap of two atomic lines. In, essence ,there are three techniques used for background correction in LS AAS: Deuterium
  2. Fluid obtained by distillation, including " alcohol of wine ", the distilled, essence ,of wine. Libraries in Alchemy (1594) has mini alcohol Del venue alcalisatum.
  3. To buy Sent Singh Bad as one" of the important episodes which constitute the, essence ,of the plot of the novel. " Harold Bloom writes that the" Battle of the
  4. Hereafter, the Next World, or the Other Side) is the belief that a part of, or, essence , of,an individual which carries with it and confers personal identity survives
  5. Difficulty of astrologers being able to determine the exact effect of it. In, essence , Avicenna did not refute astrology, but denied man’s limited capacity to be
  6. And Cassady in the first chapter of his 1957 novel On the Road. The event, in, essence , brought together the East and West Coast factions of the Beat Generation. Of
  7. Existence and essence . Existence is the principle that gives reality to an, essence ,not the same in any way as the existence:" If things having essence s are real
  8. Is a noun ... it signifies either a being (that is, the substance, nature,and, essence ,of anything existent),or being itself, a property common to all that which
  9. What a thing is, that anything is determined by the definition, form,pattern, essence , whole, synthesis or archetype. It embraces the account of causes in terms of
  10. To Scotland to offset future liability towards the English national debt. In, essence , it was also used as a means of compensation for investors in the Darren Scheme
  11. Publick interest ". Samuelson concluded:" Smith was unable to prove the, essence ,of his invisible-hand doctrine. Indeed, until the 1940s no one knew how to
  12. Actually has values of position or momentum. This principle distilled the, essence ,of Einstein's objection to quantum mechanics. As a physical principle, it was
  13. Must be found in some principle other than (really distinct from) their, essence , " Substance can be real or not. What makes an individual substance – a man, a
  14. Inquiry into the question of being, in which he distinguished between, essence ,(Maria) and existence (Used). He argued that the fact of existence can
  15. Warned that the traditional name of the Christ might be misused, and the true, essence ,of this being of love ignored. The Christian Community Towards the end of
  16. Of doubts and faith; what Judaism means by teaching that God is one; the, essence ,of humanity and the problem of human needs; the definition of religion in
  17. The Father since both the Father and the Son under Arius were made of" like ", essence ,or being (see homoiousia) but not of the same essence or being (see
  18. That the fact of existence can not be inferred from or accounted for by the, essence ,of existing things, and that form and matter by themselves cannot interact and
  19. Ammunition load. Early armored SPS were mostly a 'case mate' configuration, in, essence , an open-top armored box offering only limited traverse. However, most modern
  20. AD had only been moved and rededicated there during the time of Augustus; in, essence ,it was a Roman temple to the Augustan Mars Ult or. And also his children, borne
  21. System. Even in contemporary India the term NASA denoting" flavor" or ", essence ," is used colloquially to describe the aesthetic experiences in films;" masala
  22. Potentiality and actuality Aristotle examines the concepts of substance and, essence ,(USIA) in his Metaphysics (Book VII),and he concludes that a particular
  23. Distinguishes more clearly than Aristotelianism the difference between, essence ,and existence. Whereas existence is the domain of the contingent and the
  24. As the existence:" If things having essence s are real, and it is not of their, essence ,to be, then the reality of these things must be found in some principle other
  25. Of the Divine and Incomprehensible Nature ...." The real distinction between, essence ,and existence, and that between form and matter, which served for so long as
  26. Terms:" Nothing, then,which is not a species of a genus will have an, essence ,– only species will have it ...." Aristotle's theory of act and potency One
  27. Propounds Nam Moho Range KO for the very first time and declares it to be the, essence ,of Buddhism, in effect founding Nichiren Buddhism. *1503 – The Battle of
  28. Sculptural fragments to Rodin were autonomous works, and he considered them the, essence ,of his artistic statement. His fragments—perhaps lacking arms, legs,or a
  29. Against the capability of determining the exact influence of the stars. In, essence , Avicenna did not refute the essential dogma of astrology, but denied our
  30. To an agent-cause that necessitates, imparts,gives, or adds existence to an, essence , To do so, the cause must be an existing thing and coexist with its effect.
  31. Abstraction in mathematics is the process of extracting the underlying, essence ,of a mathematical concept, removing any dependence on real world objects with
  32. Were made of" like" essence or being (see homoiousia) but not of the same, essence ,or being (see homoousia). God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy
  33. But he routinely argued that this did not apply to the defense of innocents. In, essence , the pursuit of peace must include the option of fighting to preserve it in the
  34. Could not overturn arbitrators' awards unless the award does not draw its, essence ,from the collective bargaining agreement. State and federal statutes may allow
  35. Different ways, but the key to it is the real distinction between existence and, essence , Existence is the principle that gives reality to an essence not the same in
  36. Ontology" Jean-Paul Sartre follows Heidegger in defining the human, essence ,as ambiguous, or relating fundamentally to such ambiguity. Simone de Beauvoir
  37. And desire; it is the closest word we have that can signify both the real, essence ,of all external things and also our own direct, inner experience. Since
  38. To a perception that is," Pure, will-less,timeless" ( section 34) where the, essence ," ideas ", of the world are shown. Art is the practical consequence of this
  39. Of each individual soul. In Pantheism, everything shares the same spiritual, essence , rather than having distinct spirits and/or souls. Contemporary animist
  40. To the irony that" fine ladies and gentlemen should regale themselves with an, essence ,found in the inglorious bowels of a sick whale. " There is a song called "
  41. Is that, in Sondheim, the lyrics are not an adornment to a song but their very, essence ,: understand them and the show will flow. Thus, Dorothy Turin as Desiree, the
  42. Whereas existence is the domain of the contingent and the accidental, essence ,endures within a being beyond the accidental. The philosophy of In Sing
  43. Begotten by God the Father, before ages, but was of a distinct, though similar, essence ,or substance from the Creator; his opponents argued that this would make Jesus
  44. Incorrect in their details,Astbury's models of these forms were correct in, essence ,and correspond to modern elements of secondary structure, the helix and the
  45. Redistributive organization of some sort which would have the authority to, in, essence , exact a tax and re-allocate the resulting resources to a larger group of
  46. Estate. Philosophy Rand named her philosophy" Objectives ", describing its, essence ,as" the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral
  47. Some critics remarking that it was the first Potter film to truly capture the, essence ,of the novels. During the middle of the film, Cuarón can be seen making a cameo
  48. Nonsense of Arius: by insisting that the Father and the Son are equal in, essence ,.: O venerable father, beg Christ our God to save our souls. Athanasius is
  49. In contrast, the term afterlife refers to another life in which only the ", essence ," of the being is preserved, and " reincarnation" is another life on Earth or
  50. Of the natural mineral stibnite to form antimony sulfide Sb2S3 (hence the, essence ,or" spirit" of the substance),which was used as an antiseptic and eyeliner.

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