Examples of the the word, merchant , in a Sentence Context
The word ( merchant ), is the 3686 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- According to O. S.) (d. 1910) *1840 – Alexander Cameron Sim, Scottish, merchant , ( d. 1900) *1853 – Vladimir Chekhov, Russian engineer and inventor (d. 1939)
- Among later generations of Muslims. As a young man, Abu Bakr became a cloth, merchant ,and he traveled extensively in Arabia and neighboring lands in the Middle East
- Trajan (98-117). In the 280s AD we hear of Philumenos, a Christian corn, merchant ,from southern Anatolia, being captured and martyred in Ankara, and Mustachios.
- An ad hoc ordering system devised by the merchant . Its regular use provides the, merchant ,with continued information about his business, and allows him to evaluate how
- Of unconventional aircraft carriers. CAM ships, like,were cargo-carrying, merchant ,ships which could launch but not retrieve fighter aircraft from a catapult.
- War ended in 1783,certain special interests had incentives to create a new ", merchant ,state," much like the British state people had rebelled against. In particular
- Eyes of a young boy sent to live away from home, his companions a priest and a, merchant , The Steppe, which has been called a" dictionary of Chekhov's poetics "
- S College (originally Robert Gordon's Hospital) was founded in 1729 by the, merchant ,Robert Gordon, grandson of the mapmaker Robert Gordon of Stretch, and was
- Fortify. Conquest of Malacca,1511 In February 1511,through a friendly Hindu, merchant ,called Nina Chat, Albuquerque received a letter from Run de Araújo, one of the
- According to Bacilli, accounting is an ad hoc ordering system devised by the, merchant , Its regular use provides the merchant with continued information about his
- Of aircraft carried. Most were built from mercantile hulls or, in the case of, merchant ,aircraft carriers, were bulk cargo ships with a flight deck added on top. Light
- School, part of Greenwich Hospital, and at the age of 13 was apprenticed to the, merchant ,navy. Seven Years War Phillip joined the Royal Navy at about fifteen, and saw
- father's death, Arthur Schopenhauer endured two long years of drudgery as a, merchant , in honor of his dead father. Afterward, his mother retired to Weimar, and
- Came from a wealthy family, where he learned chess from his father, who was a, merchant , In 1904,he traveled to Berlin to study philosophy, but set aside his studies
- On the dwindling stocks of sturgeon and beluga. In 2002 the Azerbaijani, merchant ,marine had 54 ships. Some portions of most products that were previously
- Terms the two nations disagreed on, and then by searching and seizing Dutch, merchant ,ships. The situation escalated when the British seized a Dutch merchant convoy
- However, this heroism is futile because" there was already rising ... a, merchant ,class which would supplant the warrior aristocracy. " So the courage and
- United States Navy begins a blockade of Cuban ports and the captures a Spanish, merchant ,ship. *1906 – The 1906 Summer Olympics, not now recognized as part of the
- Avenue, including the modern mall of Arum (named after the ancient Assyrian, merchant ,colonies (Arum) that were established in central Anatolia at the beginning
- Also corresponded with Peter Terrarium, a radical Protestant and millennia, merchant , Terrarium is believed to have been a patron of Spinoza at some point after his
- Missions. Meanwhile, Albuquerque arrested and executed powerful Javanese, merchant ,Stimuli Raja who, after being appointed to a position in the Portuguese
- First known as" Terminus" and then Thrasherville, for John Thrasher, a local, merchant ,who built homes and a general store in the settlement. By 1842,the settlement
- During World War II. Although some were purpose-built, most were converted from, merchant ,ships as a stop-gap measure to provide air support for convoys and amphibious
- In favor of his grandson Henri. *1869 – Japan's samurai, farmer,artisan, merchant ,class system (Shinōkōshō) is abolished as part of the Meiji Restoration
- Robert Holmes leads a raid on the Dutch island of Schelling, destroying 150, merchant , ships,an act later known as" Holmes's Bonfire ". *1692 – Salem witch trials:
- 1783–1821),was the daughter of a successful, property-owning grocer and tea, merchant ,of Penance, Thomas Bran well and Anne Crane, the daughter of a silversmith in
- A fantasy figure who magically reverses the historical triumph of the corrupt, merchant ,class over the samurai class. Featuring Satsuma Akamai in his first major role
- Before serfdom was abolished in 1861,allowing him to become a wealthy Moscow, merchant , Kerensky's father was the headmaster of Vladimir Ulyanovsk (Lenin) at a
- Etc. Abel Mansion Tasman (; 1603–1659) was a Dutch seafarer, explorer,and, merchant , best known for his voyages of 1642 and 1644 in the service of the VOC (United
- To these alcohol-based products produced in America, imports were seen on, merchant ,shelves, including wine and brandy. Southern variations In comparison to the
- Norms and conventions of businesspeople (the private law of commerce, or just, merchant ,). Arbitration was promoted as being faster, less adversarial, and cheaper. The
- 1963 – The Soviet nuclear-powered submarine K-33 collides with the Finnish, merchant ,vessel M/S Finn clipper in the Danish straits. *1968 – Nerve gas accident at
- British products, the colonial and local Committees took charge, examining, merchant , records and publishing the names of merchant s who attempted to defy the boycott
- War with Great Britain. The U. S. Navy illegally intercepted a British, merchant ,ship the Trent on the high seas and seized two Confederate envoys; Britain
- Institute's lower secondary school, while his mother Shiva came from a, merchant ,'s family living in Osaka. Akira was the eighth and youngest child of the
- In Mapping, a district in London near the Thames. His father was a shipping, merchant ,who was brought up as a Catholic but had Protestant sympathies, and his mother
- At the age of 18,Abu Bakr went into trade and adopted the profession of cloth, merchant , which was the family's business. In the coming years Abu Bakr traveled
- Providing a future export market for Azerbaijan. In 2002 the Azerbaijani, merchant ,marine had 54 ships. Overview Through the Soviet period, Azerbaijan had always
- Zealand and to sight the Fiji Islands. His navigator François Fischer, and his, merchant ,Isaac Gleans mapped substantial portions of Australia, New Zealand and some
- Of Nova Scotia * Henry Nicholas Paint (1830–1921),member of Parliament, merchant , landowner * Jacob Gould Schulman, President of Cornell University * Rev.
- Dutch merchant ships. The situation escalated when the British seized a Dutch, merchant ,convoy sailing under Dutch naval escort in December 1779,prompting the Dutch
- Land discovered was the island of South Georgia, visited by the English, merchant ,Anthony de la Roche in 1675. The first human born in the Antarctic was Solvay
- Italian composer (d. 1674) *1740 – Sir Francis Baring,1st Baronet, English, merchant , banker (d. 1810) *1771 – Karl Philipp First EU Schwarzenberg, Austrian field
- His parents, unknown to early biographers, were probably William Sinclair,a, merchant , and Elizabeth Balfour. He reportedly attended the University of Edinburgh
- His legal and political career, Jackson prospered as planter, slave owner, and, merchant , He built a home and the first general store in Gallatin, Tennessee in 1803.
- Vesuvius, the Latinized version of Amerigo Vespucci's name, the Italian, merchant ,and cartographer who explored South America's east coast and the Caribbean Sea
- Decision to leave a better legacy after his death. The obituary stated (" The, merchant ,of death is dead" ) and went on to say," Dr. Alfred Nobel, who became rich by
- Island of Fomenter became uninhabited. Between 1609 and 1616,England lost 466, merchant , ships to Barbary pirates. In the 19th century, Barbary pirates would capture
- Trials (b. 1573) *1645 – Lionel Canfield,1st Earl of Middlesex, English, merchant , ( b. 1575) *1657 – Bogdan Khmelnytskyi, Ukrainian-born Polish-Lithuanian noble
- Arturo as factor, a post assigned before his 1509 arrest, and appointing rich, merchant ,Nina Chat to replace the previous Kandahar, representative of the Kefir
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