Examples of the the word, undermine , in a Sentence Context

The word ( undermine ), is the 3680 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On Taiwan, Mao Zedong encouraged the Taiwanese to seek independence in order to, undermine ,the power of the government of Republic of China led by Chiang Kai-shek. In the
  2. They actually occur. Many argue that data such as the Bereitschaftspotential, undermine , rather than support, epiphenomenalism. Such experiments rely on the subject
  3. Desiring to Cause Subversive Acts (Article 10 a),as Sub FYI is" likely to, undermine ,the community peace and stability" of the country. She has appealed against
  4. Bush at this important – and sensitive – time in our nation's history helps, undermine ,the U. S. position, which ultimately could put our troops in even more danger.
  5. Protesters believe that the global financial institutions and agreements, undermine ,local decision-making methods. Corporations exercise privileges that human
  6. The case and not add additional thoughts to those facts, less they be used to, undermine ,the testimony. Sticking to the brief known facts is key for the witness, making
  7. From the Outside: The FBI and police used a myriad of other" dirty tricks" to, undermine ,progressive movements. They planted false media stories and published bogus
  8. Encapsulate multiple representational variants found in an ADT. It also can, undermine ,the extensibility of object-oriented programs. In a pure object-oriented
  9. Communities. " Operating at a global and international level, these banks can, undermine ,people's human rights through projects that have detrimental outcomes for poor
  10. Cases where he judged that their net effect would be beneficial and would not, undermine ,the basically free character of the system. He did not wear the Adam Smith
  11. In the world who knows Castro's illness from July 31, 2006,has helped Cuba, undermine ,a strict U. S. embargo by sending cheap oil and boosting commercial relations.
  12. And materialistic concerns of painted or sculptural form ... have endeavored to, undermine ,the art object qua object. " In the decades since, these ideas have been
  13. Enlightened peace to the universe. Herbert chose in the books that followed to, undermine ,Paul’s triumph with a string of failures and philosophical paradoxes; Dune was
  14. Their main purpose was to discredit and disrupt. Their very presence served to, undermine ,trust and scare off potential supporters. The FBI and police exploited this
  15. Warhol was so successful, however,that his profile as an illustrator seemed to, undermine ,his efforts to be taken seriously as an artist. Pop art was an experimental
  16. Friend, now called" Hat ". The conspirators hope the presence of Hat will, undermine ,Paul's ability to rule by forcing Paul to question himself and the empire he
  17. Are concerned that steadily increased integration in the world economy will, undermine ,internal social cohesion, although it has taken steps to become a more prominent
  18. Attorney and a Member of the Columbia Board of Trustees to advise him on how to, undermine ,SHE. " In a letter to Hogan, Leitsch wrote: Donaldson was defended by homophily
  19. Of habeas corpus, the military draft law, and fears that freed slaves would, undermine ,the labor market. The Emancipation Proclamation announced in September gained
  20. Men and lesbians served openly in the United States military, they would not, undermine ,the efficacy of the armed forces," General Shalikashvili wrote. " Our military
  21. Second siege of Rome Throughout his career,Alaric's primary goal was not to, undermine ,the empire, but to secure for himself a regular and recognized position within
  22. Farmers. The Senate abolished the colony some time later, in order to, undermine ,Gracchus' power. After this ill-fated attempt, a new city of Carthage was
  23. Of Wodehouse's Jeeves novels, does his most to be a dandy, only to have Jeeves, undermine ,all his plans to this end. Agatha Christie's Poirot is said to be a dandy. The
  24. Places, wording etc. More often than not a cross-examiner will also attempt to, undermine ,the credibility of a witness if he will not be perceived to be a bully (such
  25. Very concerned that steadily increased integration in the world economy will, undermine ,internal social cohesion, although it became a more prominent player by serving
  26. As 1945,Stalin revealed to German communist leaders that he expected to slowly, undermine ,the British position within the British occupation zone, that the United States
  27. Revolution, it seemed to be totally opposed to a process that seemed to, undermine ,some of these bulwarks. The new industrial elite were seen by many as enemies
  28. Franchise was awarded to Rankin Smith of that city. In a typical NFL move to, undermine ,the AFL, the old league quickly offered Smith a franchise, whereupon Smith
  29. Often backed by the Shah of Persia, Ismail,who was eager to promote Shi'ism to, undermine ,the authority of the Ottoman state. Ottoman authority in Anatolia was indeed
  30. Burial of the Dead was a drastically stripped-down memorial service designed to, undermine ,definitively the whole complex of traditional beliefs about Purgatory and
  31. Difficulties about establishing which measurement occurred first also, undermine ,the idea that one observer is causing what the other is measuring. This is
  32. It would ultimately invite speculative attacks on the European currency and, undermine ,its value. By early September 2011 a number of major European banks were
  33. Belgian and Portuguese activity in the lower Congo River region threatened to, undermine ,orderly penetration of tropical Africa, the Berlin Conference of 1884–85 sought
  34. Must not actively pursue the consequences, and outsiders should not in any way, undermine ,and" play" with the phobia in the meantime. An evolutionary reason for the
  35. Demonstrates how the effects of railway fares and the tariff structure helped, undermine ,this growth. Capitalists from Central Canada purchased the factories and
  36. Made it to the border of Chechnya, an active guerrilla movement threatened to, undermine ,the Soviet defenses of the Caucasus (noted writer Valentin Paul claims that
  37. Chose to focus on ending the persistent insurgencies that sought to, undermine ,Colombia's traditional political system. Both groups claimed to represent the
  38. Incorporated into the neat tapestry of our world-view does not usually totally, undermine ,that view. " Radical discipleship view The radical discipleship view asserts
  39. Verde's sanctuary at La Tribe, Meta,followed by a FARC offensive that sought to, undermine ,the deliberations of the Constitutional Assembly, began to highlight a
  40. A concrete strategy that allowed all women, regardless of their status, to, undermine , the dominant patriarchal discourse. For the general reader the Treasure is
  41. Or Georgie: Effectively Alex's greedy second-in-command. Georgie attempts to, undermine ,Alex's status as leader of the gang. He later dies from a botched robbery
  42. Made in the Guardian newspaper that BA had sought consultancy on how to, undermine ,the unions operating in BA were withdrawn. A further strike was announced for
  43. By them seemed to resolve the entire Scriptures into allegory and threatened to, undermine ,the Jewish faith and the observance of the Law and tradition. He was not
  44. Were genuine. The COMM was generally against the proposal because it would, undermine ,NATO's authority, and the Turkish government had repeatedly stated it was
  45. Given his public approval),yet individual NFL owners soon began a campaign to, undermine ,the new league. AFL owners were approached with promises of new NFL franchises
  46. Way a question will be asked by a cross-examiner to a witness he was trying to, undermine ,would be. " What is your recollection today? " Implying it was stated
  47. First Triumvirate. Cicero refused the invitation because he suspected it would, undermine ,the Republic. In 58 BC, Publius Claudius Puncher, the tribune of the plebs
  48. Love requires acting for one's own good when the demands of the other, undermine ,overall well-being. Islam and Sufism In Sufism, the concept of star (altruism
  49. Will oppose the intrusion of non-British and alien cultural influences which, undermine ,our traditional value systems. *The BNP will enact legislation to ensure that
  50. Common wants and affections of their race, in a premature unnatural manner who, undermine ,the very foundation of virtue, and spread corruption through the whole mass of

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