Examples of the the word, importantly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( importantly ), is the 3685 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Handle these songs with stripped down arrangements and no vocal effects? More, importantly , would anyone want to hear her attempt such a performance? Does it matter? No.
  2. Provide financial aid, but it also provides high levels of expertise and most, importantly ,of all, a quiet non-confrontational diplomacy to improve governance levels.
  3. Improvements have been made that hold promise not only in OED but, more, importantly , vis-à-vis its interfaces with other departments and offices in ADB, developing
  4. A leading exponent of the fianchetto development of the bishops. Perhaps most, importantly , Nimzowitsch formulated the terminology still in use for various complex chess
  5. Relay of the sensory input (sensation) via the thalami pathway, and most, importantly ,directly or indirectly in charge of all the neurological functions, from simple
  6. Transdanubian peoples: the Puccini Pasternak, the Sarmatians and, most, importantly , by Barista (ruled 82-44 BC),king of the Getafe. The Getafe occupied the
  7. Direction of the company, the discontinuing of the Pinball division and most, importantly , he felt that the Atari 2600 should be discontinued. In 1978,the See Games
  8. To save her husband from the shame of the revelation of her crime, and more, importantly ,to pre-empt any gallant gesture on his part to save her reputation. Act three
  9. By Modernism (specifically Ezra Pound’T. S. Eliot, Hart Crane, and most, importantly ,William Carlos Williams),Romanticism (specifically William Blake and John
  10. And inorganic disciplines are not absolute and there is much overlap, most, importantly , in the sub-discipline of organometallic chemistry. Inorganic chemistry is also
  11. Comedy bits. Wilson found Rubber Soul filled with all-original songs and, more, importantly , all good ones, none of them filler. Inspired, he rushed to his wife and
  12. Doctorate from the Stockholm University Faculty of Humanities for contributing, importantly ,both to the preservation and the growth of the Swedish folk music tradition.
  13. Feel tired and fatigued; to combat this problem In Sing says on page 388: Most, importantly ,you should remember: There are two more things that are important to mention on
  14. Affects the aspects of quality above, including portability, usability and most, importantly ,maintainability. Readability is important because programmers spend the
  15. To be Bruce Wayne; he just needs the suit and gadgets, the abilities, and most, importantly ,the morality, the humanity. There's just a sense about him: 'they trust him
  16. The Greek roots alone do not reveal the anode's function anymore, but more, importantly ,because, as we now know, the Earth's magnetic field direction on which the "
  17. Whereas sex with a condom takes" work" and ruins the mood; and perhaps more, importantly , that sex with a condom either feels significantly less pleasurable or even
  18. In the United States whose clients were predominantly Americans and, more, importantly , operated out of port facilities throughout the United States. Olmstead
  19. All-powerful and have limited powers to put their policies into effect. Most, importantly , although the perception by the public may be that the" central bank "
  20. The president is a formal head of state with limited specific powers, most, importantly , to return laws to the parliament, nominate Constitutional Court judges for
  21. He was viewed by some as out of touch and vulnerable for several reasons – most, importantly , because he had planned to retire in 1981,Goldwater had not visited many areas
  22. A person transmute into shared states, and the other way around? Finally, yet, importantly , how is it that we who work with cognitive research are able to conceptualize
  23. Eunuchs are supposed to have served as harem" guards ", but more, importantly ,they served as governors and high-level political appointees—they could not
  24. His wrenching feelings of loss. Many questions must remain unanswered - most, importantly , it is not clear why the couple split up - but Catullus's poems about the
  25. Flexibility for chip designers routing electrical pathways within a chip, and, importantly , for the Thoroughbred core, more flexibility in working around electrical
  26. The prediction of vibrational frequencies if harmonic motion is estimated. More, importantly , it allows for the characterization of stationary points. The frequencies are
  27. Duties of the judiciary are to prosecute criminals, settle lawsuits, and,most, importantly , protect the freedoms and rights of Cambodian citizens. However, in reality
  28. By Himmelstoß made them" hard, suspicious,pitiless, and tough" but most, importantly ,it taught them comradeship. However, Bäumer and his comrades have a chance to
  29. To break the unity of the Roman Republic. Octavian's prestige and, more, importantly , the loyalty of his legions, had been initially boosted by Julius Caesar's
  30. Cossacks were proactive and decisive in their maneuver and attacks, and most, importantly , he not only managed to persuade large contingents of registered Cossacks to
  31. Last five years (2003–2007) has seen a low of 2.3 % and high of 7.3 %. Most, importantly , this poses a threat to the country's accession to the Eurozone. The Bulgarian
  32. DCC) are finiteness properties satisfied by some algebraic structures, most, importantly , ideals in certain commutative rings. These conditions played an important role
  33. Free radical production extends the life span of Caenorhabditis elegant. Most, importantly , this induction of life span is prevented by antioxidants, providing direct
  34. Sense when John's true church is symbolized as a bride of the Lamb. Most, importantly , the editor has completely rewritten John's theology of the Millennium which
  35. Combined population is over 20,000. The town's traditional industry, most, importantly , cotton manufacturing, bleaching and printing, have been phased out. The town
  36. And inorganic disciplines are not absolute and there is much overlap, most, importantly , in the sub-discipline of organometallic chemistry. * Materials chemistry is the
  37. English-language literature since his teens, encouraged by his mother. More, importantly , he resented the idea of becoming a media star and of tempering his ideas or
  38. Stress can lower the toxin production and make the plant more susceptible. More, importantly , reduced late-season expression of toxin has been documented, possibly
  39. GC&CS),where ciphers and codes of several Axis countries were decrypted, most, importantly , the ciphers generated by the German Enigma and Lorenz machines. It also housed
  40. Be acknowledged diplomatically by the neighboring lands as a Kingdom and, most, importantly , by the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope. Alfonso wed Maud of Savoy, daughter
  41. Penalized states that did not give the vote to freedmen, and most, importantly , created new federal civil rights that could be protected by federal courts. It
  42. Sons),and allowing him to sit on the throne on some festive occasions. Most, importantly ,Abdallah gave ABD Brahman his ring, the symbol of power, when Abdallah fell
  43. Mainly due to successive elections and unrestricted freedom of the press. Most, importantly , slavery was extinguished after a slow but steady process that began with the
  44. Items. For these, other possible explanations have also been proposed. Most, importantly , the 'Altaic' languages do not seem to share a common basic vocabulary of the
  45. To be evaluated in the context of previous experience. Second, and even more, importantly , working memory allows information to be integrated over time so that it can
  46. The role of the bacteria is the further oxidation of the ore, but more, importantly ,also the regeneration of the chemical oxidant Fe3+ from Fe2+. For example
  47. Yang characterization also extends to the various body functions, and - more, importantly ,- to disease symptoms (e.g., cold and heat sensations are assumed to be yin
  48. To the aircrew (the pilot had the ability to monitor the RIO's display) and, importantly , the AWG-9 could continually search and track multiple targets after Phoenix
  49. Debt, saying " The Oxford Groupers had clearly shown us what to do. And just as, importantly , we learned from them what not to do. " Among the Oxford Group practices AA
  50. The marketable distinction of serving as an officer during World War II. More, importantly , Robinson possessed the inner strength to handle the inevitable abuse to come.

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