Examples of the the word, calm , in a Sentence Context
The word ( calm ), is the 3689 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- English coast. One night, Christine smacks her husband in the face. He keeps, calm ,except for his eyes, which twitch uncontrollably, then proceeds to strangle her
- The coast was frequently poor due to fog, and sea conditions were either so, calm ,the slightest ripple, as from the periscope, could give away their position, or
- Entails the avoidance of pain, defending that man should seek tranquility and, calm ,above all else, avoiding emotional extremes. Where Cairo wrote freely and
- Rose in the 1970s. This fishing industry is restricted to daylight hours and, calm ,conditions in two short seasons, from March to May and August to November. The
- Reception of Steinmetz' studies have been wholly positive. In the relatively, calm ,academic world Jacob Neusner's combative titled How Akin Steinmetz
- Related languages Danish and Norwegian it means" calm " ( as in" he was, calm ,despite all the surrounding furore" ). This can sometimes cause confusion: a
- Another trait usually associated with Borg is his grace under pressure. His, calm ,court demeanor earned him the nickname of the" Ice Man" or" Ice-Borg. " Borg
- Island famous for a very long beach to the south of the village and few very, calm ,beaches to the north. The northern beaches frequented by snorkeling enthusiasts
- In advance. The southern and western coasts of Barbados are popular, with the, calm ,light blue Caribbean Sea and their white and pinkish sandy beaches. Along the
- Thought to have dominant earth personalities. Earth personalities tend to be, calm , practical,hardworking, wise,stable, patient and sensual; however, they can
- For a meeting to develop a joint program to stop the downward spiral and, calm ,investors, claiming publicly it would tie his hands, and that Hoover had all
- As he did many times, Lay would issue a statement or make an appearance to, calm ,investors and assure them that Enron was headed in the right direction. By
- Insults at him. He endures the whole process until feeling able to stay, calm ,throughout it. He visits Daisy again and this time calm ly opens the window. But
- Called the Troubles, but latterly has undergone a sustained period of, calm , free from the intense political violence of former years, and substantial
- Are shy animals, but there is a good chance of seeing them if you go out on a, calm ,day. Other cetaceans commonly seen in the area include pilot whale,fraser's
- They have a humorous appearance, as they oddly resemble a fur ball. Most are, calm ,and docile but should be handled carefully. Grooming is necessary to prevent
- Coups. The restoration of democracy in 1991 has been followed by relative, calm ,and economic progress. Bangladesh is a parliamentary democracy, with an elected
- Charlotte's distress, whispered to her to" take courage ". Conscious and, calm , Anne died at about two o'clock in the afternoon, Monday,28 May 1849. Over the
- His skill at playing the harp, and consequently summoned to Saul's court to, calm ,his moods. Saul's son Jonathan becomes friends with David, which some
- He restrained the expression of his feelings, and wrote with a dignity and holy, calm ,which he thought most calculated to win back his erring children. It gives a
- Belgian officers were retained as advisors to the new Congolese hierarchy, and, calm , returned to the two main garrisons at Leopoldville and Maysville. The military
- Almost like a sculpture. The folds of the garment, the rounded belly, and the, calm ,on the face suggest a devoted worshiper. Cave 7: The verandah of this cave must
- Romans chose a political enemy, Marcus Mencius. Then Famous quickly sought to, calm ,the Roman people by asserting himself as a strong Dictator at the moment of
- Pyle in the head loading his rifle with live ammunition. Joker attempts to, calm ,Pyle, who executes drill commands and recites the Rifleman's Creed. The noise
- Napoleon had crossed the Alps on a mule, he requested that he be portrayed ", calm ,upon a fiery steed ". David complied with Napoleon Crossing the Saint-Bernard.
- And Frank Worship as the three criminals is balanced against the innocent, calm ,of Adam West and Burt Ward, Batman and Robin respectively. " Batman Returns is
- Hitler one more time. Speer visited the Führerbunker on April 22. Hitler seemed, calm ,and somewhat distracted, and the two had a long, disjointed conversation in
- Carbon-14 dating and geographical records to correlate climates with cycles of, calm ,and calamity in Chinese history. The traditionalist school of scholarship
- As well; however, he showed no physical deformity, as Suetonius notes that when, calm ,and seated he was a tall, well-built figure of digital. Claudius himself
- Panic caused by hallucinogen intoxication. Benzodiazepines are also used to, calm ,the acutely agitated individual and can, if required, be given via an
- Not live in the house with the Robinson family, as Anne did. Anne's vaunted, calm ,appears to have been the result of hard-fought battles, balancing deeply felt
- But Loki only repeats the accusation. When Bragi's wife Inn attempts to, calm ,Bragg, Loki accuses her of embracing her brother's slayer, a reference to
- Church. Park Güell is skillfully designed and composed to bring the peace and, calm ,that one would expect from a park. The buildings flanking the entrance, though
- Resulting in up to 200 casualties. After this final clash, the mutineers stayed, calm , Crimes conducted by Matisse’s militias and Congolese soldiers during this
- Replacement of officers who" hitherto had excelled in battle ", rather " ... a, calm ,and constructive debate might bring better results. " Rommel remained unmoved.
- His outbursts continued with such intensity that a physician was unable to, calm ,him, despite administering large doses of medication. After another two full
- Descend and rule the underworld instead ". Some scholars have argued that the, calm , orderly, monotheistic creation story in Genesis 1 can be interpreted as a
- To learn to deal with the interests of others, than to accustom themselves to a, calm ,and secluded life. Wollstonecraft dedicated the Rights of Woman to Talleyrand:
- Contours. The aureole on the buddha's head and the closed eyes show a dreamy, calm , SHY AMA JATAKA: The Shyama-Jataka on a wall in this cave relates the story of
- But, as that failed, the organs of respiration became gradually oppressed; a, calm , lethargic state succeeded; and on the 17th instant (April 1790),about
- Exhibited his famous Death of Socrates. " Condemned to death, Socrates,strong, calm ,and at peace, discusses the immortality of the soul. Surrounded by Frito, his
- The course, where Bluebird was travelling at peak speed on her return run was, calm , and not disturbed by the wash from the first run, which had not had time to be
- Hot air, methane,or helium; these stay aloft with or without wind; at, calm ,they float; at wind they receive lift from buoyancy and aerodynamic lift.
- While in the closely related languages Danish and Norwegian it means ", calm ," (as in" he was calm despite all the surrounding furore" ). This can
- British Crown, forged in the fires of violent revolution; Canada is the more, calm ,offspring of the United Kingdom known for a more relaxed national demeanor.
- Of WU Wei (): the less the king does, the more gets done. By being the ", calm ,center" around which the kingdom turns, the king allows everything to function
- The next 72 years. The United States occupation of 1916–1924,and a subsequent, calm ,and prosperous six-year period under Horacio Vásquez Laura, were followed by
- Despotic and unpopular. In 1899, he was assassinated. However, the relative, calm ,over which he presided allowed improvement in the Dominican economy. The sugar
- City, following disaster's coverage on Nightlife. Yeager provided a voice of, calm , confidence, and understanding during the interview, saying " they NASA have
- Right actress for this role precisely because she approaches it with such grave, calm , " Rebellious era In the wake of this sudden stardom, Barrymore endured a
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