Examples of the the word, preservation , in a Sentence Context
The word ( preservation ), is the 3693 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Disadvantaged people in rich countries. Anti-globalization advocates urge that, preservation ,of the natural environment, human rights (especially workplace rights and
- Localities may represent temporary or unnatural aggregations. However, as the, preservation ,of behavior in the fossil record is exceedingly rare, these ideas cannot
- Historic Places, and it is further protected by city ordinances and a nonprofit, preservation ,group. Climate Ann Arbor has a typically Midwestern humid continental climate (
- And also arsenic, selenium,and other toxic elements. Bitumen scan provide good, preservation ,of plants and animal fossils. Background Asphalt or bitumen can sometimes be
- Ceilings, and pillars. It looks similar to Cave 1 and is in a better state of, preservation , The facade Cave 2 has a porch quite different from Cave one. Even the facade
- For the Founding Fathers, the Constitution, the laws under it, and the, preservation ,of the Republic and its institutions under girded and strengthened his
- On another role and made perhaps even more important contributions. Beyond the, preservation ,of Hellenic studies,Aldus's contributions are also respected in the
- The basis of our present editions and we are probably indebted to him for the, preservation ,of many Aristotle's works. Androids wrote a work upon Aristotle
- Philosophy, but only fragments of the first part of this have survived, through, preservation , in work of Simplicity of Militia in the sixth century AD. Cosmological theory
- Refute the idea that Abu Bakr or Umar were instrumental in the collection or, preservation ,of the Qur'an, claiming that they should have accepted the copy of the book in
- Teaching. On the other hand the doctrine of succession relates not only to the, preservation ,of doctrine but also to the power to administer the sacraments. As such, those
- Life, and that eternal life could be ensured by means like piety to the gods, preservation ,of the physical form through Mummification, and the provision of statuary and
- Of Princeton Hospital, Thomas Stolen Harvey, removed Einstein's brain for, preservation ,without the permission of his family, in the hope that the neuroscience of the
- Reject the idea that Abu Bakr or Umar were instrumental in the collection or, preservation ,of the Qur'an. Military expansion Once the rebellions had been put down, Abu
- These functions under three heads: (1) Care of the city: the repair and, preservation ,of temples, sewers and aqueducts; street cleansing and paving; regulations
- Specialize as building code, building envelope, sustainable design, historic, preservation , ( US) or conservation (UK),accessibility and other forms of specialist
- Heritage. The Trust has programs encouraging Anguilla writers and the, preservation ,of the island's history. The island's cultural history begins with the Taint
- Are in constant contact with water. *Arsenic is also used for taxonomic sample, preservation , *Until recently arsenic was used in optical glass. Modern glass manufacturers
- And protecting pre-Islamic artifacts and monuments. He noted that the, preservation ,of antiquities presented a number of benefits for Muslims: *"monuments are
- Democrats added finely detailed policies on animal welfare and species, preservation , The material is available in election manifestos and copies of the party's
- From Alexandria to the Islamic world, facilitating the translation and, preservation ,of Greek alchemical texts in the 8th and 9th centuries. Much of the Greco-Roman
- Of medicine itself is in its practical aspect, since medicine is for the, preservation ,of health. The Benefits of Exercise Once the purpose of medicine has been set
- Corrupted, Umar requested the Caliph Abu Bakr to authorize the compilation and, preservation ,of the Book in written format. After initial hesitation, Abu Bakr made a
- Largely or even completely independent of the Muslim community. The Qur'an —, preservation ,According to Sunni Islam, Abu Bakr was instrumental in preserving the Qur'an in
- Use. Some established jurisdictions require adherence to design and historic, preservation ,guidelines. Documentation role Architects prepare the technical or" working "
- And the right walls. The walls are covered with paintings in a fair state of, preservation , The scenes depicted are mostly didactic, devotional,and ornamental. The
- Of Virginia Antiquities) was the United States' first statewide historic, preservation ,group. In 2003,it changed its name to reflect its wider focus in statewide
- Of primary products into end-consumer products (e.g., production, preservation , and packaging of dairy products) Agricultural science: a local science With
- Are covered with leaves and damp pieces of cloth to ensure heat, preservation , Next comes a layer of plenty of soil, thus turning the whole arrangement into
- Promotion of security by domestic policy means; strengthening of democracy;, preservation ,of the ethnic and religious tolerance; scientific, educational and cultural
- Fields; and charters and treaties pertaining to ethical issues involving the, preservation ,of cultural property. Specialization within the profession of
- To believe arsenic exposure is causative in the pathogenesis of diabetes. Wood, preservation ,in the US As of 2002,US-based industries consumed 19,600 metric tons of
- Mack Scoring and Merrill Elam Architects. Atlanta's ambivalent approach toward, preservation ,has resulted in the destruction of notable architectural landmarks, including
- Involving the use of inorganic arsenic and its compounds, such as wood, preservation , glass production, nonferrous metal alloys, and electronic semiconductor
- Special personal contribution to cooperation with the states of Europe, for the, preservation ,of peace, freedom,democracy and human rights in Europe, and for his support of
- Of the role of the conservator involves the examination, conservation,and, preservation ,of cultural heritage using" any methods that prove effective in keeping that
- Also referred to as conservation, is a profession devoted to the, preservation ,of cultural heritage for the future. Conservation activities include
- Of the more common methods of evaluating paper strength in library and archival, preservation , * Wedge tests measure the mode I dominated fracture resistance of adhesives
- Ethnic and religious tolerance; scientific, educational and cultural policy and, preservation ,of moral values; economic and social development; enhancing internal and border
- The ambushand often plays into their hands. The value of withdrawal is the, preservation ,of the force to" live to fight another day ", when not taken by surprise.
- The lot of women is bad, there can only be half-happiness in society. Loss and, preservation ,of his works Modern scholarship reveals that Aristotle's" lost" works stray
- Group. In 2003,it changed its name to reflect its wider focus in statewide, preservation ,issues. Today, professional conservators join and take part in the activities
- President of the National Trust's Rondônia Appeal, raising funds for the, preservation ,of the Rondônia National Park in North Wales, and to aid the Trust's efforts
- The polygonal walls of the acropolis may still be seen in a fair state of, preservation ,on a circular hill standing about above the little plain of Exarch; one
- To" development of perfusion and bioreactor technologies for organ, preservation ,and growth ". Michael Debate and nine other scientists received the prize, a
- Culturally, historically,or aesthetically significant" and selected it for, preservation ,in the National Film Registry. Despite its controversial story, the film has
- Of the Late Period were also placed in painted car tonnage mummy cases. Actual, preservation ,practices declined during the Ptolemaic and Roman eras, while greater emphasis
- Talked about how isolation affected evolution and how that could result in the, preservation ,of classes of animals, such as the lemurs of Madagascar that were remnants of
- Documents do mention the tariff issue, though not nearly as often as the, preservation ,of slavery. Election of Lincoln The election of Lincoln in November 1860 was
- The 19th century, argued that" there is no valid etymological reason for the, preservation ,of the u in such words as honor, labor,etc." The pamphlet also claimed that "
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