Examples of the the word, coastal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( coastal ), is the 3679 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Barbary pirates often attacked the Balearic Islands, and in response many, coastal ,watchtowers and fortified churches were erected. The threat was so severe that
  2. Guarding Savannah, Georgia. Employing the Parrot trifle cannon made masonry, coastal ,defenses obsolete overnight. The Federals left a small garrison, releasing
  3. The people on the ships they captured into slavery; when the pirates attacked, coastal ,villages in southern and Western Europe the inhabitants were forced into the
  4. Fostered a similar diversity of plant and animal communities. The mountains and, coastal ,plain of northern Anatolia, with its humid and mild climate, is home to
  5. And mixed forests: These Mediterranean-climate forests occupy the, coastal ,lowlands and valleys of western Anatolia bordering the Aegean Sea. The
  6. In Aberdeen shire; Coastal temperatures are moderated by the North Sea such that, coastal ,areas are typically cooler in the summer and warmer in winter than inland
  7. Sea levels everywhere were 130 meters lower, and there were large well-watered, coastal ,plains instead of much of the northern Aegean. When they were first occupied
  8. Occupy the mountains of northern Anatolia, running east and west between the, coastal ,Euxine-Colchic forests and the drier, continental climate forests of central
  9. Option. Water transport Antarctica's only harbor is at McCurdy Station. Most, coastal ,stations have offshore anchorages, and supplies are transferred from ship to
  10. Between Britain and Spain, as Britain sought to expand its influence beyond, coastal ,logging and fishing communities in present-day Belize, Honduras,and Nicaragua.
  11. The Dalmatian pelican, Pygmy cormorant, and the European sea sturgeon. Rocky, coastal ,regions in the south provide good habitats for the endangered Mediterranean
  12. Military career Early commands and Fort Sumter Doubleday initially served in, coastal ,garrisons and then in the Mexican-American War from 1846 to 1848 and the
  13. The Middle East, linked by the interior mass of the Central Asian steppes. The, coastal ,periphery was home to some of the world's the earliest known civilizations, each
  14. The British used their naval superiority to capture and occupy American, coastal ,cities while the rebels largely controlled the countryside, where 90 percent of
  15. In winter than inland locations. Coastal areas are also subject to hear, or, coastal , fog. Notable residents *Alexander Garden, ( 1730–1791),born in First, noted
  16. To the sea in the western part of the region. East of Adana, much of the, coastal ,plain has limestone features such as collapsed caverns and sinkholes. Other
  17. The history of Asia can be seen as the distinct histories of several peripheral, coastal ,regions: East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Middle East, linked by
  18. a. The dark-spotted anaconda, a rare species found in northeastern Brazil and, coastal ,French Guiana. * E. Genesis, a. k. a. the Bolivian anaconda, the most
  19. The Alaska Peninsula. Many active volcanoes are found in the Aleutians and in, coastal ,regions. UNIMA Island, for example, is home to Mount Shishaldin, which is an
  20. Killed 133 people and destroyed several villages and portions of large, coastal ,communities, mainly by the resultant tsunamis and landslides. It was the third
  21. Winds blow much of the time. Average summer temperatures are lower than in the, coastal ,areas and much lower at higher elevations, but daily fluctuations are greater.
  22. Coast is rugged and rocky, with rivers that cascade through the gorges of the, coastal ,ranges. A few larger rivers, those cutting back through the Poetic Alps, have
  23. A main dish of vegetables and meat. Seafood specialties are also common in the, coastal ,cities of Durrës, Sarandë and Lore. In high altitude localities, smoked meat
  24. Official temperature was at In Salah. Rainfall is fairly abundant along the, coastal ,part of the Tell Atlas, ranging from annually, the amount of precipitation
  25. 37°N (a small area is north of 37°),and longitudes 9°W and 12°E. Most of the, coastal ,area is hilly, sometimes even mountainous, and there are a few natural harbors
  26. Albania has a high number of climatic regions for so small an area. The, coastal ,lowlands have typically Mediterranean weather; the highlands have a
  27. Was landed on the shores of the province of Granada, Spain,and captured, coastal ,settlements in the area, such as Almoner, along with 4,000 prisoners. Barbary
  28. In the agricultural sector. About 90 percent of Algerians live in the northern, coastal ,area; the minority who inhabit the Sahara desert are mainly concentrated in
  29. Are considered to have their western boundaries marked by the appearance of, coastal ,lowlands and a less rugged topography. Orogeny The western rim of the South
  30. Numerous farming villages. Central Plateau Stretching inland from the Aegean, coastal ,plain, the Central Anatolian plateau occupies the area between the two zones of
  31. And Italy, with some others from France and Malta moved in to farm the Algerian, coastal ,plain and occupied significant parts of Algerian cities. These settlers
  32. Mainly of sandy beaches, but stony areas are not uncommon. The immediate, coastal ,regions are not heavily populated due to a national policy of keeping
  33. Central Anatolian plateau occupies the area between the two zones of the folded, coastal ,ranges in the north and south, extending east to the point where the two ranges
  34. Congregationalists mainly among the Ovimbundu of the Central Highlands and the, coastal ,region to its West, the Methodists concentrating on the Imbued speaking strip
  35. Would establish several settlements, forts and trading posts along the, coastal ,strip of current-day Angola, which relied on slave trade, commerce in raw
  36. Flats, units or apartments. High socioeconomic areas include a number of the, coastal ,suburbs, most of the inner north-eastern, eastern,south-eastern and inner
  37. Variations than inland climates. Precipitation can be approximated from, coastal ,weather data and air temperature from water temperatures. The oceans are the
  38. And mineral springs in the ravines of Houston Mountain near Baku; and, coastal ,terrain that lies as much as twenty-eight meters below sea level. Except for
  39. Back into the river valleys. " The Portuguese gradually took control of the, coastal ,strip during the 16th century by a series of treaties and wars forming the
  40. Sloping land is rare and largely confined to the deltas of the Kill River,the, coastal ,plains of Fukuoka and the valley floors of the Media River and the Bulk
  41. Obsidian production were probably still connected to the mainland. The present, coastal ,arrangement appeared c. 7000 BC, with post-ice age sea levels continuing to
  42. Ranges that converge in the east. True lowland is confined to a few narrow, coastal ,strips along the Aegean, Mediterranean,and Black Sea coasts. Flat or gently
  43. Folded mountains. The south facing slopes rise steeply from the Mediterranean, coastal ,plain, but slope very gently on the north side towards the Anatolian plateau.
  44. Across the rough terrain of the Greek mainland (and to some extent the, coastal ,areas of Anatolia). Many of the islands are volcanic, and marble and iron are
  45. Structures, have reversed the decades-long drying trend and now threaten, coastal ,areas; the average level rose 1.5 meters between 1978 and 1993. Because of the
  46. Adelaidean" is used in reference to the city and its residents. Adelaide is a, coastal ,city situated on the eastern shores of Gulf St Vincent, on the Adelaide Plains
  47. some rain annually. The seasonal variation is not quite as great in the, coastal ,area. The higher inland mountains receive less precipitation than the
  48. And the United States. They often made raids, called Razzing, on European, coastal ,towns to capture Christian slaves to sell at slave markets in places such as
  49. Conifer-sclerophyllous-broadleaf forests: This ecoregion occupies the, coastal ,strip of southern Anatolia between the Taurus Mountains and the Mediterranean
  50. Into mountainous Lucia and the Amphibian plain, asserting control over all, coastal ,cities in order to deny the Persians naval bases. From Pamphlet onward, the

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