Examples of the the word, elite , in a Sentence Context
The word ( elite ), is the 3676 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- 25,he was elected a member of the French Academy of Sciences,France's most, elite ,scientific society, for an essay on street lighting, and in recognition for his
- Caribbean, and Mexico except Mexico City),and non-AAdvantage Cineworld Emerald, elite ,FF members on 'domestic' flights, who are granted access to the lounges
- Values learned through exposure to mass culture. Bourdieu examined how the, elite ,in society define the aesthetic values like taste and how varying levels of
- Inequalities, especially the concentration of wealth and power in ruling, elite , Most are also undergoing severe urbanization stresses as the failing rural
- The Taliban government tasked al-Qaeda with the training of Brigade 055,an, elite ,part of the Taliban's army from 1997 to 2001. The Brigade was made up of mostly
- Large stone structures with accuracy and precision. The domestic dwellings of, elite ,and ordinary Egyptians alike were constructed from perishable materials such as
- Side without Britain, where popular support remained with the Union though, elite ,opinion was more varied. They were further distracted by Germany and Italy, who
- Notion of beauty. Taste is a result of an education process and awareness of, elite ,cultural values learned through exposure to mass culture. Bourdieu examined how
- PDP imprisoned, tortured and murdered thousands of members of the traditional, elite , the religious establishment, and the intelligentsia. And made a number of
- Not as an upgrade). The only exception to this rule is for Cineworld Emerald, elite ,FF members (including AA Executive Platinum) on international flights (
- Christianity gradually, and voluntarily, spread in emulation of the Merovingian, elite , From ca. the 520s to the 620s,there was a surge of Alemannic Elder Fut hark
- Hits audio CD and a DVD. Steve Huey of All music wrote Aaliyah ranks among the ", elite ," artists of the R&B genre, as she" played a major role in popularizing the
- Went in the opposite direction. Ancient authors were almost invariably from an, elite ,background for whom giving poor and uneducated people power over their betters
- New world championship rules. For his decades-long standing among the world's, elite , Karol is considered one of the greatest players of all time. His tournament
- The Government of Azerbaijan has set the development of Azerbaijan as an, elite ,tourist destination a top priority. It is a national strategy to make tourism a
- On his spiritual growth, the connection with Delhi gave Yeshiva entry to, elite ,political and military circles as a martial artist. As a result of this
- Greek" ( miles quondam et graces),he tells us, and his enrollment among the, elite ,protectors domestic (household guards) shows that he was of noble birth. He
- Arianism as a strategy that was followed in order to differentiate the Germanic, elite ,from the local inhabitants and their culture and also to maintain the Germanic
- Theodosius that Arianism was effectively wiped out among the ruling class and, elite ,of the Eastern Empire. Theodosius' wife St Flotilla was instrumental in his
- Traditionally, for the poorer citizens, local marriage was the norm while the, elite ,had been much more likely to marry abroad as a part of aristocratic alliance
- Demos in democracy meant not the whole people, but the people as opposed to the, elite , Instead of seeing it as a fair system under which 'everyone' has equal rights
- The right hand is historic, the left hand follows the Stella system. The, elite ,form of this instrument is generally considered to be the German manufactured
- Argue that, while academics often perceive themselves as members of an, elite , their influence is mostly imaginary:" Professors of humanities, with all
- To be inserted into Afghanistan were Paramilitary Officers from the CIA's, elite ,Special Activities Division (SAD). The Taliban offered to turn over bin Laden
- And/or spiritual significance, rather than evidence of a continuing specific, elite ,socioeconomic system. Cultural development Origins The period from 700-1130 CE
- From the local inhabitants and their culture and also to maintain the Germanic, elite ,'s separate group identity. Most Germanic tribes were generally tolerant of the
- And have not survived. Peasants lived in simple homes, while the palaces of the, elite ,were more elaborate structures. A few surviving New Kingdom palaces, such as
- Commitment to the Patriot cause. The Assembly balanced the competing demands of, elite ,slave owning planters, the middling yeomen (some owning a few slaves),and
- Terrorist Organizations. The CIA has deployed paramilitary officers from their, elite ,Special Activities Division to hunt down and kill or capture key terrorist
- On their constitutional promises, they began as responses from the Athenian, elite ,to what they saw as the inherent arbitrariness of government by the masses (
- In fact, in the early Song Dynasty, followers of this Taoist idea (chiefly the, elite ,and upper class) would ingest mercuric sulfide, which,though tolerable in low
- Pieces. Many of these performances create works that are only understood by the, elite ,who have been educated as to why an idea or video or piece of apparent garbage
- In his position that by late 1943,he was widely regarded among the Nazi, elite ,as a possible successor to Hitler. While Speer had tremendous power, he was of
- An" agricultural republic" and felt the Bank improved the fortunes of an ", elite ,circle" of commercial and industrial entrepreneurs at the expense of farmers
- Vulgarity. He is one of Lillian Rearden's friends and a member of the cultural, elite , *Clifton Local is a friend of Jim Haggard who takes the position of
- Hammurabi Sale and his men were killed when a platoon of the Philippine army's, elite ,Scout Rangers, who had been on the terrorists' trail, attacked them around
- Cranks. Steven Zhang of the Cornell Daily Sun has described the graduates of, elite ,schools, especially those in the Ivy League, of having a" smug sense of
- Warhol was commissioned by BMW to paint a Group 4 race version of the then, elite ,supercar BMW M1 for the fourth installment in the BMW Art Car Project. Unlike
- There should be no hierarchical structure ... by which a carefully engineered, elite ,could make decisions for the members. " From the outset, members '
- Dominance. Motivating and organizing these activities was a bureaucracy of, elite ,scribes, religious leaders, and administrators under the control of a Pharaoh
- In contrast to regular armies which grew slowly from personal bodyguards or, elite ,militia. History Sparta The Spartan Army was one of the earliest known
- By the Babylonians, Medes and their allies ensured that much of the bilingual, elite ,were wiped out. By the 7th century BC, much of the Assyrian population used
- Of material goods, reflective of the increasing power and wealth of the, elite , as well as societal personal-use items, which included combs, small statuary
- Yeomen farmers and mountaineers against the wealthier, but fewer, planter, elite , families that had held political control in the state and nationally. In 1839
- It is also an ideological belief that only those who attended the most, elite ,or prestigious universities (such as Ivy League schools, Grandes Becomes
- Marc Bloch (1886–1944) was a quintessential modernist who studied at the, elite ,Cole Normal Superior, and in Germany, serving as a professor at the
- As 44 by 1820,and later held up to 150 slaves, making him among the planter, elite , Throughout his lifetime Jackson may have owned as many as 300 slaves. Jackson
- Techniques and making effective use of cavalry. By the end of the novel,the, elite ,cavalry wing is led by a dashing young warrior prince named Arts, whom
- Grew in influence. Some scholars have speculated that members of the Alemannic, elite ,such as king Gould due to Visigothic influence may have been converted to
- Rule that the rulers of the new" socialist" Marxist state would become a new, elite ,had proved all too true. The victory of the Bolsheviks in the October
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