Examples of the the word, spare , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spare ), is the 3687 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Trauma * Severe limb injuries in which the limb cannot be spare d or attempts to, spare ,the limb have failed * Traumatic amputation (an unwanted amputation that
  2. His sword, but missed. Accepting his fate, Hector begged Achilles – not to, spare ,his life, but to treat his body with respect after killing him. Achilles told
  3. And a Jacobin. According to a (probably apocryphal) story, the appeal to, spare ,his life so that he could continue his experiments was cut short by the judge:
  4. Then enough Mitchell's than which could be used by just one squadron, and could, spare ,a few. Arrangements were made to re-equip the RAAF's No. 2 Squadron with these
  5. Then are being upgraded by EADS CASA in Spain, the remainder are to be used as, spare ,parts source. On the same day of contract signature for the P-3BR work,29
  6. II in Chapter 37 of The Innocents Abroad, describing him as“ very tall and, spare , and a determined-looking man, though a very pleasant-looking one nevertheless.
  7. Sculptor had not actually copied Lavoisier's head for the statue, but used a, spare ,head of the Marquis de Condorcet, the Secretary of the Academy of Sciences
  8. Color, and shape of a bull. Their strength and speed are extraordinary; they, spare ,neither man nor wild beast which they have espied. These the Germans take with
  9. Of Percy Bessie Shelley. In his autobiography, he writes:" I spent all my, spare ,time reading him, and learning him by heart, knowing no one to whom I could
  10. Him happiness or freedom, and he has learned his lesson. However, God does not, spare ,him even then, and Jimmy is executed off-stage.; Mahagonny as capitalism
  11. 8 and 16-bit processors, and used a modular Euro card based design with slots to, spare ,for expansion. Unfortunately none of these extensions to the system became
  12. Though the last three can only be single-loaded manually one at a time from, spare ,round holders or bullets deposited by the competitor into trays or onto the mat
  13. Friesland (called the Divisiekronike),first published in 1517,brought the, spare ,remarks in Tacitus' newly-rediscovered Germania to a popular public; it was
  14. To escape justice through suicide and then ensured the truth was never known to, spare ,the feelings of the murderer's relatives. In The Augean Stables he helped the
  15. Total procurement costs averaged $929 million per aircraft, which includes, spare ,parts, equipment,retrofitting, and software support. A total of 20 B-2s remain
  16. Of formal and industry standards exist for bicycle components to help make, spare ,parts exchangeable and to maintain a minimum product safety. The International
  17. Or exceedingly rocky areas may require high-clearance four-wheel drives and, spare ,fuel, tyres, food and water before attempting to travel them, however most
  18. Missiles. Total value of the package, including launchers, maintenance, spare , parts,support and training rounds, was estimated at around $421 million USD.
  19. Tapir at Yale University. In the last ten years of his life he dedicated his, spare ,time to linguistic studies, doing field work on Native American languages in
  20. Her door (whom Jeffrey later refers to as the Yellow Man),Jeffrey steals her, spare ,key. Jeffrey and Sandy attend Dorothy's nightclub act at the Slow Club, in
  21. Artillery, small arms and ammunition, as well as aircraft engines and, spare ,parts. Bulgaria provided weapons and military expertise to Algeria, Yemen
  22. Volkswagen bought complete control of Ingolstadt, and by 1966 were using the, spare ,capacity of the Ingolstadt plant to assemble an additional 60,000 Volkswagen
  23. Be he when he goes out, and cursed be he when he comes in? The Lord will not, spare ,him; the anger and wrath of the Lord will rage against this man, and bring upon
  24. And selling short sketches to the newspapers. He sent every ruble he could, spare ,to Moscow, along with humorous letters to cheer up the family. And he wrote a
  25. Surplus crops, which fueled social development and culture. With resources to, spare , the administration sponsored mineral exploitation of the valley and
  26. With the commissioner, unless the captain avenged their wrongs. In order to, spare ,the pockets of the community, it was ordered that appeals from the governor’s
  27. To remove his name from the stadium. In response, Schwarzenegger said" to, spare ,the responsible politicians of the city of Graz further concern, I withdraw
  28. Of military modernization, and that Russia is prepared to supply the necessary, spare ,parts and equipment. In accordance with this agreement, Armenia and Russia
  29. It grows; which came up in a night, and perished in a night. And should not I, spare ,Nineveh, that great city, wherein are more than six score a thousand persons that
  30. That it is a forgery. Nora admits that she did forge the signature,to, spare ,her dying father further worry about her (she was pregnant, poor,and had a
  31. To obtain another three fast, lightly armored ships that could use several, spare ,15-inch gun turrets left over from battleship construction. These ships were
  32. Responding to criticism of Grant after Shiloh, Lincoln had said," I can't, spare ,this man. He fights. " With Grant in command, Lincoln felt the Union Army could
  33. Paid, he lives an austere life, but he is capable of deep affection. In his, spare ,time, Grand polishes up his Latin, and he is also writing a book, but he is
  34. His next years as preparation for the degree examinations, devoting his, spare ,time at his family's residence to studying. Helping his father in Visible
  35. i.60d). On the other hand, where circumstances required it, he did not, spare ,even the princes of his people (Yer. Avowal Sarah, i.39b). Where, however
  36. In turn, may contain any combination of a hand pump or CO2 Pump, tire levers, spare ,tubes, self-adhesive patches, or tube-patching material, an adhesive, a piece
  37. And Arabs could co-exist. During the war he advocated a civil truce that would, spare ,the civilians, which was rejected by both sides, who regarded it as foolish.
  38. Of the titular" weird stone of Brisingamen ". Whilst engaged in writing in his, spare ,time, Garner attempted to gain employment as a teacher, but soon gave that up
  39. To listeners everywhere ". During this time it also began broadcasting on, spare ,audio subcarriers on Sky Television's analogue satellite service, initially in
  40. In mind: if he could intercept raiding fleets before they landed, he could, spare ,his kingdom from ravaging. Alfred's ships may have been superior in conception
  41. Rarely dangerous to humans, some species are dangerous. Arachnophobia will, spare ,no effort to make sure that their whereabouts are spider-free, hence they would
  42. And Edward ordered that the town's population be killed en masse. He agreed to, spare ,them if six of the principal citizens would come to him prepared to die
  43. In the 2005–06 season, Stanley,after winning against Working with 3 matches to, spare , secured a place back in the Football League and the town celebrated with a
  44. Executed, but pardoned them when his queen, Philippa of Hainaut, begged him to, spare ,their lives. The Burghers of Calais depict the men as they are leaving for the
  45. Or more operators, are sent to the wrecking yard for breaking up for scrap and, spare ,parts. Some buses, while not economical to keep running as service buses, are
  46. To London, Bell returned to Weston House as an assistant master and, in his, spare ,hours, continued experiments on sound using a minimum of laboratory equipment.
  47. Coherent whole has emerged ... With everybody firing on all cylinders,Nunn's, spare , twilit staging finally makes sense, and even the smallness of the orchestra
  48. Parts of Australia fuel sellers are located hundreds of kilometers apart, so, spare , fuel must be carried or refueling spots calculated carefully in order not to
  49. And sold to the international black market. Inadequate payments, fuel and, spare ,part shortages and the disbandment of many capable units led to an overall drop
  50. 1900. Their wistful evocation of doomed youth in the English countryside, in, spare , language and distinctive imagery, appealed strongly to late Victorian and

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