Examples of the the word, prophet , in a Sentence Context

The word ( prophet ), is the 3776 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To delude beings away from the Vedic religion. The Buddha is also regarded as a, prophet ,by the Ahmadiyyas and a Manifestation of God in the Bahá'í faith. Some early
  2. AH) was a senior companion (Sahara) and the father-in-law of the Islamic, prophet ,Muhammad. He ruled over the Rashid Caliphate from 632-634 CE when he became
  3. Forbidden in Sharia law. There are many depictions of Muhammad,Islam's chief, prophet , in historical Islamic art. The calligraphic arts grew out of an effort to
  4. Father sent his wife to consult the prophet Elijah regarding his recovery. The, prophet , though blind with old age, knew the wife of Jeroboam as soon as she approached
  5. To the hymn," 1 Chronicles 17:16–17 ", refers to David's reaction to the, prophet ,Nathan telling him that God intends to maintain his family line forever. Some
  6. That a new Eon for mankind had begun, and that Crowley would serve as its, prophet , As a supreme moral law, it declared" Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of
  7. Location. Mount Nero 2 Maccabees 2:4-10,written around 100 BC, says that the, prophet ,Jeremiah," being warned by God" before the Babylonian invasion, took the Ark
  8. Virtues and special position of Abu Bakr: Abu Huerta reported that the Islamic, prophet ,Muhammad said," There is not anyone who may have been kind to us, or helped us
  9. Distinctive theological interpretations are the following: * The Old Testament, prophet ,Isaiah spoke of prophet s who would" whisper out of the dust. " The Book of
  10. As" reformed Egyptian" engraved on golden plates. Smith claimed that the last, prophet ,to contribute to the book, a man named Moroni, buried it in a hill in
  11. To nine include visions that YHWH gave Amos as well as Amaziah's rebuke of the, prophet , The last section of the book (7:1 to 9:8),commonly referred to as the Book
  12. In Canal also stated that he is among the foremost companions (Sahara) of, prophet ,Muhammad. Shi'a view Shi'a Muslims have a different view of Abu Bakr. They
  13. Mania" ( μανία: frenzy),a Greek word connected with" mantis" ( μάντις:, prophet ,). Frenzied women like Sibyls from whose lips the god speaks are recorded in
  14. And Aaron's rod that budded, and the tablets of the covenant. " Says the, prophet ,saw God's temple in heaven opened," and the ark of his covenant was seen
  15. Role as the founder of the Termite philosophy, he came to see himself as the, prophet ,who was entrusted with informing humanity that it was entering the new Eon of
  16. Other countries. Other religions Gautama Buddha is also described as a god or, prophet ,in other religions. Some Hindu texts say that the Buddha was an avatar of the
  17. Which could originate from different gods. In archaic Greece he was the ", prophet ,", the oracular god who in older times was connected with" healing ". In
  18. States that Aaron was the brother of Moses and like his brother he too was a, prophet ,who was tasked by God with saving the Israelites from the tyrannical Pharaoh.
  19. Committed to writing about 400 years later. He is also regarded as a god or, prophet ,in other world religions or denominations, including Hinduism, Ahmadiyya Islam
  20. Prosperity because of the people's obedience to his commandments. Later,the, prophet ,Mormon worked to convince the faithless people of his time (A. D. 360) of
  21. Society and culture In literature and the arts In Greek myth, Tiresias was a, prophet ,famous for his clairvoyance. According to one myth, he was blinded by the Gods
  22. father's possible alias). According to this story, Odysseus learns from the, prophet ,Catches that the Achaeans would be unable to capture Troy without Achilles '
  23. Quran, mentioned in 25 chapters, briefly or in detail. Muslims regard him as a, prophet ,and patriarch, the archetype of the perfect Muslim, and the revered reformer of
  24. Her to him. Agamemnon refused and Apollo sent a plague amongst the Greeks. The, prophet ,Catches correctly determined the source of the troubles but would not speak
  25. His stress on the God of ethics and morality and civic virtue, made him the “, prophet ,of tolerance. ” While he was living in London in 1774,he was present at the
  26. Thou should be unto me as Aaron was unto Moses, save that after me there is no, prophet , " Burial Place According to Islamic tradition the tomb of Aaron is located on
  27. Terminus of the inland Aral Sea. In Hadith In the traditions of the Islamic, prophet ,Muhammad (hadith),the river is called by the name Japan (Arabic form of
  28. That taking her would result in death because she was a married woman to a, prophet ,of God. Abimelech had not laid hands on her, so he inquired if he this God
  29. Is The Book of Alma: The Son of Alma. The title refers to Alma the Younger,a, prophet ,and" chief judge" of the Defines. Content Historical Outline The Book of
  30. Youth, Proverbs at the prime of his life, and Ecclesiastes at old age; and the, prophet ,Jeremiah is thought to have written Lamentations. The Book of Job is the only
  31. That are similar to the Bible's. In Islam, Abraham is recognized as a, prophet , patriarch, and messenger, archetype of the perfect Muslim, and reformer of the
  32. Life makes him both a great American and, to the disgrace of our age,a, prophet ,without honor in his native land. " 29 J. Baird Callicott is, perhaps
  33. As punishment YHWH's vengeance would be directed against Israel, and the, prophet ,warns his audience:" Is not the day of the Lord darkness, not light, and gloom
  34. His family, but the hypocrites of the time begun to spread the rumor that the, prophet ,found Ali a burden and was relieved to be rid of his presence. Ali, grieved at
  35. A plague and a lack of wind, prevented the army from sailing. Finally,the, prophet ,Catches announced that the wrath of the goddess could only be propitiated by
  36. Ainu, Arabic: been Ibrahim). In Islamic tradition, Abraham is considered a, prophet ,of Islam, the ancestor of Muhammad, through his firstborn son, Ishmael whose
  37. And the temple, whereas the Christian arrangement ends with the book of the, prophet ,Malachi. The oldest surviving Christian Bibles are Greek manuscripts from the
  38. Of his severe illness when a youth, his father sent his wife to consult the, prophet ,Elijah regarding his recovery. The prophet , though blind with old age, knew the
  39. Army his best general Khalid in al-Walid. After defeating the self-proclaimed, prophet ,Musaylimah in the Battle of Yamaha, Khalid was still at Alabama when Abu Bakr
  40. The Ventures) (b. 1933) * 1996 – Baba Vang, Macedonian-born Bulgarian, prophet , mystic, clairvoyant and herbalist (b. 1911) *2000 – Jean Papineau-Couture
  41. To convince the faithless people of his time (A. D. 360) of Christ. The, prophet ,Moroni is said to have buried the plates with faith in Christ. Many others
  42. Two deals with the idea of revelation, and what it means to one to be a, prophet , This section gives us his idea of revelation as an event, as opposed to a
  43. In which he met a man who reassured him of his purpose and informed him of a, prophet ,that he would meet, the abbot Ballard, who would instruct him in what was to
  44. Wicked taunt, told Muhammad what the local people were saying. In reply,the, prophet ,said:" They lie, I bade thee remain for the sake of what I had left behind me.
  45. Forfeit this high office. " Moses According to Tahoma, Aaron’s activity as a, prophet ,began earlier than that of Moses. Hillel held Aaron up as an example, saying: “
  46. Sect, whose only one God was called in his own name Ar-Rahman. - Nazi (, prophet ,), old non-Arab term that came into Arabic from Aramaic and Hebrew before the
  47. 600 years before Jesus’ birth. According to the narrative, Moroni was the last, prophet ,among these people and had buried the record, which God had promised to bring
  48. Usurpation of his land in 1 Kings 21. The fourth encounter is with Isaiah,the, prophet ,who, when asked for advice on a military campaign, first assures Ahab he will
  49. Wisdom, has debates with Greek and Indian philosophers and eventually becomes a, prophet , In ancient and modern culture Alexander the Great's accomplishments and
  50. That he had a dream in which he rode a mare along with Muhammad, and that the, prophet ,told him to dismount and fight his enemies to liberate his land. He was

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