Examples of the the word, qualified , in a Sentence Context

The word ( qualified ), is the 3779 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Stage was harsher than that familiar from his mature fiction. In 1884,Chekhov, qualified ,as a physician, which he considered his principal profession though he made
  2. By the Afghanistan Football Federation. The national team has never competed or, qualified ,for the World Cup. The country also has a national team in the sport of futsal
  3. More than 181,000 African Americans eligible to vote. By 1903,only 2,980 had, qualified ,to register, although at least 74,000 black voters were literate. Nearly all
  4. Research in the Scottish universities and to enable the deserving and, qualified ,youth of Scotland to attend a university, He was subsequently elected Lord
  5. For whom Job hopes would have to himself be divine, or else he would no more be, qualified ,to“ lay his hand upon” God than is Job. This idea of a divine arbiter is
  6. Other projectiles such as tennis balls. In turn, this qualification must be, qualified ,by consideration of the distance over which the shuttlecock travels: a smashed
  7. Basis of his political activity was the invitation issued to everyone (every, qualified ,free male Athenian citizen) by the phrase" whoever wishes ". There are then
  8. The incompleteness of Anglicanism as a positive feature, and quotes with, qualified ,approval the words of Michael Ramsay: Doctrine Catholic and Reformed In the
  9. Remaining matches, which included defeating Liverpool home and away. The Viola, qualified ,as group champions, but eventually succumbed to Bayern Munich due to away goals
  10. Affair) and were assigned to the backup crew simply because of a lack of, qualified ,manpower in the Astronaut Office at the time the assignment needed to be made.
  11. Highly esteemed by his patron and friends, and the artist was now considered, qualified ,to appear before a public tribunal. The kindness of some monks supplied him
  12. His time in St. Mary's, Ruth was also taught tailoring, where he became a, qualified ,shirtmaker and was a part of both the school band and the drama club. Baltimore
  13. David Hume contended that meaningful statements about the universe are always, qualified ,by some degree of doubt. He asserted that the fallibility of human beings means
  14. Supreme Administrative Court as well as the Prosecutor General are elected by a, qualified ,the majority of two-thirds from all the members of the Supreme Judicial Council and
  15. Women, for the position of U. N. Secretary General. In the proposed list of, qualified ,women Sub FYI is recognized by Equality Now as the Prime Minister-Elect of
  16. Or a longer contract basis, where the charter company provides the vehicles and, qualified ,drivers. Charter bus operators may be completely independent businesses, or
  17. Him. Eisenhower did, however,film a TV commercial with Goldwater. Eisenhower, qualified ,his voting for Goldwater in November by remarking that he had voted not
  18. Jumped from an antenna, spans,and earthen objects. Jean and Carl Cornish, qualified ,for BASE numbers 3 and 4 soon after. A separate" award" was soon enacted for
  19. A team other than the" big three" ( Ajax, PSV and Feyenoord). AZ therefore, qualified ,for the UEFA Champions League for the first time in their history, but only
  20. Vespucci, having already been to the Brazilian shoulder, seemed the person best, qualified ,to go as an observer with the new expedition Manuel was sending. Vespucci did
  21. The prostitutes and street criminals out of the area. These patrols had the, qualified ,support of the police but were regarded as vigilantes by some. During this time
  22. Immersed by a single baptizer, In circumstances of extended isolation,a, qualified ,candidate's dedication and stated intention to become baptized may serve to
  23. Alexander enrolled at St Mary's Hospital Medical School in Paddington. He, qualified ,MBBS from the school with distinction in 1906. By chance, however,he had been
  24. Others. The independent Bosnia and Herzegovina national football team has not, qualified ,for a European or World Championship. Bosnian national teams have struggled to
  25. So while the disk lock will deter a casual attacker, it is not secure against a, qualified ,adversary. External parallel ATA devices It is extremely uncommon to find
  26. To determine when an artifact requires conservation work and the services of a, qualified ,conservator. Interventive conservation refers to any
  27. Constantly increasing from the 2000s,because of Angola's growing demand for, qualified ,human resources. Besides the Portuguese, significant numbers of people from
  28. And protects the trademarks. To be marketed as a Bluetooth device, it must be, qualified ,to standards defined by the SIG. A network of patents is required to implement
  29. Qualifying for the 2010 Twenty20 World Cup. More recently the under-19 team has, qualified ,for the 2012 ICC Under-19 Cricket World Cup. The Afghanistan Cricket Board (
  30. And Uranus of Saint-Pourçain (1320) admit the term Films adoptive in a, qualified ,sense. In more recent times the Jesuit Gabriel Vásquez, and the Lutheran
  31. Spas sky thought that Fischer would have won in 1975, but Karol would have, qualified ,again and beaten Fischer in 1978. World champion Determined to prove himself a
  32. And voting From 1947 through 1956,each BBW AA voter used discretion as to who, qualified ,as a rookie. In 1957,the term was first defined as someone with fewer than 75
  33. Complexes. The third project will relate to restructuring an area of Algiers, qualified ,by the originators of the project of" city of wellness ". El Abbey indicated
  34. Such office until a successor shall have been in like manner appointed and duly, qualified ," thus removing the president's previous unlimited power to remove any of his
  35. Because of the Academy's arcane rules, no one was sure whether Ran, qualified ,as a Japanese film, a French film (due to its financing),or both, so it was
  36. Scotland and in international competitions. Three of the team's swimmers, qualified ,for the 2006 Commonwealth Games. Rowing exists on the River Dee, south
  37. Season was their first with a winning record. In the 1978 season, the Falcons, qualified ,for the playoffs for the first time and won the Wild Card game against the
  38. Not find that any money had actually made its way to illegal organizations. Aon, qualified ,for a 30 % discount on the fine as a result of its cooperation with the
  39. By Congress in 1986. Its goal is to provide a continuing source of highly, qualified ,scientists, mathematicians,and engineers by awarding scholarships to college
  40. Routed. Crass us personally killed their king, Deldo, in combat, a feat which, qualified ,him for Rome's highest military honor, spolia optima, but Augustus refused to
  41. Is in charge of the self-administration and organization of the Judiciary. A, qualified ,the majority of two-thirds of the membership of the Supreme Judicial Council elects
  42. Which remained official policy for many years. The resolution was immediately, qualified , however, by the" Blackburn amendment," which said that" socialization" was
  43. Grant a partial summary judgment in favor of the respondent, Ella Williams that, qualified ,her inability to perform manual job-related tasks as a disability. The Court
  44. Examination conducted at regular intervals to determine whether a candidate is, qualified ,to practice law in a given jurisdiction * Bar association, a professional body
  45. Three years of supervised teacher training. The result must be satisfactory to, qualified ,peers to gain membership in professional societies. A 2008 randomized
  46. The first STOPS compliant aircraft – its high performance and safety standards, qualified ,it for Extended Twin Engine Operations over water, providing operators with
  47. When they reached age 15–16,their tattoos were completed. Thus were they, qualified ,for marriage. American continent connection theory In the late 20th century
  48. Of Peter Abelard in the 12th century. Later, various modified and, qualified ,adoptionist tenets emerged from some theologians in the 14th century. Duns
  49. Also appeared on Top of the Pops with the song. Together with Garden (who is a, qualified ,doctor),Eddie co-wrote many episodes of the television comedy series Doctor
  50. See. The ADA states that a covered entity shall not discriminate against a, qualified ,individual with a disability. This applies to job application procedures

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