Examples of the the word, peaceful , in a Sentence Context

The word ( peaceful ), is the 3778 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Rioting by fringe groups supported by the nonchalance of more consistent and, peaceful ,masses of protesters, and the hospitalization of several of those peaceful
  2. Amongst peaceful protesters of all ages and backgrounds. Several hundred, peaceful ,demonstrators, rioters,and police were injured and hundreds were arrested
  3. Aquino, into the limelight and, ultimately,the presidency following the, peaceful ,1986 ESA Revolution. After the Iranian Revolution of 1979,the new Islamic
  4. In Women's Reserve Corps. Mission and challenges South America is a relatively, peaceful ,continent in which wars are a rare event; Additionally, Brazil has no contested
  5. Given in the Gospels of the Bible, and he established an enlightened, peaceful ,society which endured for several generations, but which eventually broke into
  6. Writes Rothbard," is precisely the difference between, on the one hand, peaceful , voluntary exchange, and on the other, violent expropriation. " He goes on to
  7. Whom he raised two daughters and a son before she died in 1969. Support for, peaceful ,use of nuclear technology In 1950 he also proposed an idea for a controlled
  8. By a" strange happiness," a feeling that is shared by Narrow. There is a, peaceful ,image of Room lying motionless on his back gazing up at the stars and moon
  9. Power. In general, current Brazilian foreign policy reflects multilateralism, peaceful ,dispute settlement, and nonintervention in the affairs of other countries. The
  10. Free-market capitalism and" state capitalism" is the difference between ", peaceful , voluntary exchange" and a collusive partnership between business and
  11. Economy and he was elected as president in 1994 and again in 1998. The, peaceful ,transition of power to Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva, who was elected in 2002 and
  12. All they’ve got. Scene 8 Jimmy, restless,attempts to leave Mahagonny; it’s too, peaceful ,for him. His three friends, in close harmony, try to persuade him to stay.
  13. Barbuda has a long history of free elections, three of which have resulted in, peaceful ,changes of government. Since the 1951 general election, the party system has
  14. Building. The horizontally spacious and dimly lit interior is designed to feel, peaceful ,and contemplative. The subdivisions of space formed by multiple domes and
  15. Were swarming over all Italy north of the Po River. After efforts to secure a, peaceful ,withdrawal failed, Claudius forced the Alemannic to battle at the Battle of Lake
  16. Though not all, profess a belief in an afterlife called the Summer land,a, peaceful ,and sunny place where the souls of the newly dead are sent. Here, souls rest
  17. Prize. Another Nobel Peace Prize winner is Sung San Sub FYI from Burma for her, peaceful ,and non-violent struggle under a military dictatorship in Burma. She is a
  18. Decided" rather to seek new kingdoms by their own work, than to slumber in, peaceful ,subjection to the rule of others. " In Greece Alaric struck first at the
  19. On 17 October 2004,and for human rights violations during subsequent, peaceful ,political demonstrations in Minsk. The European Parliament released a statement
  20. The morally reformed citizenry of Athens). Imaginative visions of a return to, peaceful ,activities resulting from peace with Sparta, and a plea for leniency for
  21. And blood. " Historian Ron Cheroot says of this" he wasn't calling for, peaceful ,protests or civil disobedience: he was calling for outright rebellion, if
  22. Elections and parties The 2004 Afghan presidential election was relatively, peaceful , in which Hamid Karma won in the first round with 55.4 % of the votes. However
  23. And peaceful masses of protesters, and the hospitalization of several of those, peaceful ,demonstrators just mentioned. Police have subsequently been accused of
  24. Despite the tension,Bennett's last few years in power were relatively, peaceful ,as economic and political momentum grew on the megaprojects associated with
  25. Sinking it. *1989 – The April 9 tragedy in Tbilisi, Georgian SSR an anti-Soviet, peaceful ,demonstration and hunger strikes, demanding restoration of Georgian
  26. And North Korea, the United States, China,Japan and Russia, convene to find a, peaceful ,resolution to the security concerns as a result of the North Korean nuclear
  27. Accused Poland of an attempt to overthrow his government by stirring up a, peaceful ,revolution in Belarus comparable to the Orange Revolution in Ukraine in 2004.
  28. Non-intervention, self-determination,international cooperation and the, peaceful ,settlement of conflicts as the guiding principles of Brazil's relationship
  29. Of King Josiah II who was the last king over the people of Ne phi prior to the, peaceful ,transition of the nation from a monarchy to a republican form of government.
  30. Returning to Alexandria. The years from 346 through 356 were a relatively, peaceful ,period for Athanasius, and some of his most important writings were composed
  31. Of punishing criminals and about war. Both were not explicitly condemned, but, peaceful , ways of conflict resolution and punishment with the least amount of injury were
  32. The English throne in the 1560s,Mary, Queen of Scots pledged herself to a, peaceful ,union between the two kingdoms. England and Scotland were ruled by the same
  33. SIMCA Agreement, which bound the two countries" to settle their differences by, peaceful ,means through bilateral negotiations. " Some political experts claim that, in
  34. In North America, outside the Caribbean. The British sought to maintain, peaceful ,relations with those Indian tribes that had allied with the French, and keep
  35. Despite decisively defeating the Maratha's, what might have been Ahmad Shah's, peaceful ,control of his domains was disrupted by other challenges. Decline The victory
  36. With Guthrie. With these lessons in mind, Alfred capitalized on the relatively, peaceful ,years immediately following his victory at Handgun by focusing on an
  37. Would be of tactical value—and made camp on it. Richard's sleep was not, peaceful ,and, according to the Cropland Chronicle, in the morning his face was" more
  38. Such as Werner Schulz. Besides being the emotional apogee of East Germany's, peaceful ,revolution,9 November is also the date of the end of the Revolution of 1848
  39. Tao, which can be found in martial arts such as judo and Kendo, and in the more, peaceful ,arts such as Japanese calligraphy (), flower arranging () and tea ceremony (
  40. Especially the blind variant, is reasonably popular among. A. Mexicans is a, peaceful ,species that spends most of its time in the mid-level of the water above the
  41. Violent and brutal fringes of protesters, who repeatedly hid themselves amongst, peaceful ,protesters of all ages and backgrounds. Several hundred peaceful demonstrators
  42. Who achieved fame for his comprehensive knowledge of and advocacy for the, peaceful ,coexistence of science and religion. Those such as James A. Washable and
  43. Foreign policy has generally been based on the principles of multilateralism, peaceful ,dispute settlement, and non-intervention in the affairs of other countries.
  44. He never went within five hundred miles of a legion ". His reign was the most, peaceful ,in the entire history of the Principate; while there were several military
  45. In 1637,he married Arabia Duran. During this period the Deccan was relatively, peaceful , In the Mughal court, however,Shah Japan began to show greater favor to his
  46. The surrounding areas nearly all arrived, proffered their swords as tokens of, peaceful ,intent to servants and, unarmed,were ushered further into the castle where DE
  47. Of violence and intimidation, as well as a commitment to stability and to a, peaceful ,process of negotiations. The ANC negotiated the release of political prisoners
  48. To protect workers, the Conspiracy and Protection of Property Act 1875 to allow, peaceful ,picketing, and the Employers and Workmen Act (1875) to enable workers to sue
  49. begins to realize a dimension of awareness which is totally unconstructed and, peaceful , and end all suffering due to the mind's interaction with the conditioned
  50. The patch of Apollo 11 was designed by Collins, who wanted a symbol for ", peaceful ,lunar landing by the United States. " He chose an eagle as the symbol, put an

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