Examples of the the word, serum , in a Sentence Context

The word ( serum ), is the 8662 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Have found that the prevalence of the disease in a population increases with, serum ,DDT or DDE levels. Developmental and reproductive toxicity DDT and DDE, like
  2. Of the seriousness of the situation. He labors hard to make an anti-plague, serum , but as the epidemic continues, he shows increasing signs of wear and tear.
  3. Study in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, June 2008,measured, serum ,DHEA in 940 men and women ranging from age 21 to 88,following them from 1978
  4. Paxton, one of Rogers' fellow volunteers in the Super-Soldier program,the, serum ,in his body being briefly deactivated before Rogers manages to force his
  5. To maintain his physical condition. A recon later establishes that the, serum ,was not a drug per se, which would have metabolized out of his system, but in
  6. An auxiliary hospital and works long hours treating the victims. He injects, serum ,and lances the abscesses, but there is little more that he can do, and his
  7. Measuring TSH and thyroxine to exclude hypothyroidism; basic electrolytes and, serum ,calcium to rule out a metabolic disturbance; and a full blood count including
  8. Longer stretches merit the title proteins. As an example, the important blood, serum ,protein albumin contains 585 amino acid residues. The structure of proteins is
  9. Of calcium in the urine can lead to an increased rate of calcium in, serum , The sparing effect on calcium can be beneficial in hypocalcemia, or unwanted
  10. Process, is chosen as the first human test subject for the Super-Soldier, serum ,developed by the scientist" Dr. Josef Einstein ", later retroactively changed
  11. May substantially decrease the absorption of ciprofloxacin, resulting in, serum ,and urine levels considerably lower than desired. This is the subject of Black
  12. In 1982,a 24-year-old woman was admitted to the UCLA emergency room with a, serum ,alcohol concentration of 1.5 (1510 mg/DL). She was alert and oriented to
  13. Compounds called phytosterols, which are suggested to help lower, serum ,cholesterol levels. Total fat intake, especially saturated fat and trans fat
  14. Quarantined, corpses and burials are strictly supervised. A supply of plague, serum ,finally arrives, but there is only enough to treat existing cases and the
  15. Other studies have found that even low levels of DDT or DDE in umbilical cord, serum ,at birth are associated with decreased attention at infancy and decreased
  16. The plague, he is the first to receive Dr. Castel's anti-plague serum . But the, serum ,is ineffective, and the boy dies after a long and painful struggle. ’M. Othón:
  17. Coagulation) * Various electrolytes (mainly sodium and chloride) The term, serum ,refers to plasma from which the clotting proteins have been removed. Most of
  18. Fails to provide. As one UNDP official put it, the CAR is a country" sous, serum ,", or a country metaphorically hooked up to an IV. (Mahler 2005:150). The
  19. For age, blood pressure, and plasma glucose. No relationship was found between, serum ,DHEA and longevity for women during the study period. The study did not find a
  20. Lab, but the drug triggers a chemical reaction in the Super-Soldier, serum ,in his system. To combat the reaction, Rogers has the serum removed from his
  21. Serum total DDT and the risk of subsequent early pregnancy losses. " The median, serum ,DDE level of study group was lower than that typically observed in women living
  22. Is thought to be, in part, the result of natural antibodies circulating in the, serum ,of the recipient binding to legal antigens expressed on the donor tissue.
  23. Of himself if he left. Towards the end of October,Castel's new anti-plague, serum ,is tried for the first time, but it cannot save the life of Othon's young son
  24. Natural human potential. Rogers' body regularly replenishes the super-soldier, serum ,; it does not wear off. The formula enhances all of his metabolic functions and
  25. The body representing UK outsourced service providers In medicine * Bovine, serum ,albumin, used as a standard for protein assay curves Other * Bethesda Soft works
  26. Risk factors for the development of CAD: # Hypercholesterolemia (specifically, serum ,LDL concentrations) # Smoking # Hypertension (high systolic pressure seems to
  27. 60 different biochemical parameters were classified per organ and measured in, serum ,and urine after 5 and 14 weeks of feeding. GM maize-fed rats were compared
  28. Providing treatment of the immediate symptoms, but if the patient has very high, serum ,levels of caffeine then peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis,or hemofiltration
  29. Detection in biological fluids Caffeine can be quantified in blood, plasma,or, serum ,to monitor therapy in neonates, confirm a diagnosis of poisoning, or facilitate
  30. Aplastic anemia. With normal use, small reductions in white cell count and, serum ,sodium are common; however, in rare cases, the loss of platelets may become
  31. Over and introduced new foe Provide, a failed recipient of the Super Soldier, serum ,prior to the experiment that successfully created Rogers. 2000s Rogers reveals
  32. DHEA in 206 men with type-2 diabetes, and found an inverse relationship between, serum ,DHEA and carotid atherosclerosis in men. The authors say the study" supports
  33. The Super-Soldier serum in his system. To combat the reaction, Rogers has the, serum ,removed from his body, and trains constantly to maintain his physical condition
  34. A positive, monotonic,exposure-response association between preconception, serum ,total DDT and the risk of subsequent early pregnancy losses. " The median serum
  35. Endproducts. Diabetes and carotid atherosclerosis A 2005 study, measured, serum , DHEA in 206 men with type-2 diabetes, and found an inverse relationship between
  36. Physiological concentrations, or colloidal solutions, such as extras, human, serum , albumin,or fresh frozen plasma. In these emergency situations, a plasma
  37. Measured in urine as part of a drug abuse testing program, in plasma or, serum ,to confirm a diagnosis of poisoning in hospitalized victims, or in whole blood
  38. He contracts the plague, he is the first to receive Dr. Castel's anti-plague, serum , But the serum is ineffective, and the boy dies after a long and painful
  39. Characterization. Α-carotene and risk of death Higher dietary intake and blood, serum ,levels of alpha-carotene are associated with significantly lower risk of death.
  40. Himself still sufficiently capable against stronger opponents, even when the, serum ,has been deactivated reverting him to his pre-Captain America physique. Rogers
  41. Concomitant ciprofloxacin. Ciprofloxacin may be quantities in plasma or, serum ,to monitor for drug accumulation in patients with hepatic dysfunction or to
  42. Hyponatremia (low sodium). It occurs as a consequence of a rapid rise in, serum ,tonicity following treatment in individuals with chronic, severe hyponatremia
  43. Those with depression complicated by dementia. Any antidepressant can cause low, serum ,sodium levels (also called hyponatremia); nevertheless, it has been reported
  44. Through the transfer of ready-made antibodies in the form of human or animal, serum , pooled immunoglobulin or monoclonal antibodies, into the affected individual.
  45. Year, the official distance is set at). The race commemorates the famous 1925, serum , run to Nome in which mushers and dogs like Togo and Alto took much-needed
  46. Fails to provide. As one UNDP official put it, the CAR is a country" sous, serum ," or a country hooked up to an IV. (Mahler 2005:150) The very presence of
  47. Young man who was enhanced to the peak of human perfection by an experimental, serum ,in order to aid the United States war effort. Captain America wears a costume
  48. Best hand-to-hand combatants in the Marvel Universe. Although the super-soldier, serum ,is an important part of his strength, Rogers has shown himself still
  49. Associated with the incidence of MS in humans because MS patients have low, serum ,UA levels and individuals with hyperglycemia (gout) rarely develop the
  50. Been reported to enhance the effects of warfarin or its derivatives. Altered, serum ,levels of phenytoin (increased and decreased) have been reported in patients

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