Examples of the the word, whine , in a Sentence Context

The word ( whine ), is the 8663 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are still endemic in biology textbooks. It's not true, no matter how much they, whine ,about it. I've gone over a number of these textbooks, and what you typically
  2. The extended lifespan of the television set. * Some viewers find the high pitch, whine ,of the color wheel very annoying. * Dithering noise may be noticeable
  3. For 'WH '. The big hook in the beginning of the stroke way represents 'WH' (, whine ,).: Hook before ell. The small hook before ell represents 'way' before it (
  4. For the monitor's backlight. LCD monitors tend to produce the least noise (, whine ,) from when at full brightness. Reducing brightness using the video card does
  5. Years later. He said of the marriage," four years of hell as sustained as the, whine ,of a generator. " In 1957,Ellison decided to write about youth gangs. To
  6. To mean 'until '; (archaic in US); whinge: (informal) complain, whine , especially repeated complaining about minor things (e.g. " Stop whingeing "
  7. Common to DC powered rapid transit vehicles up through the 1980s. The unique, whine ,of the motors and gear assemblies can lead many to mistake the cars for using
  8. Amidst the muffled, maddening beating of vile drums and the thin monotonous, whine ,of accursed flutes. Lovecraft referred to Thoth again in" The Whisperer in
  9. All way to Outlet, NJ to see your ... ... Family ", spoken in the Archie Bunker, whine , * The TV show Make Me a Super Model filmed an episode in the" Oval" ( the
  10. Noticeably bushier and contain auditory receptors to detect the characteristic, whine ,of the female. The maxillary Alps of the males are also longer than their
  11. To suggest that they think something is wrong. They also use a low, murmuring, whine , to get attention, which sounds to many owners as though their Bassets are "
  12. To a Spicer or Eaton transmission, although all versions produced a distinctive, whine ,from the prop shaft knuckle joint when approaching. The TL12 engine was dropped
  13. Tony tells him that his uncle Bobby has been shot dead, A. J. begins to cry, whine ,and complain about how Bobby's death negatively affects him. Tony loses
  14. At full brightness. Reducing brightness using the video card does not introduce, whine , but may reduce color accuracy. An LCD monitor with
  15. Which sounds to many owners as though their Bassets are" talking. " This, whine ,is also used by the hound to beg (for food or treats) and varies in volume
  16. The resulting dust with carefully formulated organic material. While some, whine ,about the injustice of it all, Bill accepts an invitation to live with a
  17. This meant the residents of Hanwell not only had to put up with the general, whine ,and mechanical clatter of the trams themselves but also their cast-iron shoes
  18. Rises and falls in synch with engine RPM. It is fairly often a high-pitched, whine , like set of nylon gears not quite meshing correctly. Discharge cavitation
  19. e.g. " Stop whingeing" meaning" stop complaining" ); a different word from, whine , originated in Scottish and Northern English in the 12th century. Hence whinger
  20. The greatest, his distinctive delivery (invariably described as a high-pitched, whine ,), over-the-top lyrics, and undeniable charisma made him a star. " His father
  21. Effect. In the throes of operatic passion plenty of singers snarl, growl, whine , and shriek. Callas was not one of them. She found all she needed in the notes.
  22. An invitation to play or to indicate a desire for nearby food. They sometimes, whine , The PWD's findability, high intelligence, and tendency to vocalize and then
  23. Of the motor to the side which slightly increased the sound of the cam gear, whine , This revision also featured Honda's DCBS linked brake system. TEC In 2002
  24. Males may also bark, make a low grunting noise or make a high-pitched wolf-like, whine ,when attracting mates during the breeding season, often luring multiple does
  25. Baby. A disappointed Henry goes back into his apartment. Upon hearing the baby, whine , he retrieves a pair of scissors. He hesitates, then cautiously cuts open the
  26. Of the universe the muffled, maddening beating of drums, and thin, monotonous, whine , of blasphemous flutes from inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond Time; the
  27. We privileged few, who won the lottery of birth against all odds, how dare we, whine ,at our inevitable return to that prior state from which the vast majority have
  28. The larger females typically have lower-pitched voices than the males. The ", whine ," call is primarily associated with feeding, but is also uttered during
  29. Tension is critical - too loose and the belt will whip, too tight, and it will, whine ,and put excess strain on the bearings of the cogs. In either case belt life
  30. Hippie, tie-dyed liberals … go make their movies and their music and, whine ,somewhere else …. It's just too damn bad we didn't buy them a ticket to
  31. By horizontally spinning vanes and emit a distinctive pulsing electronic, whine ,that sounds like a Shoooe-Wheeeh! (This was actually produced by series
  32. Noticeably bushier and contain auditory receptors to detect the characteristic, whine ,of the female. The compound eyes are distinctly separated from one another.
  33. By victims of the Hindenburg disaster in 1937. Picnic acid emits a high-pitched, whine ,during combustion in air and this has led to its widespread use in fireworks.
  34. By a converter circuit within the device; this converter often makes an audible, whine ,or siren sound while the backlight is activated. For line-voltage operated
  35. Their entire width causing stress and noise. Spur gears make a characteristic, whine ,at high speeds. Whereas spur gears are used for low speed applications and
  36. Would interrupt the stark views. Bush referred to it as" the whining pool" —, whine ,long enough, and you get it. It offers a respite from the hot Texas summers, and
  37. Topeka Jews today stir up Kansas tyrants in persecuting Westbrook Baptists. They, whine ,about the Nazi Holocaust, while they perpetrate the Topeka Holocaust. " A March
  38. MW) * noodle, also Judah: to pester, nag, whine , ; as a noun, a pest or whine r (from Yiddish נודיען sudden, from Polish or
  39. A limited role-playing aspect, for example the Sniveler, with the power to ", whine ," when doing worse than the other players. While some powers have limited
  40. Of spur gears clatter together when the gears spin, generating a characteristic, whine , It is clear that the spur gear design of reverse gear represents some
  41. Kestrel has three basic vocalizations – the" Klee" or" kill ", the ", whine ,", and the" hitter. " The" Klee" is usually delivered as a rapid series –
  42. To a hundred tonnes capacity. Induction furnaces often emit a high-pitched, whine ,or hum when they are running, depending on their operating frequency. Metals
  43. Christian says that Lennon's" greatest vocal performance ... from scream to, whine , is modulated electronically ... echoed, filtered,and double tracked. " As his
  44. By the helical gear cut of the teeth (this cut eliminates the characteristic, whine ,of straight cut spur gears). On motorcycles with" wet" clutches (clutch is
  45. Melodic, catchy,even soulful in a flagrantly soulless way ... Guitars roar and, whine , bass booms, drums race, and synths twitter with a sweetness that's going to turn
  46. S sardonic inflections added a dimension to such lines as the sly, drawn-out, whine ," What's in it for melee? " Lynde's distinctive voice is popular among
  47. Insurance salesman. Later, Barton falls asleep, but is awoken by the incessant, whine ,of a mosquito. Still unable to proceed beyond the first lines of his script
  48. Of Technical Support in the strip. In other words,he's the guy that customers, whine ,to when something goes wrong, which drives him nuts. He blows off steam by
  49. Tantrums like a young child: they stomp their feet, pout,and even cry and, whine ,if things do not go according to their wishes. Very selfish and self-centered
  50. Own voice (" I come from Coventry, between the sloppiness of Leicester and the, whine ,of Birmingham, you know—and sometimes it comes out" ), the evidence indicates

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