Examples of the the word, rewrite , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Lies in the cabinet headed by the prime minister. Before the constitutional, rewrite , which was completed in 2000,the president enjoyed more power. Finns enjoy
  2. X \log_a b \franc when b > 0. Elementary algebraic techniques are used to, rewrite ,a given equation in the above way before arriving at the solution. For example
  3. Up to the days they gained of power over the capital and the press, in order to, rewrite ,the history? " Saudi textbooks vilify Jews (and Christians and non-Wahabi
  4. e.g. Chomsky 1981),the idea of formulating a grammar consisting of explicit, rewrite ,rules was abandoned. In other generative frameworks,e.g. Generalized Phrase
  5. In 1991 President Molina announced the creation of National Commission to, rewrite ,the constitution to provide for a multi-party system. Internal and
  6. Of the director is as yet unclear. The studio has brought Jonathan Moscow in to, rewrite , with an option to direct. In addition, Gerard Butler has bowed out of his role
  7. And as such their use is now strongly discouraged. While BIND 9 was a complete, rewrite , ostensibly to mitigate these ongoing security issues, it has also experienced
  8. Della obtained the rights to the titles. Eventually he hired David Peoples to, rewrite ,the script and Rancher left the job over the issue on December 21, 1980
  9. By graph rewrite systems. They are either directly used or properties of the, rewrite ,systems (e.g. confluence) are studied. Complementary to graph transformation
  10. Sheer embarrassment when the finished product aired, blaming his inability to, rewrite ,the script due to the 1981 Writers Guild strike. The Last Hillbilly Hurrah In
  11. The prime minister is the primary representative of Finland to the EU. The 2000, rewrite , of the constitution did not address this problem. Implicitly it places EU
  12. That we use the word 'furniture' to describe. We might also choose to entirely, rewrite ,the definition, since " laundry lists" of seemingly disparate characteristics
  13. By Frank Parts and Miller Brand, director Anatole Live hired Laurent's to, rewrite ,it. Parts and Brand later insisted the bulk of the shooting script was theirs
  14. Swiftly converted from what it was, to what it should have been. He sought to, rewrite ,history with cavalier indifference to the facts to magnify his own achievements
  15. Relation from V\, to (V\cup\Sigma)^. The members of R\, are called the (, rewrite ,) rules or productions of the grammar. 4. S\, is the start variable (or start
  16. NASA HTTP code. The NASA code has since been removed from Apache, as part of a, rewrite , Since April 1996 Apache has been the most popular HTTP server software in use.
  17. Delete claims that Nietzsche's On the Genealogy of Morality is an attempt to, rewrite ,Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, even though Nietzsche nowhere mentions the
  18. Binding poll on holding a referendum about convening a constituent assembly to, rewrite ,the constitution. The Honduran Supreme Court had upheld a lower court
  19. That same year the liberal Johan Rudolf Thorndike was asked by the king to, rewrite ,the constitution, turning the Netherlands into a constitutional monarchy. The
  20. Values are multiplied by their alpha values (c_i = \alpha_i C_i),we can, rewrite ,the equation for output color as:: C_o = c_a + \left (1 - \alpha_a\right) c_b
  21. The transformation of graphs is often formalized and represented by graph, rewrite ,systems. They are either directly used or properties of the rewrite systems (
  22. Authentic Caucasian tale, although some scholars think he may have intended to, rewrite ,the story as a tale for the Yeoman. Dates for its authorship vary from
  23. An appropriate initial estimate X such as X 1. A slightly faster method is to, rewrite ,the equation as x − 1 − 1/x 0,in which case the Newton iteration becomes: x_ =
  24. Budget delayed its production. The script that was submitted was sent back for, rewrite ,to reduce the cost and little has been heard about it since an interview with
  25. Black" ( an ode to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and basically a sped-up, rewrite ,of" I'm On the lam ", from the debut album)," Hot Rails To Hell ", and "
  26. She soon rose to become the High Priestess of the coven, and helped Gardner to, rewrite ,his Book of Shadows, cutting out Crowley's influence, which she feared was too
  27. Hemingway decided to slow his pace and devoted six months to the novel's, rewrite , And he corrected the final proof in Paris in August 1926. Scribner's
  28. Pigs impose more control while reserving privileges for themselves. The pigs, rewrite ,history, villainising Snowball and glorifying Napoleon. Squealer justifies
  29. Of the early mainframes. After reading the computer's manual, Knuth decided to, rewrite ,the assembly and compiler code for the machine used in his school, because he
  30. The next, leading to serial computation. However, commutativity can allow us to, rewrite ,F (A*B)* (C*D) where there are clearly two operations that do not depend on
  31. Where: Although GBP and SLG have different denominators, it is possible to, rewrite ,the expression for OPS using a common denominator. This expression is
  32. Strategy is followed that deterministically determines the next nonterminal to, rewrite ,: * in a leftmost derivation, it is always the leftmost nonterminal; * in a
  33. Where k has the same p, and opposite σ and sign of the energy. Then one can, rewrite ,the field in the form: :\psi (x)=\sum_ u_k (x)a_k ex+\sum_ u_k (x)by\dagger
  34. Have equal mass m and spin J but opposite charges q. This allowed him to, rewrite ,perturbation theory precisely in the form of diagrams. Richard Feynman later
  35. As Count Orlon in Nosferatu. Burton hired Wesley Struck to do an uncredited, rewrite , Struck recalled," When I was hired to write Batman Returns (Batman II at the
  36. Great demand for a German edition, but,instead of translate it, he decided to, rewrite ,it. The result were two volumes (J. S. Bach),which was published in 1908 and
  37. Expression on Fedder's face is authentic and not acted. Petersen also had to, rewrite ,Fedder's character for a portion of the film so that the character was
  38. If translated literally. English dubs of Japanese animation, for example, must, rewrite , the dialogue so that it flows smoothly and follows the natural pattern of
  39. Then::: \Delta (x) = \int_0^\nifty d\tau \int DX ex which is a path-integral, rewrite ,of the Schwinger representation. The Schwinger representation is both useful
  40. S Amazing Maze Plays and musical plays, such as By Jeeves (a more successful, rewrite ,of the original Jeeves). With a résumé of over seventy plays, of which more
  41. z) ∈ SAT. Suppose further that d > 0 is such that | g (z)|≤|z|d. Now we can, rewrite ,(2) as L =. Note that | g (x, y ) | ≤ (| x | + | y|)d. Let us simplify this
  42. Times the length of the U. S. Constitution. There is a significant movement to, rewrite ,and modernize Alabama's constitution. This movement is based upon the fact
  43. Uncredited rewrite s of typically big-budget films. For instance, Mamet did a, rewrite ,of the script for Robin under the pseudonym" Richard Was" and turned in an
  44. As well as the actors' performances to effectively" re-imagine" and even, rewrite ,the film to craft a cohesive whole. Editors usually play a dynamic role in the
  45. Hundredths of second. Some economy of data is possible where a frame need only, rewrite ,a portion of the pixels of the display, because the Image Descriptor can define
  46. Delivered a script that satisfied Burton; Wesley Struck did an uncredited, rewrite , deleting the character of Robin and rewriting the climax. Filming started at
  47. Methods. Richard Stallman chose Lisp as the extension language for his, rewrite ,of Emacs (the original used TECH as its extension language) because of its
  48. X + y): → (x + y) Note that many choices were made underway as to which, rewrite ,was going to be performed next. These choices look quite arbitrary. As a matter
  49. For the Los Angeles Select TV Guide, the studio sent Dick the David Peoples, rewrite , Although Dick died shortly before the film's release, he was pleased with the
  50. Mod_SSL),a proxy module (mod_proxy),a URL rewrite r (also known as a, rewrite ,engine, implemented under mod_ rewrite ),custom log files (mod_log_config)

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