Examples of the the word, reserved , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reserved ), is the 4808 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Was so large that virtually every conference room within the Dulles complex was, reserved ,for the day as a" Special Purpose Room ", where various aspects of the layoff
  2. And has a very complicated structure and vocabulary which is generally, reserved ,only for such documents. For most speakers (even native speakers),this form
  3. Nor is, in a dictionary of English, the lexical section with initial TH-, reserved ,a place after the letter t, but is inserted between the- and ti-. German words
  4. Of God as portrayed in the Qur'an and the Hebrew Bible. Unicode has a code point, reserved ,for Allah, = U+FDF2. Many Arabic type fonts feature special ligatures for Allah
  5. Every 100,000 kilobytes of increase in file size double the amount of memory, reserved ,In this instance, as the file size n increases, memory will be consumed at an
  6. And, in response, passed the Act of Security in 1704,through which Scotland, reserved ,the right to choose its own successor to Queen Anne. Stemming from this, the
  7. In common but assign other locally-useful characters to several code points, reserved ,for" national use. " However, the four years that elapsed between the
  8. Vacant by death of the Abbreviated, no matter where the death take place, are, reserved , in Curia. The prelates could resign their office in favor of others. Formerly
  9. To DOS 3.3 disks. On a DOS 3. X disk, tracks 0,1,and most of track 2 were, reserved ,to store the operating system. (It was possible, with a special utility, too
  10. Swift has his proposer further degrade the Irish by using language ordinarily, reserved ,for animals. Lewis argues that the speaker uses" the vocabulary of animal
  11. By older spelling practice without for. Unicode has a code point, reserved ,for, = U+FDF2. This character according to the official Unicode specification
  12. Forced peripherals to be installed in pre-determined locations (slot 5 and 6, reserved , for storage devices, slot 2 reserved for serial communication interfaces, etc.
  13. Abbreviations necessarily increased. To regulate the proper expedition of these, reserved ,benefices, Pope John XXII instituted the rules of chancery to determine the
  14. Especially through the Neocatechumenal Way. In some churches the sacrament is, reserved ,in a tabernacle or Aubrey with a lighted candle or lamp nearby. Only a priest
  15. To command, pilot,or serve as a crew member of a spacecraft. While generally, reserved ,for professional space travelers, the terms are sometimes applied to anyone who
  16. Who were sent out to reside on Lesbos. This type of treatment was not, reserved ,solely for those who revolted. Thucydides documents the example of Melts, a
  17. To wear the insignia of nobility. Pope Gregory XVI rescinded this privilege and, reserved ,to the Pope the right of creation of such knights (ACTA Point. Greg. XVI, Vol.
  18. ALGOL 60s stropping. In ALGOL 68's case tokens with the bold typeface are, reserved ,words, types (modes) or operators. Proc abs max = (, real a, ref real y, ref
  19. Moment to ground with a thump. The consumption of ambrosia was typically, reserved ,for divine beings. Upon his assumption into immortality on Olympus, Heracles is
  20. Ordain their monks to the inferior orders below the diagonal, a power usually, reserved ,to bishops. Abbots were originally subject to episcopal jurisdiction, and
  21. Had to work in the associated arms factories, except on Sundays, which were, reserved ,for cleaning and showering. The harsh work requirements, combined with poor
  22. Soup or birds nest soup, it is considered a luxury item, and is traditionally, reserved ,for special occasions such as weddings and other celebrations. However, the
  23. For ease of identification. The first two columns (32 positions) were, reserved ,for control characters. The" space" character had to come before graphics to
  24. 1000,required Kick start to be loaded first from floppy disk into 256 KB of RAM, reserved ,for this purpose. Later models generally hold Kick start on an embedded ROM chip
  25. Ada is an ALGOL-like programming language featuring control structures with, reserved ,words such as if, then,else, while,for, and so on. However, Ada also has many
  26. Sees the shade of Aeneas among other Roman worthies in the section of Limbo, reserved ,for" virtuous pagans ". *Roman d'Aeneas In modern literature, Aeneas appears in
  27. TEXT' (" HELLO WORLD" ); 'END' ALGOL 68 ALGOL 68 code was published with, reserved ,words typically in lowercase, but bolded or underlined. Begin print (( ugly
  28. Pleated black or indigo trousers called a hakama. In many styles, its use is, reserved ,for practitioners with (Dan) ranks or for instructors, while others allow all
  29. Accompanying the voice is thrown upon the string quartet, the harpsichord being, reserved ,exclusively for the noisy instrumental citronella. In his opera Theodora (1697
  30. Tenet of the Jewish afterlife. According to the Talmud, eternal punishment is, reserved ,for a much smaller group of malicious and evil leaders, either whose deeds go
  31. Of up to almost 216 VCs each (in practice some VP and VC numbers are, reserved ,). Deployment ATM became popular with telephone companies and many computers
  32. Implementation did not include the APL character set but used special English, reserved ,words for functions and operators. The system was later adapted for a
  33. Corolla served as the louder, funnier side of the show in contrast to the, reserved , thoughtful Dr. Drew. Corolla left the show in 2005. On May 13, 2009,Adam
  34. As viceroy, resigning to him also his favorite wife Hainan. For himself, he, reserved , the task of suppressing the revolts which had broken out in the desert, but
  35. Meeting. Also included in Augustus' tribunician authority were powers usually, reserved ,for the Roman censor; these included the right to supervise public morals and
  36. Of the church, while Lantfrid's Led Alamannorum of 720 has an entire chapter, reserved ,for ecclesial matters alone. List of Alemannic rulers Independent kings *
  37. Could be typed as end of programmed or %endofprogramme There were no, reserved ,words in the language as keywords were identified by underlining, not by
  38. Decree, this fine work was placed in one of the stance of the Vatican hitherto, reserved ,for the most precious works of antiquity. In 1802,at the personal request of
  39. In pre-determined locations (slot 5 and 6 reserved for storage devices, slot 2, reserved , for serial communication interfaces, etc.) This forced the user to identify a
  40. Choosing the same number. For socket numbers, a few well-known numbers were, reserved ,for special purposes specific to the Applejack protocol itself. Apart from
  41. End of transmission (NOT)," who are you? " (WSU)," are you? " (RU),a, reserved ,device control (DC0),synchronous idle (SYNC),and acknowledge (ACK).
  42. While the Government of India made ready for that contingency, the Amir's, reserved ,and circumspect tone in the consultations with him helped to turn the balance
  43. Aristotle himself would have labeled" analytics ". The term" logic" he, reserved ,to mean dialectics. Most of Aristotle's work is probably not in its original
  44. C language strings, and other systems where certain characters have a, reserved ,meaning. Over time this meaning has been co-opted and has eventually been
  45. New mission naming scheme The astronauts' widows asked that Apollo 1 be, reserved ,for the flight their husbands never made, and on April 24, 1967,Associate
  46. Ones" ) This heavenly abode, somewhat analogous to the Greek Elysium, is, reserved , for those brave warriors who die heroically in battle. *HEL: (lit. " The
  47. Carpentum which she used. A Carpenter was a sort of ceremonial carriage usually, reserved ,for priests, such as the Vestal Virgins, and sacred statues. That same year she
  48. Referred to with the usual Akkadian term for" king ", šarrum; that was instead, reserved ,for the city's patron deity Assure, of whom the ruler was the high priest. The
  49. As ASA X3.4-1963,leaving 28 code positions without any assigned meaning, reserved ,for future standardization, and one unassigned control code. There was some
  50. Working conditions, in this camp. The Viper Chain Gang Jail on Viper Island was, reserved ,for troublemakers, and was also the site of hangings. In the 20th century it

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