Examples of the the word, talented , in a Sentence Context

The word ( talented ), is the 4810 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Appearance, Conan uses his brains as well as his brawn. The Zimmerman is a, talented ,fighter, but his travels have given him vast experience in other trades
  2. Some believed that Hague had been unlucky, although most considered him to be a, talented ,orator and an intelligent statesman, he had come up against the charismatic
  3. Obtained his Baccalaureate. Since his childhood, he was considered exceedingly, talented ,; from 10th grade on, his school acknowledged him as a particularly gifted
  4. Charlton became one of the famed Busby Babes, the collection of precociously, talented ,footballers who emerged through the system at Old Trafford in the 1940s,1950s
  5. And the astronomer Andes Pole, Celsius chose a career in science. He was a, talented ,mathematician from an early age. Andes Celsius studied at Uppsala University
  6. In addition to these more traditional arts there are a number of extremely, talented ,artists who use modern means to express themselves. There are a few galleries
  7. Manuscript illuminator we know only as Anastasia who she described as the most, talented ,of her day. Influence Christine de Pizan contributed to the rhetorical
  8. In order to enjoy more success, the dilemma with Valderrama was that he was a, talented ,player that needed to be properly employed in order to enjoy more success. The
  9. Twice before going once more unto the breach for his master. Resourceful and, talented , he is also caretaker of the Big O. Norman's skills give him a purpose and a
  10. The following year, however,they finished in last position, despite boasting a, talented ,playing list. Accordingly, inaugural coach John Norther was sacked with eight
  11. Asked not to participate in the recording. Carl Wilson had discovered a young, talented ,drummer, vocalist and multi-instrumentalist by the name of Scott Mathews and
  12. On their inclination. This demanding schedule meant that, if sufficiently, talented , they were able to make a debut in their mid-teens with a perfect technique and
  13. Sweden when she was 17,and was soon noted by the critics and songwriters as a, talented ,singer/songwriter of sch lager style songs. Fältskog's main inspiration in her
  14. Cause of the Uprising, it was only an impetus that brought a successful and, talented ,Cossack to the forefront of popular discontent among the people of what is now
  15. German model, but with a new aspect: officers not necessarily from nobility, as, talented , commoners were given promotions that eventually included a noble title at the
  16. Ability to turn upside down traditional hierarchies and recast the wealthy,the, talented , and the powerful as the oppressed ", Academic reaction During Rand's lifetime
  17. Red Sox won the AL pennant in. The 1975 Red Sox were as colorful as they were, talented , with Yastrzemski and rookie outfielders Jim Rice and Fred Lynn, veteran
  18. Of establishing an educational foundation that would provide fellowships to, talented ,individuals from the private sector who want to serve for some time in
  19. Of what would become the formidable Essendon sides of the 1980s. This is raw but, talented ,group of youngsters took Essendon to an elimination final in 1979 under Barry
  20. Two years younger than Hilbert and also a native of Königsberg but so, talented ,he had graduated early from his gymnasium and gone to Berlin for three
  21. Works),but he became interested in African and Mediterranean art as well. A, talented ,handyman, he built his own phonograph, and made most of his furniture, utensils
  22. Out Philipp for advice on playing his music. From the start, though clearly, talented , Debussy was argumentative and experimental. He challenged the rigid teaching
  23. Climb in the rankings, became more selective, and obtained a more academically, talented ,student body. During the expansion, Drexel was officially united with the
  24. Love, unaware of her history as a musician, because she was" an extremely, talented ,actress. " Nonetheless, Forman fought the company and Love was given the role;
  25. In turn, giving the instrument to the International Society of Bassists for, talented ,soloists to use in concert. Another important performer in this period, Bertram
  26. And her brother Walter Bertram on 14 March 1872. Both parents were artistically, talented , and Rupert was an adept amateur photographer. Rupert had invested in the stock
  27. In 1544,Elizabeth could write English, Latin,and Italian. Under Grind,a, talented ,and skillful tutor, she also progressed in French and Greek. She is also reputed
  28. Galleries around the island. Alfred Birdseye was one of the more famous and, talented ,water colorists, his impressionistic landscapes of Hamilton, St George's and
  29. To the traditional Roman elite. According to Plutarch, Cicero was an extremely, talented ,student, whose learning attracted attention from all over Rome, affording him
  30. And Arena (Russia). Also, it would be unfair not to mention some, talented ,composers such as More Novković, Esad Arnautović, Kornelije Kovacs, and many
  31. The end of that devastating conflict, however,Brandenburg enjoyed a string of, talented ,rulers who expanded their territory and power in Europe. The first of these was
  32. Time huddle where both coaches exchanged heated words. Essendon had tough, but, talented , players with the likes of" Rotten Ronnie" Ron Andrews and experienced players
  33. Rest of the World vs a team of England celebrities and ex pros. Lara was also a, talented ,football player in his youth and often played with his close friends Dwight
  34. A royal school led by the Northumbrian scholar Alcuin. Reinhard evidently was a, talented ,builder and construction manager, because Charlemagne put him in charge of the
  35. Passed through his bands and later went on to impressive careers. He recruited, talented ,and sometimes little-known artists whom he assembled into unconventional and
  36. Season, the team was in transition, leaving Cleveland Stadium and fielding a, talented ,nucleus of young players. Many of those players came from the Indians' new AAA
  37. Training in sculpture. He worked hard, and quickly distinguished himself as, talented , One of his earliest surviving works, under the guidance of his anatomy teacher
  38. Given him vast experience in other trades, especially as a thief; he is also a, talented ,commander, tactician and strategist, as well as a born leader. In addition
  39. When they reached 15. The girls received a musical education, and the most, talented ,stayed and became members of the Ospedale's renowned orchestra and choir.
  40. Pipes to prevent it being stolen. While working at Bletchley, Turing,a, talented ,long-distance runner, occasionally ran them two London when he was needed for
  41. Walking up or down the street at night. The city is renowned for producing, talented ,musicians and many bands perform in venues around the city, for example the
  42. 2000: The Kids Can Play Under Manager Jerry Manuel, the White Sox fielded a, talented ,but chronically under-achieving team. In, however,the White Sox had one of
  43. More unwanted publicity for the club. Despite this, the club had recruited many, talented ,young players in the late 70s who would emerge as club greats. Three of those
  44. Center midfielders; the dilemma with Carlos Valderrama was not that he was a, talented ,player that needed to improve in order to enjoy more success, the dilemma with
  45. Has a reputation for fostering individuality and excellence that reliably draws, talented ,people into its employ, especially after Jobs' return. To recognize the best
  46. Quality entertainment. We are truly honored that one of the most revered and, talented ,entertainers of our time will continue to call CBS 'home. '" According to a
  47. In his first season at Montpellier, remembers the difficulties this fabulously, talented ,performer encountered while adapting to European football:" The game in Europe
  48. With the Brooklyn Dodgers, breaking the color barrier that had prevented, talented ,African American players from entering the white-only major leagues. Although
  49. As The Persuaders! And Star sky and Hutch are highly popular in France for their, talented ,dubbing. The French version of The Persuaders! Was in fact a translation of the
  50. Adopted by most bhangra percussionists ever since. Also came to attention,the, talented ,& sensational percussionist Man Layer who had learned quiet a lot of instruments

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