Examples of the the word, cheese , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cheese ), is the 4809 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Food, that may contain brown rice instead of white, or those with grated, cheese ,; milk products are almost always absent from traditional Chinese food. Ming
  2. By Intralytix, the FDA approved a product by EBI using bacteriophages on, cheese ,to kill the Listeria monocytogenes bacteria, giving them GAS status (
  3. De Lethe or a fruit paste. The" policeman's" or" truck driver's" sweet is, cheese ,with quince paste or dunce de memorial. Dunce de banana is made of sweet
  4. Blood sausage) and sometimes also a provoked, which is a piece of provolone, cheese ,cooked on the grill with oregano, are eaten first. Then comes the chairman (a
  5. The Southern traditional dessert dishes. Banana pudding, peaches with cottage, cheese ,and soft serve ice cream are three of the 'after dinner' desserts normally
  6. Are nearly infinite. The most common are those made of Milanese, baked ham and, cheese , pan de Amiga, toast,debates, panchos, choripanes, morcipanes, etc.; from
  7. Sichuan and Xinjiang. Cumin can be found in some Dutch cheese s, such as Laden, cheese , and in some traditional breads from France. It is commonly used in traditional
  8. Alcott described his sustenance as a" Pythagorean diet ": meat, eggs,butter, cheese , and milk were excluded and drinking was confined to well water. Alcott
  9. For this privilege, they would have to pay a tax in wool, meat,milk, and, cheese , to the temples, who would distribute these products to the bureaucracy and
  10. Pants has also received funding from the Eur images Fund. Cuisine Halloumi, cheese ,originated in Cyprus and was initially made during the Medieval Byzantine
  11. Sausages),potatoes, sweet potatoes, apples and holed squashes filled with, cheese , cream and peas. Subsequently, all these ingredients are covered with leaves
  12. Dishes, as are other components of meals, such as the China (a cassava and, cheese ,bread),which originally came from Paraguay. As regards products made with
  13. With mashed potatoes (tatties) and mashed turnip (needs). A dessert course, cheese ,courses, coffee,etc. may also be part of the meal. The courses normally use
  14. With foods that contain excessively high levels of thiamine, such as mature, cheese , cured meats or yeast extracts. Likewise, lethal reactions to both prescription
  15. The earth, my food is only seasoned by hunger - and I eat nothing but milk and, cheese ,and meat. Come and visit me, and you will find me at peace. You want to give me
  16. Or eaten warm with mashed potatoes — purée. Empanadas — small pastries of meat, cheese , sweet corn and a hundred other varieties — are a common sight for parties
  17. Sheffield of Rolling Stone said that" the great thing about Oops! – under the, cheese ,surface,Britney's demand for satisfaction is complex, fierce and downright
  18. Pancakes, soups,fish and sandwiches. In Poland chives are served with quark, cheese , Chives are one of the" fines herbs" of French cuisine, which also include
  19. Farofa). Fried potatoes, fried cassava, fried banana, fried meat and fried, cheese ,are very often eaten in lunch and served in most typical restaurants. The
  20. Most oils and milk products that we use for cooking and eating like butter, cheese , ghee etc., are composed of fats. Vegetable oils are rich in various
  21. The making of cements and mortars to be used in construction. *in the making of, cheese , where calcium ions influence the activity of rennin in bringing about the
  22. In collaboration with the University of Nottingham and Seneca. Biotechnology in, cheese ,production: enzymes produced by microorganisms provide an alternative to
  23. Have Altaic etymologies, such as 琵琶" PIPA ", the Chinese lute, or 酪 ", cheese ," or" yogurt ", but from exactly which source is not always clear. Modern
  24. And painting, extracting chemicals from plants for medicine and perfume, making, cheese , dying cloth, tanning leather, rendering fat into soap, making glass, and
  25. Vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium. Dairy products, such as milk and, cheese , are a well-known source of calcium. Some individuals are allergic to dairy
  26. The song describes the time of bringing the cows to the high country at, cheese ,making time. Rossini introduced the" Ran DES Caches" into his masterpiece
  27. To as crustless bread) and stuffed with food items ranging from ham and, cheese ,to other more sophisticated combinations such as raw ham, tomatoes,olives
  28. Being dealt with separately. With very thin high-rising dough, with or without, cheese , cooked in the oven or à la paid (on a stone oven),and stuffed with a
  29. Regions of Portugal. Its main industries are: agriculture, dairy farming (for, cheese ,and butter products primarily),minor livestock ranching, fishing and tourism
  30. Enzymes produced by microorganisms provide an alternative to animal rennet – a, cheese ,coagulant – and an alternative supply for cheese makers. This also eliminates
  31. Wonton skins stuffed with (usually) artificial crab meat (shrimp) and cream, cheese , * Fortune cookie — Invented in California as a westernized version of the
  32. For the quality of dairy products (a large variety of Irene and kashkaval, cheese ,sorts) and salads, as well as the variety of wines and local alcoholic drinks
  33. Which is stuffed with macabre and cut with a knife, or empanadas made with, cheese , Empanadas are individually sized and closed savory pastries which may be
  34. German Pfannkuchen (but Czech placing),Top fen (a semi-sweet cottage, cheese ,) German Quark and Keen (horseradish) German Meerrettich (but Czech keen).
  35. Snacks are pastel (a pastry),Corina (chicken croquet),PAO de quasi (, cheese ,bread and cassava flour / tapioca),Pomona (corn and milk paste),Serra (
  36. Include Cumhuriyet. **AGZ ACK or Duke - filo-style pastry stuffed with, cheese ,or lentils. ** Keokuk - boiled wheat and chick peas stewed with meat. **local
  37. Loom. She invited Odysseus' crew to a feast of familiar food, a pottage of, cheese ,and meal, sweetened with honey and laced with wine, but also laced with one of
  38. Made with crustless buttered white bread, very thinly sliced cured meat and, cheese ,and lettuce. They are often purchased from entrepreneurial home cooks and
  39. May be Cranach or Tipsy Laird (whiskey trifle) followed by oatcakes and, cheese , all washed down with the" water of life" ( use Bertha) – Scotch whiskey.
  40. To animal rennet – a cheese coagulant – and an alternative supply for, cheese ,makers. This also eliminates possible public concerns with animal-derived
  41. To as vigilante, or to so-called quest y dunce (where a piece of fresh, cheese ,is served with one of the sweets mentioned above). Mesopotamia This is another
  42. A moderate amount of wine and fat-rich animal products such as lamb, and goat, cheese , However, the Cretan diet consisted of fewer fish and wine consumption than some
  43. Caraway is called alumina, while cumin is roomankumina or juustokumina (, cheese ,caraway). In Icelandic, caraway is lumen, while cumin is called cumin. In
  44. Coconut sweet),Beijing (coconut truffles and clove) and Rome e Julieta (, cheese ,with a guava jam known as Granada). Peanut is used to make Tacoma, rapadura
  45. Or dunce de memorial. Dunce de banana is made of sweet potato/yam: this with, cheese ,is the Martín Fears sweet. Apples, pears,peaches, kiwifruits,avocados and
  46. Mills brand cereals are manufactured here. One of the country's largest, cheese ,manufacturers, Sorrento,has been here since 1947. Archer Daniels Midland
  47. Hungarian cuisines. Commonly found dishes in these regions include strike (, cheese ,puff pastry),Wiener Schnitzel (type of fried steak),palatine (variety of
  48. Pigs, and buffaloes, and the main dairy products are yogurt, cow and sheep, cheese , Bulgaria is the world's 13th largest sheep milk producer. In 2004 an
  49. And" foregone "; they consist of an ensemble of plates containing cubes of, cheese ,(typically from Mar del Plate or Chub),pieces of Salome, olives in brine
  50. Wool weaver who worked both in Genoa and Saving and who also owned a, cheese ,stand at which young Christopher worked as a helper. Christopher's mother was

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