Examples of the the word, unite , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unite ), is the 3463 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sun Yat-sen established a revolutionary base in south China, and set out to, unite ,the fragmented nation. With Soviet assistance, he entered into an alliance with
  2. Pitt spoke out in parliament urging Britain to make peace in America, and, unite , with America against France, while other British politicians who had previously
  3. The U. S. state of Alabama, is formed by the Tallapoosa and Coos rivers, which, unite , about north of Montgomery. The river flows west to Selma, then southwest until
  4. Animalism within Animal Farm. The Seven Commandments were designed to, unite ,the animals together against the humans and prevent animals from following the
  5. Portals, feared the efforts of Bolivian general Andrés de Santa Cruz to, unite ,with Peru against Chile. These qualms exacerbated animosities toward Peru
  6. Of the upheavals in Assyria to free his people from Assyrian vassalage and, unite ,the Ironic Modes and Persians, and the remnants of the Examines and Manners
  7. Civic Democratic Party is splintered and has failed in several attempts to, unite , Czech voters returned a split verdict in the June 2002 parliamentary elections
  8. Great parts of what constitutes the core of the Han Chinese homeland and to, unite ,them under a tightly centralized Legalist government seated at Xian yang (close
  9. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776–89),Edward Gibbon, aiming to, unite ,the two extremes of Constantine scholarship, offered a portrait of
  10. An tributary of the Rhine, which it surpasses in volume when the two rivers, unite ,at Koblenz (Switzerland),opposite Wald shut, Germany. The Rhine, in turn
  11. Interpretations of the word. Is mainly used in compounds to mean 'combine, unite , join together, meet ', examples being (combined/ unite d),(composition),(
  12. The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship was founded in 1940 by Dr. Schweitzer to, unite ,U. S. supporters in filling the gap in support for his Hospital when his
  13. It also had to drop its plans for union with Germany, as it was not allowed to, unite ,with Germany without League approval. The Hungarian Democratic Republic lost
  14. Miskito's resistance. Unity efforts U. S. officials were active in attempting to, unite ,the Contra groups. In June 1985 most of the groups reorganized as the United
  15. Most of his parliamentary speeches, Karmal urged the people of Afghanistan to, unite ,and stand up against the ruling classes and fight the status quo. Karma and a
  16. On the verb" to share, partner with ";" university ", based on" to gather, unite ,";" republic ", based on" multitude" ). An earlier tendency was to
  17. Accession to the English throne in 1603 King James announced his intention to, unite ,his two realms so that he would not be" guilty of bigamy ". James used his
  18. In one case the typical 44,but in another was fewer. The vertebra of the neck, unite ,on nearly flat surfaces, the humerus had lost the foramen, or perforation, at
  19. A limited time in order to deal with an emergency (in this case, the need to, unite ,Italy) and with the task done Garibaldi handed over power to the government of
  20. Of the poor" but during the Civil Rights movement they used the word to, unite ,themselves. Also, as a slang is used as" Mexican Wannabe ". Etymology The
  21. Systems leads to the theorem: Rays of light proceeding from any object point, unite ,in an image point; and therefore an object space is reproduced in an image
  22. The former Katina Parliament, in the southern town of Lubumbashi, in a move to, unite ,the country, and to legitimate his regime. Kamila was assassinated on 16
  23. Peter Handy) marries Princess's Isabella of France (Sophie Marceau),to, unite ,the countries of England and France. However,Edward's homosexual desires for
  24. Henry Tudor swore an oath to marry Edward IV's daughter, Elizabeth of York, to, unite , the warring houses of York and Lancaster. Henry's rising prominence made him a
  25. Also serves to show that in Germany there remained many Lutherans who never did, unite ,with the Reformed. Other Lutheran Churches seem indifferent as a matter of
  26. Movement among speakers of the closely related" Northern Berber" varieties to, unite ,them into a single standard language. The name" Taillight ", which was
  27. To establish the Special Section. The order instructed agencies everywhere to, unite ,the Military control and the military sections of Cheap and to form special
  28. Two separate states until 1 May 1707. Early Stuart union The first attempt to, unite ,the parliaments of England and Scotland was by Mary's son, King James VI and
  29. Above all free trade. For a century free trade was the one cause which could, unite ,all Liberals. In 1841 the Liberals lost office to the Conservative Party under
  30. Upper Peru (present-day Bolivia) under the newly formed Republic of Peru, to, unite , with the United Provinces of Rio de la Plate, or to formally declare its
  31. The marriage had been arranged by her father Alfonso VI of León in 1106 to, unite ,the two chief Christian states against the Almoravids, and to supply them with
  32. Trinidad from the West Indies Federation, established in 1958 in an attempt to, unite ,the British Caribbean colonies under one government, but which collapsed
  33. Soviet Union. * 1990 – West Germany and East Germany announce that they will, unite ,on October 3. *1994 – Eugene Ballard, The only black pilot in World War I, is
  34. For only a slight compromise; their action was really an entreaty that he would, unite ,with them to preserve Congress and the country from the policy of the radicals.
  35. Any optical system, rays proceeding from an axis point O under an angle u1 will, unite ,in the axis point O'1; and those under an angle u2 in the axis point O'2. If
  36. Of Great Britain). There had been three attempts in 1606,1667,and 1689 to, unite ,the two countries by Acts of Parliament, but it was not until the early 18th
  37. Which is fully being as part of some other substance. Substances, in Aristotle, unite ,what they actually are now with everything they might become. The
  38. Described as being essentially incompatible. " The flesh and Spirit can no more, unite ,in action, than good can coincide with evil. It is not wise to take a halting
  39. Reform, besides encouraging any first buddings of pan-national pride that would, unite ,his multilingual and ethnic subjects under one common language; they also
  40. And draw from them the different substances on their composition, and how to, unite ,them again, and exalt them to a higher perfection (Glaser). * Chemistry (
  41. Often alternate with layers of crystalline quartz. Several vapour-vesicles may, unite ,while the rock is still viscous, and thus form a large cavity which may become
  42. Albeit reservedly, the suzerainty of Charles in 719. Though Charles wished to, unite ,the duchy directly to himself and went there to elicit the proper homage of the
  43. Forms almost half of the Georgia boundary. The Tombigbee and Alabama rivers, unite ,near the southwest corner of the state, their waters discharging into Mobile
  44. Osaka Semé who said in 1911 Forget all the past differences among Africans and, unite ,in one national organization. The ANC was founded in the subsequent year on 8
  45. Limited. Massed was now trying to put a consolidation process into action to, unite ,Afghanistan. He also invited the Taliban to join the process wanting them to be
  46. He wrote two verses from the Psalms, and the prayer,'O Lord, God of Mercy, unite ,me in Heaven with those whom you have permitted me to love on earth. ' Serious
  47. And he spent three years thoroughly subduing the countries of" the west" to, unite ,them with Mesopotamia" into a single empire. " However, Sargon took this
  48. Are Unite Against Fascism and Searchlight. Unite Against Fascism, which aims to, unite ,a broad spectrum of opposition to the far-right, includes the Anti-Nazi League
  49. Ethnic studies. Basic trends There are several characteristics that tend to, unite ,anthropological work. One of the central characteristics is that anthropology
  50. Awarded to Valéry Discard d'Estaing. In 2004,Pope John Paul II's efforts to, unite ,Europe were honored with an ‘ Extraordinary Charlemagne Medal ’, which was

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PLEASE click record and read the phrase: Ethnic studies. Basic trends There are several characteristics that tend to, unite ,anthropological work. One of the central characteristics is that anthropology

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