Examples of the the word, pr , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pr ), is the 4241 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ti VA Karo ti VA, : Mind n. SG. inst. If corrupted n. SG. inst. Speak 3. Sg., pr , Either act 3. Sg. pr . or, :: Ta to Nam Durkheim angle ti, cakkaṁ 'VA that o pad
  2. 2 and k = pr (p − 1);: ( pr + 1 − 1)/2 if p is a pr ime greater than 2 and k =, pr ,(p − 1)/2;: k + 1 for all integers k greater than 1. In the absence of
  3. Example, Hausa mute),Egyptian (met *must, mt, Coptic mu),Berber (meet, pr , Immut),Semitic (*met),and Cushitic (Proto-Somali *UAW/*-am-w (t)-
  4. Circuitry (AD Converter) into a corresponding square wave pulse typically, pr ,sampling rate for digital electronics applications. In this context the use of
  5. Aefectus) / v (ovum) s (orbit) l (IBANs) m (Erato) / medic (atom), pr , ( die) KAL (ends) Sep (timbres) / Imp (era tore) d (amino) n (outro
  6. JMA to hold a summit called http://www.excelined.org/Program/ViewPage.aspx?, pr ,4&pc 21" Excellence in Action: A National Summit on Education Reform ". In
  7. Leg (ions) VI / Vic (tricks) demo / Militants / pr ep (sites) ET, pr ,(affects) / v (ovum) s (orbit) l (IBANs) m (Erato) / medic (atom)
  8. Of the Bohr model's circular orbits.: \int_0^T p_r \, dq_r = n h \, where, pr , is the radial momentum canonically conjugate to the coordinate q which is the
  9. Two languages. The people in Check speak a dialect of Central Yup'in, Cup'in (, pr , Chew-pick),and identify themselves as Cup'in people rather than Yup'in. This
  10. To a blogging service such as Posters, link-shortening service such as SU., pr , or bookmarking service such as Delicious. * Query a search engine, with search
  11. This word is written, the 'house' hieroglyph is used as a phonetic symbol:, pr ,: r-D54 Here the 'house' glyph stands for the consonants pr . The 'mouth' glyph
  12. 2 if k 2r with r ≥ 2,or k 3×2r;: pr + 1 if p is a pr ime greater than 2 and k =, pr ,(p − 1);: ( pr + 1 − 1)/2 if p is a pr ime greater than 2 and k = pr (p −
  13. In which hieroglyphs work is illustrated by the two Egyptian words pr onounced, pr ,(usually vocalized as per). One word is 'house ', and its hieroglyphic
  14. Of Parliament, with an estimate of the freight, and all other Incident charges, pr , Town that I may form some Idea of the pr ofits resulting from the growth. I
  15. Is also one of the Four Motors for Europe. A study performed in 2007 by the, pr ,campaign" Initiative for New Social Market Economy" ( (INS) ) and the
  16. Time periods pr ior to the Romans. In the Ancient Egyptian language, the word, pr ,could refer not only to a house but also to a sacred structure since it was
  17. Field. (Defoe said req (form online" click here" (, pr ," you said:" ( are _" foo" )) (input" foo" ) (submit) )) Versions
  18. Out,” is Scots-Irish. Name crosier/> *wins, yinz, yunz, you'us, or young, pr , Second-person plural personal pr onoun. Name crosier/> name
  19. Anv-e ti, cakkaṁ 'VA that o pad am.: That from him suffering after-go 3. Sg., pr ,., wheel as carrying (beast) m. SG. gen. Foot n. SG. acc. The three compounds
  20. 3 *Sir Courtly Nice, or It Cannot Be (1685),a comedy *Regulus (acted 1692, pr , 1694)*The English Frier; or The Town Sparks (acted 1689, pr . 1690),perhaps
  21. Is a phonetic complement: it is read as r, reinforcing the phonetic reading of, pr , The third hieroglyph is a determinative: it is an ideogram for verbs of motion
  22. Apostles Kansas politician (married to Rod Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou vice, pr , Of European Parliament) *Ilia's Kansas (born 1946) Director of Daihatsu
  23. Rabbi Kalman M. Schachter-Shalomi and commonly called" Red Kalman" (, pr ,: RAB) (born 28 August 1924 in Zhovkva, Poland now Ukraine) is considered one
  24. A phonetic symbol: pr : r-D54 Here the 'house' glyph stands for the consonants, pr , The 'mouth' glyph below it is a phonetic complement: it is read as r
  25. Addition, and Hr is the additive subgroup consisting of integer multiples of, pr , If H is a cofinal sequence (i.e., any normal subgroup of finite index
  26. A single consonant letter, or before the consonant-letter groups kl, kr, pl, pr , try, kj, tj, sj and those consisting of ð and one other consonant letter except
  27. Brazil (. Br),Bulgaria (. Bg),Czech Republic (. Cz),Puerto Rico (., pr ,) and Sweden (. Se),who use DNSSEC for their country code top-level domains;
  28. Mind n. SG. inst. If corrupted n. SG. inst. Speak 3. Sg. pr . either act 3. Sg., pr , Or, :: Ta to Nam Durkheim angle ti, cakkaṁ 'VA that o pad am.: That from him
  29. Metropolitan Police),CID (Criminal Investigation Department) *Priest -, pr , rev (reverend),RR (Right Reverend),dd (Doctor of Divinity),for (
  30. One word is 'house ', and its hieroglyphic re pr esentation is straightforward:, pr ,: Z1 Here the 'house' hieroglyph works as a logo gram: it re pr esents the word
  31. Promising career by losing to a journeyman. Although Join had one of the best, pr ,men in the business, Manny Fernandez of Sacramento, he never came close to the
  32. G (k) is greater than or equal to :2r + 2 if k 2r with r ≥ 2,or k 3×2r;:, pr ,+ 1 if p is a pr ime greater than 2 and k = pr (p − 1);: ( pr + 1 − 1)/2 if p
  33. Sun" --was held up to ridicule * The Country Wit: A Comedy (acted 1675, pr , 1693),derived in part from Molière's Le Sicilian, ou l'Amour pantry, is
  34. Compute: p + 2q + r 0.83943 + 0.15771 + 0.00286 1.00000 \, and: E_0 q^2 -, pr ,0.00382 \, For the next generation,Hardy's equations give, : \begin q &
  35. Of adjectives (from which Gothic a" what" by analogy).: * Plosive + r:, pr , try, kr, fr, r,hr, br, dr, gr,WR It allowed the following clusters in medial
  36. To know which reading to choose, of the 3 readings:: * 1st Reading: st – Q1-t:, pr ,– st, written st+t; the last character is the determinative of" the house" or
  37. Set of simultaneous equations:: \begin b & = & p + r \\ c & = & q + s +, pr ,\\ d & = & PS + qr \\ e & = & QS \end This is harder to solve than it looks
  38. RB/PR (5/0),6.00,196,29,Iowa State,3 car/-3 yes,18 rec,114 yes,5, pr , 42 yes 23. BLED SOE, Curtis RB (6/0),5.11,216,26,San Diego State,26
  39. w): meaning" foundations (of a house) ", with the house as a determinative, pr ,; * NFF: r-S28 – NFL: meaning" clothing" with S28 as the determinative for
  40. A common way of indicating that a glyph is working as a logo gram. Another word, pr ,is the verb 'to go out, leave '. When this word is written, the 'house '
  41. 2,or k 3×2r;: pr + 1 if p is a pr ime greater than 2 and k = pr (p − 1);: (, pr ,+ 1 − 1)/2 if p is a pr ime greater than 2 and k = pr (p − 1)/2;: k + 1 for all
  42. x) = 0 for all x in V (I),then there exists a natural number r such that, pr ,is in I. An immediate corollary is the" weak Nullstellensatz ": The ideal I in
  43. VI) or intra-cervical insemination (ICI),ap pr oximately 20 million, pr , ml. The pr egnancy rate increases with increasing number of motile sperm used
  44. In the generation before? It is easy to see that the condition for this is q2, pr , And since q12 p1r1,whatever the values of p, q,and r may be, the
  45. Be tolerated by a mind in training for such chaste and rigorous pr ecepts" ( 2, pr , 1). Yet Seneca's own writing for fictitious speakers and situations aims
  46. 2,so this 2-Sylow subgroup must be a generalized Quaternary group, Letting, pr ,be the size of F, where p is pr ime, the size of the 2-Sylow subgroup of SL2 (F
  47. Probably of the Marcella, daughter of Marius' friend and legate M. Marcellus, pr , c.105) and finally elected cos. For 102 after three pr evious defeats. About
  48. Moves. The latter terms give rise to cross pr oducts of small quantities (PQ, pr , qr),which are later discarded. In this analysis, they are discarded from the
  49. Acted 1692, pr . 1694)*The English Frier; or The Town Sparks (acted 1689, pr , 1690),perhaps suggested by Molière's Tartuffe, ridicules the court
  50. Try set number to number / 0 on error e number n from f to t partial result, pr ,if (e =" Can't divide by zero" ) then display dialog" You must not do that

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