Examples of the the word, rebuttal , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Certain elements of the Universe in combination with the creation of man: In a, rebuttal ,of the claim that God might have implanted a false history of the age of the
  2. Assertions in the text of the book; Lomborg has denied these claims in a public, rebuttal , In August 2010,Lomborg appeared to reverse his position on global warming in
  3. Overlap, and disintegrate. In The Public and its Problems, Dewey presents a, rebuttal ,to Walter Lippmann’s treatise on the role of journalism in democracy.
  4. April. Even his friend Antoine-Jacques Roust an felt impelled to write a polite, rebuttal ,of the chapter on Civil Religion in the Social Contract, which implied that the
  5. Voiced by prominent and respected statisticians. The volume of criticism and, rebuttal ,has filled books with language seldom used in the scholarly debate of a dry
  6. Anne clearly stated her intentions in writing it. She presented a forceful, rebuttal ,to critics who considered her portrayal of Huntington overly graphic and
  7. Forward by opponents, are deployed in the media. In law, special rules apply to, rebuttal , Rebuttal evidence or rebuttal witnesses must be confined solely to the subject
  8. May invite authors to reply to a referee's criticisms and permit a compelling, rebuttal ,to break the tie. If an editor does not feel confident to weigh the
  9. By many authorities. The Aromatherapy Trade Council of the UK has issued a, rebuttal , The Australian Tea Tree Association, a group that promotes the interests of
  10. Concept; for a rebuttal used in informal logic, see counterargument. In law, rebuttal ,is a form of evidence that is presented to contradict or nullify other evidence
  11. 2011. This article is about the legal concept; for a, rebuttal ,used in informal logic, see counterargument. In law, rebuttal is a form of
  12. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" can be used as a shorthand, rebuttal ,to the second form of the ignorance fallacy (i.e. P has never been absolutely
  13. Ajax, an autobiography of 13 books, a philosophical treatise, and his written, rebuttal ,to Brutus' Eulogy of Cato. However, historians are able to analyze existing
  14. Increasing popular interest in astrology, The Humanist magazine presented a, rebuttal ,of astrology in a statement put together by Bart J. BOK, Lawrence E. Jerome
  15. On Scientific Americans site. The magazine also printed a response to the, rebuttal , * The Economist defended Lomborg, claiming the panel of experts that had
  16. Of his faith now suffered, and for the priest Oswald Testimony they were a, rebuttal ,of the early claims that the King had made, upon which the papists had built
  17. Principles of political economy, published in 1820. The second book which was a, rebuttal ,of Say's law had little influence on contemporary economists. His first book
  18. Exile who uses his website to make wild accusations against Obi ang. The, rebuttal ,also claims that the payments to government members were disclosed in the
  19. Writing in The Atlantic, calls the Carmen" standing for Muslims ". In, rebuttal ,to this charge, at an address to a C. S. Lewis conference, Dr. Devin Brown
  20. Were either sufficiently vocal, persuasive,or numerous enough to warrant, rebuttal ,in this form. Adherents of Gnosticism were most numerous during the second and
  21. Cannot mandate science that cannot be done. It is notable for a point-by-point, rebuttal ,to chief claims of creationism. Berra received a Ph.D. in Biology from Tulane
  22. A biography which was a strong defense of Scott and an equally forthright, rebuttal ,of Hunt ford; the book is dedicated" To the Families of the Defamed Dead ".
  23. Cases. He rarely called defense witnesses, thereby avoiding the possibility of, rebuttal ,witnesses for the Crown, and securing the last word for himself. In late 1920
  24. That to another, which thou wouldst not have done to thy self. " Cumberland's, rebuttal ,of Hobbes The English cleric Richard Cumberland wrote a lengthy and influential
  25. Solomon’s argument, apparently suggesting that it was absurd and required no, rebuttal , In 1997,Tom Vanderbilt wrote in a similar vein in The Baffler magazine: "
  26. Have visibly and carefully avoided reading me ". After Derrida’s final, rebuttal ,in 1989 the two philosophers didn’t continue, but,as Derrida described it
  27. And accused of anti-feminism. Crichton, anticipating this response, offered a, rebuttal ,at the close of the novel which states that a" role-reversal" story uncovers
  28. For Octavian, who was already known to have armed forces. This was in part a, rebuttal ,to Antony's opinion of Octavian, as Cicero quoted Antony saying to Octavian,"
  29. The tie. If an editor does not feel confident to weigh the persuasiveness of a, rebuttal , the editor may solicit a response from the referee who made the original
  30. Leopold Leau's" The Truth About the Delegation in 1907 ",a, rebuttal ,of criticisms made about the events of the Delegation, based on his own
  31. New evidence on other subjects may not be brought in rebuttal . However, rebuttal ,is one of the few vehicles whereby a party may introduce surprise evidence or
  32. Proposed paths attacked the notion of universal assemblers, leading to a, rebuttal ,from Dealer and colleagues, and eventually to an exchange of letters. Smaller
  33. The other side may be granted a specific opportunity to rebut it. In, rebuttal , the rebutting party may generally bring witnesses and evidence which were
  34. Opportunity for hearing of the evidence of contempt and to present evidence in, rebuttal , Contempt of court in a civil suit is generally not considered to be a criminal
  35. Or theological concerns and a missionary or apologetic purpose. It presents a, rebuttal ,by emphasizing the teachings of the Bible against the beliefs of
  36. For an ordered liberty that protects against anarchy as well as tyranny. " A, rebuttal ,to this is that a jury instruction about jury nullification" would transform
  37. Was infuriated by this statement and used the often quoted" one sentence, rebuttal ," that" wasn't strictly accurate ". True BASIC is a variant of the BASIC
  38. In the media. In law, special rules apply to rebuttal . Rebuttal evidence or, rebuttal ,witnesses must be confined solely to the subject of the evidence
  39. Threatened to sue for copyright infringement. Lomborg eventually removed the, rebuttal ,from his website; it was later published in PDF format on Scientific Americans
  40. And Historical Truth. Golden refused the journal's invitation for a full, rebuttal , and instead enlisted a London law firm to sue Born and the Cambridge
  41. By 1796 every student at Harvard was given a copy of Bishop Watson's, rebuttal ,of The Age of Reason. In 1815,Parson Weeks, an early American novelist and
  42. Called the Britannica Student Encyclopedia on the company's website). The, rebuttal ,went on to mention that some articles presented to reviewers were
  43. The basis of the story. ". However, historian Michael Wood delivers a firm, rebuttal ,of this view. He quotes the 13th-century writer Robert Manning as saying" ...
  44. In public affairs. Rousseau even helped Roust an find a publisher for the, rebuttal , Rousseau published caused Rousseau and his books to be banned from France and
  45. Tenenbaum himself, who strongly criticized Kenneth Brown and published a long, rebuttal ,on his own personal website. Licensing At the time of its original development
  46. More likely than any current rival idea, such as Creationism. Thus,Melnyk's, rebuttal , stated very crudely, is that one should define physicalism in relation to
  47. Of the evidence rebutted. New evidence on other subjects may not be brought in, rebuttal , However, rebuttal is one of the few vehicles whereby a party may introduce
  48. Journalist Thomas Franklin Fairfax Millard had it translated, and wrote a, rebuttal ,in his journal,Millard's Review, he reprimanded One. Shinji felt very
  49. Applying himself to it. The first half of the book contains an extended, rebuttal ,of what Camus took to be existentialist philosophy in the works of Kierkegaard
  50. Per article for Britannica and 3.86 for Wikipedia. In its detailed 20-page, rebuttal , Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. characterized Natures study as flawed and

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