Examples of the the word, rapids , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rapids ), is the 10334 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Century, the construction of dams along the length of the river submerged the, rapids ,beneath a series of reservoirs. An extensive system of locks allowed ships and
  2. Downstream of the rapids . Very young streams flowing across solid rock may be, rapids ,for much of their length. Rapids are categorized in classes, generally running
  3. St. Lawrence River via the Richelieu River, with the Chamber Canal bypassing, rapids ,on the river since 1843. Together with these waterways the lake is part of the
  4. Which is believed to cleanse oneself of sins and help attain salvation. The, rapids ,of the Ganges also are popular for river rafting, attracting hundreds of
  5. By Lewis and Clark, as high water obscured Cello Falls and many of the, rapids , On July 14, 1811,Thompson reached the partially constructed Fort Astoria at
  6. Factory. Four of the world's six welded aluminum jet boat (for running river, rapids ,) manufacturers are in the Lewiston-Clarkston, WA valley. Wine grapes were
  7. Natural resources and scenic areas. The state has snow-capped mountain ranges, rapids , vast lakes and steep canyons. The waters of the Snake River rush through Hell's
  8. 3–6 meters and 2–3 meters in the mouth. There are three sharp turns: the Ivanov, rapids , at Nevsky Forest Park of the Ust-Slavyanka region (the so-called crooked knee
  9. For a length of, where,besides numerous whirlpools, there are no less than 35, rapids , the series concluding with three cataracts just before reaching the river
  10. Rivers where their extra stability and speed may be necessary to get through, rapids , Between the creek boat and play boat extremes is a category called river–running
  11. Intact. In Tungurahua, the Pasta is a very fast whitewater river with class-4, rapids , ; it is often used for whitewater rafting, although it is not considered to be of
  12. Deep gorges, arid plains, badlands,archaeological sites, and whitewater, rapids ,on the Missouri itself. The preserve also includes a wide variety of plant and
  13. The Marion is given the name of the Amazon River. Barred by reefs, and full of, rapids ,and impetuous currents, the Marion has never become a commercial avenue. At
  14. The Rock Island Rapids were between Rock Island and Molina, Illinois. Both, rapids ,were considered virtually impassable. In 1848,the Illinois and Michigan Canal
  15. Barrier on the river, the Falls of the Ohio. The Falls were a series of, rapids ,where the river dropped in a stretch of about. In this area, the river flowed
  16. A series of finger-like rock projections protruding from either bank. These, rapids ,were difficult for steamboats to traverse. As demand for river-based
  17. The Cascade Rapids. In 1938,the construction of Bonneville Dam inundated the, rapids ,as well as the remaining trees that could be used to refine the estimated date
  18. To the erosive power of the stream in comparison with the bed downstream of the, rapids , Very young streams flowing across solid rock may be rapids for much of their
  19. 2nd millennia BC, respectively. Chinese merchants travelling treacherous river, rapids ,would redistribute their wares across many vessels to limit the loss due to any
  20. It has numerous islands, and,above its mouth, it is broken by a bad series of, rapids , A bus (; plural" buses" or" busses ", ),archaically also omnibus, multibus
  21. Numerous dams. On the few remaining natural sections, there are still several, rapids , Near Koblenz in the Aargau, the river AAR joins the Rhine. With an average
  22. A threshold of his house ". The Czech pray might thus be understood to refer to, rapids ,or a cataract in the river, the edge of which could have acted as a means of
  23. West for about 50 kilometers and then turns southwest to Phnom Penh. Extensive, rapids ,run above Rachel city. From Among Cham the gradient slopes very gently, and
  24. The valley of MGA and broke into the valley of the river Tosca. The Ivanov, rapids ,of the modern Neva were created in the breakthrough area. So about 2000 BC the
  25. As and the maximum as. The eastern reaches of the Hard River, including the, rapids , are frozen hard in the winter, and people travel on it as on a road. The
  26. The sewer under a city * Whitewater hole, a feature found in some whitewater, rapids ,Entertainment ** Holes (film),a 2003 theatrical adaptation of the novel **
  27. The more famous Boom Falls in Africa by volume and total drop. From these, rapids , the Madeira flows northward forming the border between Bolivia and Brazil for
  28. Word Hals (neck),referring to the narrowest part of the river,i.e. the, rapids , In Helsinki slang the city is nicknamed as either Staid (from the Swedish
  29. Fished for migrating salmon, sturgeon and alewives with nets strung across the, rapids ,of the Merrimack River. The stream was also the transportation route for their
  30. River. Lake Superior drains into Lake Huron by the St. Mary's River. The, rapids ,on the river necessitate the Salt Locks (pronounced" so" ), a part of the
  31. Fall Line, the line along which rivers, brooks,and streams are interrupted by, rapids ,and/or waterfalls. Maryland's capital city, Annapolis,is one exception to
  32. In the dry season, it has shallows, and is obstructed by sandbanks, a few, rapids ,and granite rocks. Its shores are densely wooded, and the soil more fertile
  33. While class, I rapids are easy to negotiate and require no maneuvering, class VI, rapids ,pose threat to life with little or no chance for rescue. Rutherfordium () is a
  34. Its current gentle, waters clear, and bosom smooth and unbroken by rocks and, rapids , a single instance only excepted. " __TOC__ Image: Allegheny Monongahela Ohio.
  35. All that was keeping him from China (in French, la Chine),that he named the, rapids ,for China. To this day, they are the Machine Rapids. In 1609 Henry Hudson
  36. Of any large scale, as it lacks depth for most of the year, and is broken by, rapids ,at many spots. Camel caravan transport was historically important in the Sahara
  37. Of the surrounding parish, Helsinge (source for Finnish Helsinki) and the, rapids ,(), which flowed through the original village. The name Helping may have
  38. In the late 1960s,when it was discovered that they were able to jump along the, rapids ,of the San Juan River (which connects Lake Nicaragua and the Caribbean Sea)
  39. Line in 1956. Just north of Kongo lo, the Lullaby is unnavigable due to the, rapids ,named Ports D'Enter ('Gates of Hell' ). The track between Valerie and NIMBY
  40. The people to store ice. The eastern reaches of the Hard River, including the, rapids , are frozen hard in the winter, and people travel on it as on a road.
  41. Of any large scale, as it lacks depth for most of the year, and is broken by, rapids ,at many spots. Camel caravan transport was historically important in the Sahara
  42. Nile north of Khartoum between the fifth and sixth cataracts (areas of steep, rapids ,) and provides about 14 % of the Nile's waters in Egypt. During the low-water
  43. The way blocked by rapids at what is now Montreal, he was so certain that these, rapids ,were all that was keeping him from China (in French, la Chine),that he named
  44. The Machine Canal (1825),which allowed ships to skirt the nearly impassable, rapids ,on the St. Lawrence River at Montreal were built for commerce. The Idea Canal
  45. Himself that the St. Lawrence was the Passage; when he found the way blocked by, rapids ,at what is now Montreal, he was so certain that these rapids were all that was
  46. Of the tributaries of the Amazon are navigable. Upstream, they generally have, rapids ,or waterfalls, and boats and barges also must face sandbars, trees,and other
  47. Ides tam established a ground wood pulp mill on the banks of the Tammerkoski, rapids ,in the town of Tamper, in southwestern Finland in Russian Empire and started
  48. I to VI. A Class 5 rapid may be categorized as Class 5.1-5.9. While class, I, rapids ,are easy to negotiate and require no maneuvering, class VI rapids pose threat
  49. The steamboats’ needs. Boats needed rest areas to stop before encountering the, rapids , places to hire expert pilots to guide the boat through the rocky waters, or
  50. Also known as rodeo boating),kayaks exploit the complex currents of, rapids ,to execute a series of tricks, which are scored for skill and style. Creek boat

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