Examples of the the word, ontology , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Controversy, particularly regarding the relationship between dialectics, ontology ,and nature. For scholars working on these issues from a variety of perspectives
  2. The broad domain of ontologies. Ontology Engineering After Cycle, a number of, ontology ,languages have been developed. Most are declarative languages, and are either
  3. Spanish: Pains, luego exist. – I think; therefore, I am. — Descartes In, ontology , philosophical discussions of the word" be" and its conjugations takes place
  4. Explored the possibility of synthesizing Marxism and Heidegger's fundamental, ontology , as begun in the latter's work" Being and Time" ( 1927). Though he
  5. When we talk about right and wrong, we are talking about matters of fact. The, ontology ,of ethics is about value-bearing things or properties,i.e. the kind of things
  6. An inconsistency created by the use of the question of identity proper to the, ontology ,of domain A, applied to the subject of domain B, our reality. The
  7. Of the world. " In his old age, Engels speculated about a new cosmology or, ontology ,which would show the principles of dialectics to be universal features of
  8. Philosophy, being is the object of study of metaphysics, and more specifically, ontology , In these contexts, the term" being," is typically understood as one's "
  9. At that time. The doctrines included opposition to all metaphysics, especially, ontology , and synthetic a priori propositions; the rejection of metaphysics not as wrong
  10. Special-purpose knowledge engineering because as stated by Tom Gruber," Every, ontology ,is a treaty- a social agreement among people with common motive in sharing. "
  11. Interpretations begun in his Been (1913) and instead followed Heidegger's, ontology , Maurice Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception is influenced by Edmund
  12. Of human existence may be termed" idealist ". Metaphysical idealism is an, ontology ,that holds that reality itself is essentially spirit or consciousness or, at
  13. Disputes this assertion, because it eliminates the clear distinction between, ontology ,and epistemology. Existence and thought are not identical and one cannot
  14. 1969,influenced by Gnosticism and Schopenhauer interpretation of Platonic, ontology ,as well as that of Platinum. Drama (Darrow) (, ) (ca. 940/45 – 977) was
  15. Have stated that New Testament passages speak of the economy rather than the, ontology ,of the Holy Spirit, and that in order to resolve this conflict Western
  16. Neural networks). Knowledge and reasoning * CBC, an attempt to assemble an, ontology ,and database of everyday knowledge, enabling human-like reasoning. * Risk, a
  17. And time, cause and effect, and possibility. A central branch of metaphysics is, ontology , the investigation into the basic categories of being and how they relate to
  18. Many traditional problems of philosophy, especially those of metaphysics or, ontology , as meaningless. Origins The main influences on the early logical positivists
  19. Universal Grammar Applied aesthetics Applied art Applied ethics Applied, ontology ,Applied philosophy Apportionment paradox Appreciation Approximation Aptitude
  20. Judgments using meaning categories. Mathematics, on the other hand, is formal, ontology ,; it studies all the possible forms of being (of objects). Hence, for both
  21. Can be both contraceptive and contraceptive. In metaphysics (in particular, ontology ,), the different kinds or ways of being are called categories of being or
  22. For example the http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/oswebsite/ ontology / hydrology, ontology ,developed by the Ordnance Survey in the United Kingdom and the
  23. Or are based on first-order logic. Most of these languages only define an upper, ontology ,with generic concepts, whereas the domain concepts are not part of the language
  24. Listed as a part of the major branch of philosophy known as metaphysics, ontology ,deals with questions concerning what entities exist or can be said to exist
  25. Is an artificial intelligence project that attempts to assemble a comprehensive, ontology ,and knowledge base of everyday common sense knowledge, with the goal of
  26. Or LISP constructs. The commitment we make by selecting one or another, ontology ,can produce a sharply different view of the task at hand. Consider the
  27. Wide variety of subjects, including political philosophy, ethics,metaphysics, ontology , logic, biology,rhetoric, and aesthetics. Many philosophers today concede that
  28. Correlate to the third stratum is the" theory of manifolds ". In formal, ontology , it is a free investigation where a mathematician can assign several meanings
  29. Copernican Revolution (metaphor) Copula (linguistics) Cora Diamond Core, ontology ,Correlative Crispus of Sepsis Collins Lamont Corner West Cornelia dilemma
  30. Death. In calling his work Being and Nothingness an" essay in phenomenological, ontology ," Jean-Paul Sartre follows Heidegger in defining the human essence as ambiguous
  31. Connections. This is a useful view, but not the only possible one. A different, ontology ,arises if we need to attend to the electrodynamics in the device: Here signals
  32. And non-cognitivists believe that ethics does not need a specific, ontology , since ethical propositions do not refer. This is known as an anti-realist
  33. Width:Some/IN"> auto">Some noted articles Pace divided metaphysics into (1), ontology , or general metaphysics, ( 2) or religious metaphysics, and (3) physical
  34. Views that make any general purpose ontology impossible. A general purpose, ontology ,would have to be applicable in any domain and different areas of knowledge need
  35. New, unified vision of the encyclopaedia of the scientific disciplines in which, ontology ,had the role of assigning to each of the particular sciences its proper domain.
  36. Origami cosmos, always folding, unfolding,refolding. Delete summarizes this, ontology ,in the paradoxical formula" pluralism = monism ". Difference and Repetition is
  37. He specializes in hard science fiction stories with mathematical and quantum, ontology ,themes, including the nature of consciousness. Other themes include genetics
  38. Schemer, and (but with apprehension) Heidegger. His expressions like ", ontology ,of sensibility" when referring to the body, indicate influence by
  39. Hegel renaissance that was taking place in Europe with an emphasis on Hegel's, ontology ,of life and history, idealist theory of spirit and dialectic. Abbie Hoffman
  40. Of or belief about the past) are distinct in all philosophy and, ontology ,from plan, vision or intent (representations of or will to change the future)
  41. In Organs without Bodies (2003),Slave Size claims that Deleuze's, ontology ,oscillates between materialism and idealism, and that the Delete of
  42. Map Cognitive meaning Cognitive module Cognitive neuroscience Cognitive, ontology ,Cognitive psychology Cognitive relativism Cognitive revolution Cognitive
  43. Time),later to become a major influence on his own essay on phenomenological, ontology , Because of poor health (he claimed that his poor eyesight and isotropic
  44. Be to complicate and confuse an already very clear and simple definition of the, ontology ,of the Holy Spirit that the Ecumenical Councils already gave. Photos '
  45. Was an English writer. His prolific and diverse output included philosophy, ontology , poetry, plays,journalism, public lectures and debates, literary and art
  46. Build good ontologies for a variety of task domains, including early work on an, ontology ,for liquids, the lumped element model widely used in representing electronic
  47. For new people to learn the systems * Many gaps in not only the, ontology ,of ordinary objects, but an almost complete lack of relevant assertions
  48. Are always many competing and differing views that make any general purpose, ontology ,impossible. A general purpose ontology would have to be applicable in any
  49. Variety of views on this co-exist. Some Hindu philosophies postulate a theistic, ontology ,of creation, of sustenance, and of destruction of the universe, yet some Hindus
  50. Of Openly,2.0,was released in July 2009. Openly 1.0 includes the entire CBC, ontology ,containing hundreds of thousands of terms, along with millions of assertions

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