Examples of the the word, pew , in a Sentence Context
The word ( pew ), is the 10344 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- In order that no-one should be suspicious of him. " Kneeling there on a, pew , he opened the book in which he was carrying the Sacred Host. However, some
- Arts of door-to door salesmanship & other techniques * 1965 The comfortable, pew ,: a critical look at Christianity and the religious establishment in the new age
- Will promptly make jokes about each hat they are wearing as they pass by the, pew ,that Curtis and Barry are sitting in, while Barry tries not to laugh too loud.
- The separation of the Free Methodists, the Methodist Episcopal Church abolished, pew ,rentals. Seventeen years after his death, the Methodists returned his
- A trip to the park and attending Vespers, where he dozed off and fell off the, pew , He also mentions his recent literary disappointments:" seventeen copies sold
- He donated a stained-glass window, known as" The Music Man Window ", above the, pew ,where he would sit, which represented various musical instruments. He drove a
- Pinching proposed seven times once in a hackney-coach once in a boat once in a, pew ,once on a donkey at Tun bridge Wells and the rest on his knees. ” Flora
- 12. On February 7,1954,with President Eisenhower sitting in Lincoln's, pew , the church's pastor, George MacPherson Doherty, delivered a sermon based on
- Church attendance drops off or ceases entirely, only to be replaced in the, pew ,by the next ambitious young family. " Buildings *Main Building - the original
- Offerings for church support. They were critical of the Methodist practice of, pew ,rentals, which expressed the social prestige of those who rented the most
- Where he served as a vestryman in the last years of his life, can see his, pew , West, over the Catskills and in the Finger Lakes, Cornell University's oldest
- Number to be given to a race entrant and is colloquially known as a" blind, pew ," * A113 (sometimes A-113 or A1-13) is an inside joke present as an Easter
- An All-American center at Michigan in the 1930s,died on December 26, 2006. A, pew ,inside Washington National Cathedral was draped with a UM stadium blanket in
- And she was so stirred by his the beginning of his speech, she stood up in her, pew ,and wondered at his doctrine. Over the next weeks she and many of her household
- Of being a 'neo-medievalist ', preaching orthodoxy to the people in the, pew ,but knowing in private that it is not true. In an interview with Third Way
- 13th and 14th centuries. The 14th century north chapel later became the manor, pew , Economic history The parish's common lands were enclosed by an Act of
- Mother's residence. Maude designed a new ceiling for the chancel and a royal, pew , new choir stalls and a casing for a new organ. In 1944,he was awarded the
- The hymnal is currently available in these editions:" Buckram" ( standard, pew ,edition),936p., ISBN 978-0-9510796-2-1; Large print version,636p., ISBN
- Paul's Basilica, is found in Yorktown. Protestants could not afford the lofty, pew ,rents at nearby St. James Cathedral (Anglican) and this led to the building
- His original gravestone, as well as a document showing his assigned church, pew , is exhibited inside the church building). *Harrison A. Williams (1919–2001)
- Someone is occupying my pie. Please sew me to another sheet. " (occupying my, pew ,... show me to another seat) *" You have hissed all my mystery lectures. You
- Lincoln attended, New York Avenue Presbyterian Church by sitting in Lincoln's, pew ,on the Sunday nearest February 12. On February 7,1954,with President
- Some blamed the entire incident on two people who had been playing cards in the, pew ,during the sermon, thereby incurring God's wrath. The Catherine and Mary In
- On the corner and the burglar to The preacher in the pulpit and the man in the, pew ,Says I love you. Harp whistles it once to his horse, and later plays it on the
- Eliminate the pew system. Roberts here observed the potential problems of the ", pew ,system" in which wealthy families could purchase and/or rent pew s for
- Pie is occupied. Can I sew you to another sheet? " (Pardon me, madam,this, pew ,is occupied. Can I show you to another seat? ) *"You have hissed all my mystery
- Joseph Moore to put on a series of private concerts in 1799. He maintained a, pew ,at St Paul's Church, Birmingham,a center of musical excellence. Concerned
- For he sought to make the church a" free" church,i.e. eliminate the, pew ,system. Roberts here observed the potential problems of the" pew system" in
- The pew s were privately owned, their owners sometimes enclosed them in lockable, pew ,boxes, and the pew s were frequently not of uniform construction. Conversely
- Church includes many Anglo-Saxon sculptures, an ornate family box, pew ,and notable Renaissance church monuments. Amenities Breed on has two public
- There was no public seating in the church itself. In these churches, pew ,deeds recorded title to the pew s, and were used to convey them. Pews were
- Of other would-be reformers, could essentially identify three problems with the, pew ,system: 1) it ended the segregation of the worshiping congregation into male
- Of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, the other an ostentatious Stuart gallery, pew ,with scroll-sided poppy heads" so like those at Little Thurlow that they may
- Usually padded boards which run lengthwise parallel to the seating bench of the, pew , These kneeled boards may be 15 cm or so wide and elevated perhaps 10–15 cm
- Entourage when they were staying at the Castle during inclement weather. His, pew ,(or throne) was in the center of the right-hand gallery. Directly facing him
- S saloon. The Communion Table is fine mahogany; the very latches of the, pew ,doors are polished brass. How can it be thought the old coarse gospel should
- A pointed arch. On either side of the entrance to the chancel is an ornamental, pew , The left one bears the date 1674 and belonged to Pigeons ford, a local mansion.
- Usually have neither cushions nor footrests. Many pew s have slots behind each, pew ,to hold Bibles, prayer books, hymnals or other church literature. Sometimes the
- Martin-in-the-Fields on Thursday 7 October 2004 where they sat in the same, pew ,as Gregory Lauder-Frost, the former head of the Conservative Monday Club, and
- Little accident: She dropped her wedding bouquet and a gentleman in the front, pew ,picked it up and handed it back to her. A short time later, at the wedding
- To uncontrollable laughter in church as the bishop gestured at the viceregal, pew ,and said" ... and all we have left is an array of blasted hopes. "
- As a central act of Christian worship, especially in Protestantism, made the, pew ,a standard item of church furniture. In some churches, pew s were installed at
- Column stands near the site of the battle, and is known as ‘ Percy’s Cross ’. A, pew ,is a long bench seat or enclosed box used for seating members of a congregation
- Played near handicap golf regularly at the local course and had a" Bradley, pew ," at Central Christian Church. When a flag project opened in 2009 in the
- Has an ornate cypress-carved entrance, altar and farther, as well as intricate, pew ,end caps. The pew s were once sold to parishioners to raise money for the church
- Or faithful, according to current directs from the General Episcopal Synod. A, pew ,edition of the Hours was published in 2002 by St. Alban's Press. However, the
- Baptist Church in 1877,and attended services with her husband on a Sunday. The, pew ,in which they sat had to be enlarged and modified, so they could sit comfortably
- Island, his funeral was held in Trinity Church, Newport,where he had owned a, pew , Then his body was interred in the cemetery at St. Luke in the Fields. On
- Two former Governors of Hong Kong, Sir John Davis and George Botham. The first, pew ,on the south side of the interior bears the Royal Arms, as it was formerly
- Philip attended a Sunday morning service at the Old North Church, sitting in a, pew ,at the right front. The Rev. Robert W. College led the service and later
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