Examples of the the word, astrology , in a Sentence Context
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- Incline than compel ". Bacon advocated an emphasis on what he called" sane, astrology ," based on the study of subtle influences that" lie concealed in the depths of
- He also cited passages from the Qur'an in order to justify his refutation of, astrology ,on both scientific and religious grounds. However, Avicenna’s refutation of
- Pseudo-Democritus) which aligned these recipes with theoretical knowledge of, astrology ,and the Classical elements. Between the time of Bolus and Cosmos, the change
- Substance. Other contributions Astronomy and astrology The practice of judicial, astrology ,was refuted by Avicenna. His reasons were due to the methods used by
- On both scientific and religious grounds. However, Avicenna’s refutation of, astrology ,(in the treatise titled (Resale phi total ahead al-nojūm) concerned only the
- Or stars, which are uniquely relevant to that individual alone. At the heart of, astrology ,is the metaphysical principle that mathematical relationships express qualities
- Of interpretation and prediction with elements not found in Hellenistic, astrology , such as its system of lunar mansions (nakshatras). Chinese astrology has a
- Then suggested using Crowley as an interrogator to determine the influence of, astrology ,on other Nazi leaders, but his superiors rejected this plan. At some point
- Avicenna. His reasons were due to the methods used by astrologers in judicial, astrology ,being conjectural rather than empirical and also due to the principles of this
- On to 12 other animals such as the Tiger Core Principles A central principle of, astrology ,is integration within the cosmos. The individual, Earth,and its environment
- World, it suffered the common fate of other esoteric disciplines such as, astrology ,and movement of the preceding centuries. Indian alchemy According to Multan &
- Stated is unlikely. However, it is true that Albert us was deeply interested in, astrology , as has been articulated by scholars such as Paola Zambezi. While today, we
- Resale phi total ahead al-nojūm) concerned only the judicial application of, astrology ,rather than the philosophical principles of the subject and its natural
- Proposition from his work introduced the minor planetary aspects into, astrology ,; another introduced Kepler’s third law of planetary motion into astronomy.
- Ptolemy's ideas in De Aspects which explores many points of relevance to, astrology ,and the use of planetary aspects. In the 17th century, Kepler,also influenced
- To be in the sign Aquarius from January 21 to February 19,and in sidereal, astrology , from February 15 to March 14. Notes is the Japanese abbreviated pronunciation
- Modern period—few intellectuals, if any, questioned the basic assumptions of, astrology ,: humans live within a web of celestial influences that affect our bodies, and
- Sargon of Akkad (2334-2279 BCE). Another, showing an early use of election, astrology , is ascribed to the reign of the Sumerian ruler Judea of Lag ash (ca. 2144-2124
- On the sublunar matter. With that, he did not refute the essential dogma of, astrology , but only refuted our ability to fully understand it. In astronomy, he
- Ishtar and Aphrodite is their identification as the evening star. Babylonian, astrology ,associated the planet Venus with Ishtar. This presumably follows a yet earlier
- Retained the close association between astronomy, optics,music and, astrology , including Ptolemy, who wrote influential texts on all these topics. Kind
- Of astrology including Western Astrology, Hindu astrology and Chinese, astrology , Astrology’s origins trace to the third millennium BCE. Ancient civilizations
- Cottage of Evangeline Adams, having ghostwritten most of her two books on, astrology , His diaries at first show discontent at the gap between his view of the grade
- During the 4th century BC, along with other items of Babylonian, astrology ,such as the zodiac (Euros of Hindus). The Ancient Greeks and Romans often
- Artist ":: :* One who pursues a practical science, traditionally medicine, astrology , alchemy, chemistry: * A follower of a pursuit in which skill comes by study or
- Alien distinguished astrology from astronomy, and he refuted the study of, astrology , due to the methods used by astrologers being conjectural rather than empirical
- Intelligence or reason. Astrology Augustine's contemporaries often believed, astrology ,to be an exact and genuine science. Its practitioners were regarded as true men
- Which is different from the tropical zodiac used in Western (Hellenistic), astrology , in that an Alabama adjustment is made for the gradual precession of the vernal
- Through signs of the zodiac (spatial divisions of the ecliptic). Western, astrology ,is largely gyroscopic, that is, it is a form of divination based on the
- Α ARI) came to be located close to the point of vernal equinox. In Hellenistic, astrology , the constellation of Aries is associated with the golden ram of Greek
- Of the concepts that the two disciplines had previously shared. Subsequently, astrology ,suffered a decline in academic and theoretical credibility. The 20th century
- Be observed from the Earth. Other astronomical works Alien distinguished, astrology ,from astronomy, and he refuted the study of astrology , due to the methods used
- There are several traditions of astrology including Western Astrology, Hindu, astrology , and Chinese astrology . Astrology’s origins trace to the third millennium BCE.
- Itself, the soul is an immaterial substance. Other contributions Astronomy and, astrology ,The practice of judicial astrology was refuted by Avicenna. His reasons were
- Behave in certain ways. Within this worldview, it was logical to believe that, astrology ,could be used to predict the probable future of a human being. Albert us made
- Found in the writings of Carl Jung and the development of modern psychological, astrology , History Ancient world Astrology, before its differentiation from astronomy
- That" lie concealed in the depths of Physic ". His arguments reflect how, astrology ,has always involved consideration of the psyche, a more recent expression of
- The modern IAU definition of planet does not include the Sun and the Moon, astrology ,retains historical convention in its description of those astronomical bodies
- Human affairs and the natural world. There are several traditions of, astrology ,including Western Astrology, Hindu astrology and Chinese astrology . Astrology’s
- The notion of it signifying all heavenly bodies is evident in early Babylonian, astrology ,where cuneiform depictions for the determinative MUD (star) present a symbol
- Rather than empirical and also due to the principles of this type of, astrology ,conflicting with orthodox Islam. He also cited passages from the Qur'an in
- Considered to be in the sign Aries from March 21 to April 20,and in sidereal, astrology , from April 15 to May 15. Equivalents In Chinese astronomy, the stars of Aries
- S birth, in which various cosmic bodies are said to have an influence. Hindu, astrology ,is founded on the notion of band of the Vedas, ( scriptures),which is the
- The popularizing effect of newspaper horoscopes and New Age philosophies. While, astrology ,may bear a superficial resemblance to science, it is a pseudoscience because it
- Knowledge of topics such as logic, theology,botany, geography,astronomy, astrology , mineralogy, chemistry,zoology, physiology,phrenology and others; all of
- Adjustment is made for the gradual precession of the vernal equinox. Hindu, astrology ,includes several nuanced sub-systems of interpretation and prediction with
- Astrology, such as its system of lunar mansions (nakshatras). Chinese, astrology ,has a close relation with Chinese philosophy (theory of the three harmony
- Able to determine the exact effect of it. In essence, Avicenna did not refute, astrology , but denied man’s limited capacity to be able to know the precise effects of
- The Sun appears in the constellation Aries from April 19 to May 13. In tropical, astrology , the Sun is considered to be in the sign Aries from March 21 to April 20,and
- Appears in the constellation Aquarius from February 16 to March 11. In tropical, astrology , the Sun is considered to be in the sign Aquarius from January 21 to February
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