Examples of the the word, spacing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( spacing ), is the 10338 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Whose wavelength is on the order of (or much smaller than) the atomic, spacing , The pattern produced gives information of the separations of crystallographic
  2. Such as showing a particular number or combination, stacking the dice, or, spacing , them to be picked up between different fingers),but if they do, they are
  3. Assembling of character glyphs in the correct order, with the correct, spacing ,), alpha blending (application of anti-aliasing),and RGB blending (
  4. Rate. Maintaining a constant rate is essential to ensure proper size and, spacing ,of the pits and lands burned into the dye layer. As well as providing timing
  5. Pm 4/4’M usually 2/2,occasionally 3/3,3/2,or 2/3 × 2 = 40,44,or 42 Normal, spacing ,between the upper canine teeth is and between the lower canine teeth. The upper
  6. Shrubs, and grasses),leaf types (such as broadleaf and needle leaf),plant, spacing ,(forest, woodland,savanna),and climate. Unlike colones, biomes are not
  7. Crytallographic directions and its magnitude is equivalent to one interatomic, spacing , Dislocations can move if the atoms from one of the surrounding planes break
  8. Bonding). The α helix can be described as a 3.613 helix, since the i + 4, spacing , adds 3 more atoms to the H-bonded loop compared to the tighter 310 helices. The
  9. And 802.11g Wi-Fi, and 2.4 GHz cordless phones. * Carriers: 10 (1,728 kHz, spacing ,) in Europe,5 (1,728 kHz spacing ) in the US * Average transmission power: 10
  10. Increased, the (non-negligible) bandwidth of the FM signal increases, but the, spacing ,between spectra stays the same; some spectral components decrease in strength
  11. Of diameter cross-passages linking the rail tunnels to the service tunnel at, spacing ,; piston relief ducts diameter connecting the rail tunnels at spacing ; two
  12. Similar to that above gives:: :E_ \approx 3 \times 10^ \ \math rm. \, So the, spacing , and the energy of a typical spectroscopic transition, between vibrational
  13. Shrubs and grasses),leaf types (such as broadleaf and needle leaf),plant, spacing ,(forest, woodland,savanna) and climate. Unlike colones, biomes are not
  14. Ratio that results in equal tempered division of the octave. The ratio of the, spacing ,of two consecutive frets is the twelfth root of two. The twelfth fret divides
  15. The crystal structure, and regular repetitions of that plane with a particular, spacing , In the cubic system, the normal to the (HK) plane is the direction HK, but
  16. Finger Lakes, as satellite photos show three valleys similar in character and, spacing ,to the Finger Lakes east of Otis co Lake. The first is the Fully Valley, which
  17. Are separated by 0.5 mm,and are illuminated with a 0.6μm wavelength laser,the, spacing ,of the fringes viewed at a distance of 1 m will be 1.2 mm. If the width of the
  18. It with gold or silver (for example, Codex Argenteuil). Irish monks introduced, spacing ,between words in the 7th century. This facilitated reading, as these monks
  19. Should be thought of as on a discrete square lattice, with lattice, spacing ,a and the limit a\right arrow 0 should be taken carefully. If the final results
  20. Some of the literary conventions that modern readers expect there was still no, spacing ,between words, little or no punctuation and no stage directions, but
  21. According to the scale length; thus, the smaller the scale, the tighter the, spacing ,of the frets. Necks are described as bolt-on, set-in,or neck-through depending on
  22. Pattern with a pattern formed by five slits, both sets of slits having the same, spacing , between the center of one slit and the next. Particle diffraction Quantum
  23. From look-up tables and charts. Who took advantage of the relatively even, spacing ,of the mired scale (see above) to calculate the CCT Tc using linear
  24. Of putting dots between successive words (Classical Latin was written with no, spacing ,). Finally, he wrote an eight-volume autobiography that Suetonius describes as
  25. In practice a technique called vestigial side band is used to reduce the channel, spacing , which would be at least twice the video bandwidth if pure AM was used. Signal
  26. An hexagonal pattern, and are therefore called" grid cells ". These fields and, spacing ,between fields increase from the dorso-lateral MEA to the ventro-medial MEA.
  27. That we take for granted today had not yet been invented there was no, spacing ,between words, no consistency in punctuation nor in vowel elisions, no marks
  28. Well as certain butterfly wings and beetle shells. Variations in the pattern's, spacing ,often give rise to an iridescent effect, as seen in peacock feathers, soap
  29. Diffraction grating for visible light waves, particularly when the interstitial, spacing ,is of the same order of magnitude as the incident light wave. Thus, it has been
  30. Between notes on the fingerboard is large due to the scale length and string, spacing , so players have to shift positions frequently. The bass is usually discouraged
  31. This would mean that if the transverse coherence length is smaller than the, spacing ,between the two slits, the resulting pattern on a screen would look like two
  32. By bringing two perfectly smooth metal plates together at near atomic diameter, spacing , It is called a Casimir vacuum. Calculations imply that light will go faster in
  33. Hear) similarities and differences in letters and words, may not recognize the, spacing ,that organizes letters into separate words, and may be unable to sound out the
  34. Lambda, ~ n 0,1,2,\lots where λ is the wavelength of the light. The angular, spacing ,of the fringes is given by: \theta _f \approx \lambda / d The spacing of the
  35. For O2,the next highest quantum level (l=1) has an energy of roughly::: This, spacing ,between the lowest two rotational energy levels of O2 is comparable to that of
  36. Each species of ion is surrounded by ions of the opposite charge, and the, spacing ,between it and each of the oppositely charged ions near it, is the same for all
  37. Cordless phones. * Carriers: 10 (1,728 kHz spacing ) in Europe,5 (1,728 kHz, spacing ,) in the US * Average transmission power: 10 mW (250 mW peak) in Europe,4 mW
  38. Involves two orbits with two different periods, Bohr could determine the energy, spacing ,between levels using rule 3 and come to an exactly correct quantum rule: the
  39. Qualitative observations can be made of diffraction in general: *The angular, spacing ,of the features in the diffraction pattern is inversely proportional to the
  40. Neutral molecules into the A3C60 lattice to increase the interfullerene, spacing ,while the valence of C60 is kept unchanged. However, this ammunition technique
  41. Tunnel at spacing ; piston relief ducts diameter connecting the rail tunnels at, spacing ,; two undersea crossover caverns to connect the rail tunnels. The service tunnel
  42. Deviation is held constant, and the modulation frequency increased,the, spacing ,between spectra increases. Frequency modulation can be classified as narrow
  43. Become commonplace before the 12th century. It has been argued that the use of, spacing ,between words shows the transition from semi-vocalized reading into silent
  44. Space next to the two neighboring characters, without condensing or changing, spacing , Three kana readings are not uncommon, particularly due to soon with a long
  45. Font (narrowing the kana),or by adjusting the kanji by intercharacter, spacing ,(adding spaces around the kanji). In case an isolated character has a long
  46. The lowest energy state of an oscillator is equal to hf, to half the energy, spacing ,between levels. This argument, which was made in 1913 in collaboration with
  47. K-k' ) But near k=0,for field fluctuations long compared to the lattice, spacing , the two forms coincide. It is important to emphasize that the delta functions
  48. And support There is considerable variation in a volume, shape,size and, spacing ,of a woman's breasts. They vary in size, density,shape, sag and position on a
  49. Series of hits on the take. The player starts out slowly with lots of 'ma' (, spacing ,). Gradually the 'ma' between each hit becomes shorter and shorter, until the
  50. Spacing of the fringes is given by: \theta _f \approx \lambda / d The, spacing ,of the fringes at a distance from the slits is given by: ~w z \theta_f z

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