Examples of the the word, kaiser , in a Sentence Context
The word ( kaiser ), is the 10337 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- On Wilhelm's good side was remarkable, even amongst those accustomed to the, kaiser ,'s manner. Wilhelm's household controller noted," Whenever, by oversight, he
- Against the Social Democratic. Krupp's was also held in high esteem by the, kaiser , who dismissed Julius von Very du Vernon and his successor Hans on
- Hast an Kaiser, bist an Kaiser" (" If you have a Kaiser, you are a, kaiser , ") Zipper -" EIN Gas Heller Freud (" A glass of delightful joy ", play on
- Of Prussia. Below queried whether he was really the best man for the job: The, kaiser ,admitted that he would have preferred Ellensburg on a personal level, but was
- Colonial policy *1918 - Generic, king of the Vandals and the first Prussian, kaiser ,*1919 - Prussianism and pacifism; the two Wilhelm's between the revolutions of
- To take the 3 of spades in the one remaining trick. In the very rare case of a, kaiser ,bid, the bidding team immediately wins the game (or loses, in the event of an
- The two men formed a good working relationship. Rather than oppose the, kaiser , as some of his predecessors had done, Bülow agreed with him on all matters
- Then. Some games even continue this auction system during the season (e.g., kaiser , Co. UK). Kaiser also offers the opportunity to take the league to the next
- In a villa on Lake Como in Italy and was said to be supported by the former, kaiser , Wilhelm II and by the Pope. Prince Sigismund of Prussia, son of Alexandra's
- The German emperor and his eastern neighbors *1895 - The borderland of czar and, kaiser , Notes from both sides of the Russian frontier *1901- The children of the
- Pork and pie. Fried eggs with bacon or sausage and American cheese on a seeded, kaiser ,roll is a popular breakfast sandwich in parts of New York. Many soul food
- Changing trains and spoke to Philip EU Ellensburg. Ellensburg explained that the, kaiser ,wanted a new State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and urged Below to take the
- Foothill square, or San Pablo and 40th. MacArthur Bart is also serviced by the, kaiser ,and Oakland's children's hospital shuttle, and the Emery go round free shuttle to
- From around the world, exotic herbs, cheese,baked goods such as bread, kaiser ,rolls, and torte, meats,and seafood. There are also a lot of small restaurants
- After the insect, the hornet. * Kaiser (1862 - 1872): Built by Kit son & Co. A, kaiser ,was the emperor of Prussia. * Khan (1862 - 1872): Built by Kit son & Co. A
- German East Africa. Effendis were promoted by a governor's warrant, not by a, kaiser ,'s commission, as white commissioned officers were. Effendis had no authority
- I, argues that the title of" tsar" is more honorable for Muscovite's than ", kaiser ," or" king" exactly because it was God and not some earthly potentate who
- Corresponds to" tsar" ). Hammerstein correctly observed that the titles of ", kaiser ," and" imperator" were attempts to render the Russian term" tsar" into
- Polish" SW. Jamaica Prolong Pol ski" ( Catholic) *Karl I of Austria, last, kaiser , ( Emperor) of Austria and Italy (King) of Hungary; beatified October 3
- Murder with a" kaiser blade, some folks call it a sling blade, I call it a, kaiser ,blade ". External links * Spin Municipality () is located in Aveiro
- The West Yorkshire Symphony Orchestra),The Enemy, Thunder,Larva (now the, kaiser ,chiefs),The Blue tones and The Quire boys between the years 2001 and 2006. 2007
- A kaiser blades. " Karl says," some folks call it a sling blade, I call it a, kaiser ,blade. " Gerard van Her, originally from the Montreal suburb of Chamber, was
- The location of the Kaiser selection vote),and Maximilian II (the first, kaiser ,to be crowned in Frankfurt cathedral). Like the neo-Gothic façade, the balcony
- The form of government, however,was left undecided. Germany, ruled by a, kaiser , obviously preferred a monarchy. They proposed a personal union with the
- He was raised to the rank of Count. In October 1900 Below was summoned to the, kaiser ,'s hunting retreat at Hubertsstock. There Wilhelm asked Below to become
- Changes of mind to take the action he thought best rather than what the, kaiser ,had instructed. The post of Foreign Secretary was subordinate to that of the
- Cards. Simply, the highest card played (following suit) wins the trick. A, kaiser ,bid is equivalent to a 12 no (no-trump) bid. To make 12 points, the bidder (
- He received the latter title on November 25, 1704. He died in Madrid in 1708. A, kaiser ,blade is a heavy, hooked,steel blade at the end of a handle that is usually
- Max Bauer a new solution. In November 1916,on advice from Carl Duisburg, kaiser ,'s troops began the deportation of more than 60 thousand people from
- All cards have been played. There are two special types of bids: no-trump and, kaiser , A successful no-trump bid will mean that there are no trump cards. Simply, the
- And the Ottoman homeland of Turkey was declared a republic. Germany's, kaiser ,also abdicated and Germany was declared a republic. Germany was also forced to
- Mexico. Barbara Tuchman's book The Zimmerman Telegram mentions both the German, kaiser ,and the Japanese Emperor attempting to utilize this and perhaps Whale
- Aged 56,he led his old Hussars regiment at the gallop in a parade for the, kaiser , and was rewarded by an appointment to the rank of major general. Wilhelm
- Chillers' description of the murders. He admits to committing murder with a ", kaiser ,blade, some folks call it a sling blade, I call it a kaiser blade ". External
- Rocked the me tour to pieces, supported the killers, the kooks and the, kaiser ,chiefs around Europe and generally just had the most incredible time along the
- For as long as he could. On 26 June Below arrived in Kiel and met Wilhelm. The, kaiser ,advised that it would be one of the new secretary's main tasks to set about
- Alsace and Lorraine, from France. After the war, Wilhelm took the title, kaiser ,from the Roman title Caesar, proclaimed the German Empire, and all the German
- He notes to the reporter that," Some folks call it a sling blade. I call it a, kaiser ,blade," the line from which the film derives its name. Karl continues, saying
- The present Secretary, Adolf Marshall von Birkenstein, to stay in the job,the, kaiser ,was determined to replace him, and that he would prefer the successor to be
- And her boyfriend with this tool. He admits to committing murder with" a, kaiser ,blade. " Karl says," some folks call it a sling blade, I call it a kaiser
- The title of“ emperor” ( or its corresponding translation: tsar, empereur, kaiser , etc.) and renamed their states as“ The Empire of... ”. The French emperors
- Or Serbian monarch. It is derived from the word Caesar, much like the word, kaiser , The word may also be: *"Czar ", song by Frank Black from his 1994 debut solo
- This imperial title from Rome to Tibet may have been a Turkish language, since, kaiser , ( emperor) entered Turkish through contact with Byzantium, where Caesar (
- In Japanese sumo wrestling; or copied from real life, such as the Koenig and, kaiser ,('king' and 'emperor' ) in traditional archery competitions (not just
- Or topped with poppy seeds. They are similar to and sometimes equated with, kaiser ,rolls, but kaiser rolls are noticeably sweeter and often topped with poppy
- Where his wife was well-connected. King Hubert was persuaded to write to the, kaiser ,saying that he would be pleased if Below became ambassador there, and in 1893
- By folding corners of a square inward so that their points meet. *Kummelweck,a, kaiser ,roll or bulkier roll that is topped with a mixture of kosher salt and caraway
- Poppy seeds. They are similar to and sometimes equated with kaiser rolls, but, kaiser , rolls are noticeably sweeter and often topped with poppy seeds. Origin and
- Roll as is used for hamburgers. In Toronto, Canada,pea meal bacon served on a, kaiser ,bun is a popular version of the sandwich. The Mas coma River is a 31.6 mile long
- Emblem of the Seljuk dynasty and the Great Seljuk Empire File: Happen ROM., kaiser , JPG|Coat of arms of a Holy Roman Emperor of the House of Habsburg File: Areas
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