Examples of the the word, genealogy , in a Sentence Context
The word ( genealogy ), is the 10342 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Americans. Farmer capitalized on the acceptability of antiquarianism to frame, genealogy ,within the early republic's ideological framework of pride in one's American
- With Plato's island. John V. Luce notes that when he writes about the, genealogy ,of Atlantis's kings Plato writes in the same style as Hellenic and suggests
- Sovereign of the Yamato dynasty. In Kojak and Nihonshoki only his name and, genealogy ,were recorded. The Japanese have traditionally accepted this sovereign's
- Students of phylogeny in the ensuing 90 years. The concept of phylogeny as mere, genealogy ,should be terminologically distinguished as cladistics. To lump the two
- Spiritually. The redemption theme extends beyond this biblical book through the, genealogy , First, in Ruth 4:13 God made her conceive. Second, through the genealogy it is
- Stir net: Ascania1 (, genealogy ,of an earlier and possibly separate House of Scania)
- Historical background Historically, in Western societies the focus of, genealogy ,was on the kinship and descent of rulers and nobles, often arguing or
- Nietzsche's account of his family's origins. Hans von Müller debunked the, genealogy ,put forward by Nietzsche's sister in favor of a Polish noble heritage. Max
- Sovereign of the Yamato dynasty. In the Kojak little more than his name and, genealogy ,are recorded. The Nihonshoki is more expansive, though the section is mythical
- Sovereign of the Yamato dynasty. In Kojak and Nihonshoki only his name and, genealogy ,were recorded. He is believed to be son of Emperor Josh; and his mother is
- One of the most interesting, if sometimes confusing features of the Bahamian, genealogy ,is that most families have branches, and even immediate family members
- Such broad scope of the book may be the reason the Chronicler commences his, genealogy ,with Adam. Steven Tell argues that having Chronicles as the last book in the
- Genealogy Department, located in the Main Library Branch, is the largest public, genealogy ,department in the United States, home to more than 350,000 printed volumes and
- World. Such theorists find narrative (or, following Nietzsche and Foucault, genealogy ,) to be a helpful tool for understanding ethics because narrative is always
- Hankerings in Hovering The dynasty claimed descent from Women via Earnest. A, genealogy ,of the Essex royal house was prepared in Wessex in the 9th century.
- A scientific question. " The fifth and most recent edition of the Confucius, genealogy ,was printed by the Confucius Genealogy Compilation Committee (CGCC). It was
- And Asian Edward Sapir. France Anthropology in France has a less clear, genealogy ,than the British and American traditions, in part because many French writers
- Old English" ash tree" ) appears as the son of Longest in the Anglo-Saxon, genealogy ,for the kings of Kent. This has resulted in an amount of theories that the
- Sovereign of the Yamato dynasty. In Kojak and Nihonshoki only his name and, genealogy ,were recorded. He is believed to be the oldest son of Emperor ITU; and his mother
- Customs are also considered a son or heir to Elimelech, and thus Naomi). In the, genealogy ,which concludes the story, it is pointed out that Bed is the descendant of
- Sovereign of the Yamato dynasty. In Kojak and Nihonshoki, only his name and, genealogy ,were recorded. The Japanese have traditionally accepted this sovereign's
- Angeles. Portraying himself in a video, Crystal introduces museum guests to the, genealogy ,wing of the museum. New York baseball On March 12, 2008,Crystal signed a minor
- The genealogy . First, in Ruth 4:13 God made her conceive. Second, through the, genealogy ,it is shown that the son born to Naomi is more than just a gift from God to
- There also is a surviving law code of Æthelberht’s. An alternative form of this, genealogy , found in the Historian Britton among other places, reverses the position of
- By John Farmer (1789–1838). Before Farmer's efforts, tracing one's, genealogy ,was seen as an attempt by colonists to secure a measure of social standing
- Sovereign of the Yamato dynasty. In Kojak and Nihonshoki only his name and, genealogy ,were recorded. He is believed to be son of Emperor Koan; and his mother is
- Religion, the classics, Latin histories, canon and civil law, heraldry,and, genealogy , She had a strong religious upbringing and developed a faith that would play a
- Major questions such as which families represent the earliest branches in the, genealogy ,of angiosperms are now understood. Investigating how plant species are related
- States that he was Jochebed's nephew. Textual scholars attribute the biblical, genealogy ,to the Book of Generations, a document originating from a similar descent from
- Self-satisfaction in accurate storytelling. Some scholars differentiate between, genealogy ,and family history, limiting genealogy to an account of kinship, while using "
- Remains unknown. This uncertainty raises arguable doubts about this emperor's, genealogy , Genealogy information is supplemented in Shake Nixon which quotes from the
- Frozen blood, including a cast of his own head made using his own blood. In, genealogy ,& family history The term, blood,is used in genealogical circles to refer to
- The exact date and place of Eleanor's birth are not known. A late 13th century, genealogy ,of her family listed her as 13 years old in the spring of 1137. Some chronicles
- Stir net: Brandenburg1 (, genealogy ,of the Houses of Scania and Brandenburg) In physics, acceleration is the rate
- The singular form is alga. Phylogeny based on plastid. Not nucleocytoplasmic, genealogy ,: W. H. Harvey (1811—1866) was the first to divide the Algae into four
- Katie at his age of 58 as a possible heir to the Yamato throne. Although, genealogy ,information described in Shake Nixon leave room for discussion, many scholars
- Genealogical Proof Standard, also known as Cluster, genealogy ,* Geo-Political Simulator, a political simulation game * Gilbert Public Schools
- She was associated with the Roman goddess Ceres. When Demeter was given a, genealogy , she was the daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and therefore the elder sister of
- Even at the doors. This experience forms the basis for the church's focus on, genealogy ,and family history and belief in the eternal nature of marriage and families.
- Also be the son of Menu of Bake. Regardless of speculation about Keitai's, genealogy , it is well-settled that there was an extended period of disputes over the
- These three mythical dynasties into one long and artificially continuous, genealogy , Any mythical or possible site of this emperor's grave is not known.
- Some scholars differentiate between genealogy and family history, limiting, genealogy , to an account of kinship, while using" family history" to denote the
- Sovereign of the Yamato dynasty. In Kojak and Nihonshoki only his name and, genealogy ,were recorded. The Japanese have traditionally accepted this sovereign's
- Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System ", free, genealogy , software. * HyperGraphDB - An open-source OO graph database based on
- The name Sushi, Zephaniah’s father, means ‘ Ethiopian ’. In a society where, genealogy ,was considered extremely important because of God's covenant with Abraham and
- 1125,is the oldest Icelandic source to mention Fear, including him in a, genealogy ,of Swedish kings. Landnámabók includes a heathen oath to be sworn at an
- Female mitochondrial DNA (mt DNA) and the male Y chromosome. After analyzing, genealogy ,trees constructed using 133 types of mt DNA, researchers concluded that all were
- Of the wheat harvest. Ruth figures as one of four females named in the, genealogy ,of Jesus at the beginning of the Gospel of Matthew. Many Christians interpret
- Is a pilgrimage site for the local Marsh Arabs. Academic view Historicity and, genealogy ,Mary Joan Win Lath in The Oxford History of the Biblical World believes that
- Corresponded with other antiquarians in New England, where antiquarianism and, genealogy ,were well established, and became a coordinator, booster,and contributor to
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