Examples of the the word, charleston , in a Sentence Context

The word ( charleston ), is the 10340 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Be styled into a great variety of moves: *the walks may be done with kind of, charleston , bobbing; *the support foot may swivel at the moment of weight transfer *as a
  2. To the Melbourne Shuffle features the dancer performing the solo 1920s,Charleston, dance in the form of the running man (largely made popular by Leroy Thorn hill
  3. Turkish formats which were marginalized. The operetta, the tango and later the, charleston , and the foxtrot overshadowed Kant. Kanto's popularity began to fade, the
  4. Using (if at all) visual lead and follow cues. These sequences may include, charleston , moves,traditional jazz moves (such as boogie steps, Shorty George, Suzie Q
  5. Instrument) the up (a fretless lute),and cal para (castanets). Foxtrot, charleston , and rumba rhythms were fusioned with the typical Kant forms. Female soloists
  6. CSC, competitions are held in Lindy hop, classic Lindy hop, west coast swing, charleston , balboa, blues dancing, jive,and a fast dance. Competitions are divided into
  7. Or other ethnic group communities. Dances such as the Black Bottom, charleston , and tap dance travelled north with Dixieland jazz to New York, Kansas City, and
  8. Depicted riding a motorcycle (Speed),wiggling in a hammock (Rest),jiving, charleston , ( Dance),swimming (Sea-Horse). Christmas pudding and Mud Pie are childish
  9. Carter, composed for London production of Tell Me More. ) *1926 - I’d rather, charleston , ( lyrics by Desmond Carter, composed for London production of Lady Be Good. )
  10. Was built north of the terminus of I-26. http://maps.google.com/maps? Q, charleston , +scale utf-8&client firefox-a&ie UTF8&split 0≷ used
  11. 3 trumpets,3 trombones * Percussion instruments: timpani, gran cassia, piatto, charleston , * String instruments: guitar and string section quintet (first violin, second
  12. Next to each other. Eventually the dancers form a circle and dance solo, charleston , while watching each other. These jams occur frequently at most Lindy Hop events
  13. Ou One vie sans Join, also acted) *1927: Charleston Parade (SUR un air de, charleston , ) *1927: One vies sans join (second version of Backbiters) *1928: The Little
  14. The focus of Lindy exchanges is on Lindy hop, related swing dances such balboa, charleston , blues, and collegiate shag are common at 'Lindy' exchanges as well, and
  15. Machine d'allumettes (The Little Match Girl) (1928) * SUR un air de, charleston , ( Charleston Parade) (1927) * La File de l'EAU (The Girl of the Water) (

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