Examples of the the word, neutron , in a Sentence Context
The word ( neutron ), is the 10336 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Charged particles. The first method is most important for applications, as only, neutron ,irradiation using nuclear reactors allows the production of sizeable amounts of
- n) nuclear reaction:: \math rm The 227AcBe neutron sources can be applied in a, neutron ,probe – a standard device for measuring the quantity of water present in soil
- Neutral particles need not be identical to their antiparticles. The, neutron , for example, is made out of quarks, the anti neutron from antiquarks, and they
- Is widely used in commercial ionization chamber smoke detectors, as well as in, neutron ,sources and industrial gauges. Several unusual applications, such as a nuclear
- Through neutron capture by or alpha emission by calcium. Is created from the, neutron ,salvation of as a result of subsurface nuclear explosions. It has a half-life
- Its large cross-section for the (α, n ) nuclear reaction:: \math rm The 227AcBe, neutron , sources can be applied in a neutron probe – a standard device for measuring the
- Were able to prepare einsteinium and fermium by civilian means, through the, neutron ,bombardment of plutonium-239,and published this work in 1954 with the
- For alpha radiation by various government regulations. The BE is set at 10 for, neutron ,irradiation, and at 1 for beta radiation and ionizing photons. However, another
- Mathrm: The times are half-lives The second isotope 242Am was produced upon, neutron ,bombardment of the already-created 241Am. Upon rapid decay,242Am converts
- As neutron -deficient isotopes, can be obtained, which are not formed during, neutron ,irradiation. In 1962–1966,there were attempts in the United States to produce
- Is produced instead in a process where 239Pu captures four neutron s under high, neutron ,flux:: \math rm Metal generation Most synthesis routines yield a mixture of
- Boronated pharmaceuticals using boron-10,have been prepared for use in boron, neutron ,capture therapy (BNCT). Some boron compounds show promise in treating
- The shortest-lived known isotope of beryllium is 13Be which decays through, neutron ,emission. It has a half-life of 2.7 × 10−21 s. 6Be is also very short-lived
- By cosmic dust. Natural deposits of plutonium and neptunium are produced by, neutron ,capture in uranium ore. Name of_cut/> The Earth contains approximately
- Of conservation of angular momentum. The very high rotational rates of, neutron ,stars can also be explained in terms of angular momentum conservation. Moreover
- Obtained 241Am can be used for generating heavier americium isotopes by further, neutron ,capture inside a nuclear reactor. In a light water reactor (LWR),79 % of
- Separately from each other. In fact, in certain extreme environments such as, neutron ,stars, extreme temperature and pressure prevents atoms from existing at all.
- Boron, is nearly pure 11B. Commercial isotope enrichment Because of it's high, neutron ,cross-section,boron-10 is often used to control fission in nuclear reactors as
- 20 grams of 242m1Am. Such low-power reactors would be relatively safe to use as, neutron ,sources for radiation therapy in hospitals. Isotopes About 19 isotopes and 8
- Ore impractical. Instead, the element is prepared, in milligram amounts, by the, neutron ,irradiation of 226 in a nuclear reactor. Owing to its scarcity, high price and
- Positive charge by emitting a positron (in the same event, a proton becomes a, neutron , and a neutrino is also emitted). Nuclides with surplus positive charge are
- Army Faction members while waiting at a red light. *1978 – Development of the, neutron ,bomb is canceled by President Jimmy Carter. *1983 – During STS-6,astronauts
- Americium-241 was directly obtained from plutonium upon absorption of one, neutron , It decays by emission of an particle to 237Np; the half-life of this decay
- Involve several steps, where americium is first separated and then converted by, neutron ,bombardment in special reactors to short-lived nuclides. This procedure is well
- Good" pushers" for the implosion of the plutonium-239,and they are also good, neutron ,reflectors, just as they are in beryllium-moderated nuclear reactors. Beryllium
- Then instantaneously breaks into two alpha particles; that is, beryllium is a, neutron ,multiplier, releasing more neutron s than it absorbs. This nuclear reaction is:
- Particles with a mass similar to that of a proton. For his discovery of the, neutron , Chadwick received the Nobel Prize in 1935. Quantum physical models of the atom
- Some safety matches and in nuclear reactors together with beryllium as startup, neutron ,sources. Antimony sulfides have been shown to help stabilize the friction
- Phenomenon results in extremely fast spin of compact stars (like white dwarfs, neutron ,stars and black holes) when they are formed out of much larger and slower
- Test of a hydrogen bomb. Instantaneous exposure of uranium-238 to a large, neutron ,flux resulting from the explosion produced heavy isotopes of uranium, including
- The material. The predominant beryllium isotope 9Be also undergoes a (n,2n), neutron , reaction to 8Be,which then instantaneously breaks into two alpha particles;
- Owing to the large speed of the products and to other decay channels, such as, neutron ,emission and nuclear fission. From actinium to neptunium Uranium and thorium
- Computer invented by physicist Enrico Fermi in 1947 to aid in his studies of, neutron ,transport. * The MANIAC Computer was a hydraulic model of a national economy
- Enriched boron or 10B is used in both radiation shielding and in boron, neutron ,capture therapy. In the latter, a compound containing 10B is attached to a
- Was never achieved. Instead, actinium is prepared, in milligram amounts, by the, neutron ,irradiation of 226 in a nuclear reactor.: \math rm The reaction yield is about 2
- Atom is roughly equal to A. Atoms having the same atomic number Z but different, neutron ,number N, and hence different atomic mass, are known as isotopes. Most
- Improves their radiation-shielding properties; the improvement is due to strong, neutron ,absorption by 10B. Such 10BN materials are of particular theoretical value as
- And fermium-255. The discovery of the new elements and the new data on, neutron ,capture were initially kept secret on the orders of the U. S. military until
- A control for nuclear reactors, taking advantage of its high cross-section for, neutron ,capture. Other nonmedical uses *Because of its distinctive green flame
- To obtain significantly higher densities than normal, combined with a central, neutron ,source to begin the reaction and increase efficiency. Thus, only 6.2 kg of
- Has lost this status to berkelium, a few atoms of which can be produced by, neutron ,capture reactions and beta decay in very highly concentrated uranium-bearing
- Primarily with. In the subsurface environment, it is also produced through, neutron ,capture by or alpha emission by calcium. Is created from the neutron salvation
- Was reported without incidents, and medical dosages of 20 g of boric acid for, neutron ,capture therapy caused no problems. Fish have survived for 30 min in a
- Construction. Such probes are also used in well logging applications, in, neutron , radiography,tomography and other radio chemical investigations. 225Ac is
- Actinium has no significant industrial use. Its current applications include a, neutron ,source and an agent for radiation therapy targeting cancer cells in the body.
- Is important in managing a nuclear reactor, so nuclear scientists will analyze, neutron ,activation to develop discrete measurements within vast samples. A matrix can
- The pattern of X-ray binaries (binary star systems containing black holes or, neutron ,stars),mostly on one side of the galactic center. While the mechanism is not
- Neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. The number of neutron s, N,is known as the, neutron ,number of the atom; thus, A = Z + N. Since protons and neutron s have
- Doped with extra boron-10) makes the material attractive as an absorbent for, neutron ,radiation arising in nuclear power plants. Nuclear applications of boron
- Fission rate as compared with the isotopes of californium. Prolonged, neutron ,irradiation also produces a long-lived isotope 254Es (to = 275.5 days). Among
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