Examples of the the word, recycling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( recycling ), is the 5587 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To fit the likeness of Nerve, which allowed quick production of new images and, recycling ,of previous material. Yet the order of the Senate was only partially executed
  2. With the Baleen (or Baleen),a community that has been collecting and, recycling ,Cairo's waste since the turn of the 20th century and live in an area known
  3. Destinations. Many believed a full ban was needed including exports for, recycling , These concerns led to several regional waste trade bans, including the Bamako
  4. Concrete debris was once routinely shipped to landfills for disposal, but, recycling , is increasing due to improved environmental awareness, governmental laws and
  5. The population generally supports progressive causes such as the extensive city, recycling ,programs and the decriminalization of the drug cannabis both for medical and
  6. Or recovery. The examples of disposal are broad and include also recovery, recycling , Annex II lists other wastes such as household wastes and residue that comes
  7. First century AD and it has been suggested that this reflects zinc loss during, recycling ,and thus an interruption in the production of new brass. However, it is now
  8. Role in agriculture. By burying and consuming dung, they improve nutrient, recycling ,and soil structure. They also protect livestock, such as cattle, by removing
  9. Council housing, environmental health, markets and fairs, refuse collection and, recycling , cemeteries and crematoria, leisure services, parks,and tourism. Somerset
  10. Polluted places, released in October 2006,due to lead poisoning by a battery, recycling ,smelter closed in 1999. Cleanup of the site began in 2008,but children
  11. Are used to prepare reactants, purifying and separating its products, recycling ,unspent reactants, and controlling energy transfer in reactors. On the other
  12. Scores electronics manufacturers on their policies regarding toxic chemicals, recycling ,and climate change, Apple ranked 9th out of 18 leading electronic makers in
  13. The per capita stocks and their approximate lifespans is important for planning, recycling , Recovery of the metal via recycling has become an important facet of the
  14. From landfills. In the fall of 2007 the city began a pilot program for blue bin, recycling ,similar to that of other cities due to low participation rates in the blue bag
  15. Also produce cellulose of their own. Fungi, which in nature are responsible for, recycling ,of nutrients, are also able to break down cellulose. The enzymes utilized to.
  16. The efficiency of water heating, either with or without solar, hot water heat, recycling ,units recover heat from drain lines thereby increasing water heating capacity
  17. May contain recyclable metals and materials that can be reused or sold to, recycling ,plants and scrapyards. The most common recyclable metals found are steel and
  18. City also offers waste management services, with Recycle Ann Arbor's handling, recycling ,service. Other utilities are provided by private entities. Electrical power and
  19. Chloroplasts are consumed in the Calvin cycle, which produces trios sugars. ATP, recycling ,The total quantity of ATP in the human body is about 0.1 mole. The majority of
  20. Method for synthesizing ammonium nitrate which made the traditional practice of, recycling ,nutrients with crop rotation and animal manure less necessary. Synthetic
  21. Full Depth Recycling, a process that rebuilds worn out asphalt pavements by, recycling ,the existing roadway * Free domain Radio, a voluntarism podcast and discussion
  22. Lifespans are important for planning recycling . Recovery of the metal via, recycling ,has become an important facet of the aluminum industry. Recycling was a
  23. The worldwide demands for aluminum for many centuries. Increased aluminum, recycling , which has the advantage of lowering the cost in electric power in producing
  24. Like waste and wastewater are also avoided in favor of terms such as byproduct, recycling , reclaimed water and effluent. In the oil industry, oil-based drilling mud
  25. Ongoing Commitment Award. She was instrumental in implementing curbside, recycling ,in Santa Monica and in retaining the New York City recycling program despite
  26. Maintenance, refurbishment,and ultimately, demolition and associated disposal, recycling , and replacement, less the value of scrap and reuse of components. Bridges
  27. Or PIC. Further, many waste traders sought to exploit the good name of, recycling ,and begin to justify all exports as moving to recycling destinations. Many
  28. System that produces other energy, and uses locally produced fuels. Heat, recycling , generation and solar pre-heating can save 50-75 % of the gas otherwise
  29. Chlorides, sulfates and distillate water). Concrete recycling Concrete, recycling ,is an increasingly common method of disposing of concrete structures. Concrete
  30. Protection Agency created rules stating that CRTs must be brought to special, recycling ,facilities. In November 2002,the EPA began fining companies that disposed of
  31. Process to extract aluminum. In Europe aluminum experiences high rates of, recycling , ranging from 42 % of beverage cans,85 % of construction materials and 95 % of
  32. Land-filling As concern about landfill space increases, worldwide interest in, recycling ,by means of composting is growing, since composting is a process for converting
  33. Material are collected on alternate weeks. Paper is collected for, recycling ,on a four-weekly basis. Recycling centers and points are at a number of
  34. According to recent figures taken in 2008,suggest the city council has a, recycling ,rate of 36.1 %. Law enforcement is provided by Wayside Police. The headquarters
  35. For quality and guidance for good practice in collection and preparation for, recycling ,*BSI PAS 104 Specification for quality and guidance for good practice for the
  36. Consumption, are produced from secondary sources, mainly from dust generated by, recycling ,iron and steel scrap. Production in the United States began in 1907,One place
  37. Damage (from carbonation, chlorides,sulfates and distillate water). Concrete, recycling ,Concrete recycling is an increasingly common method of disposing of concrete
  38. Regions managing most of London's waste. Croydon has the joint best, recycling ,rate in London, at 36 %. Croydon's Distribution Network Operator for
  39. The good name of recycling and begin to justify all exports as moving to, recycling ,destinations. Many believed a full ban was needed including exports for
  40. But far from limited to) food, wood,pharmaceuticals, oxygen,and the, recycling ,of many organic wastes. The land-based ecosystem depends upon topsoil and fresh
  41. Garden State Paper Company Inc. (New Jersey, USA)—paperboard and newsprint, recycling ,mill * Papers Standalone Lee. (Quebec, Canada)—wood pulp & paper mill * St.
  42. With atheromas disease progression within the arteries. Metabolism, recycling ,and excretion Cholesterol is susceptible to oxidation and easily forms
  43. The plasma membrane and recycle them back to the surface (early endoscopes and, recycling ,endoscopes) or sort them to degradation (late endoscopes and lysosomes). The
  44. Curbside recycling in Santa Monica and in retaining the New York City, recycling ,program despite threatened budget cuts in 1991. In 2002,Manner, her husband
  45. Developing countries. The Basel Ban applies to export for any reason, including, recycling , An area of special concern for advocates of the Amendment was the sale of
  46. Impact - Minimizing environmental impact of computers during manufacturing and, recycling ,as well during use. Reducing waste, reducing hazardous materials. (see Green
  47. Group. Waste management is handled by Dundee City Council. There is a kerbside, recycling ,scheme that currently only serves 15,500 households in Dundee. Cans, glass and
  48. EU member which does not recycle municipal waste, although an electronic waste, recycling ,plant was put in operation in June 2010. The situation has improved in recent
  49. For extrusion. White dross from primary aluminum production and from secondary, recycling ,operations still contains useful quantities of aluminum that can be extracted
  50. Activism Blythe Manner has been involved in environmental issues such as, recycling ,and conservation for over 30 years. She has been active with INFORM, Inc., is

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