Examples of the the word, materials , in a Sentence Context

The word ( materials ), is the 5585 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Emit alpha particles which can be blocked by thin layers of common, materials , many of the daughter products emit gamma-rays and neutrons which have a long
  2. Are used in innumerable applications, and billions of kilograms of these, materials ,are made and used each year. Environmental transformations When released in the
  3. Another freelance artist, Sid Mauser, to design album covers and promotional, materials , Fine art (1952–67) He began exhibiting his work during the 1950s. He held
  4. Lambert in his 1760 work Photometric. Terrestrial albedo Albedos of typical, materials ,in visible light range from up to 0.9 for fresh snow, to about 0.04 for
  5. Of elite and ordinary Egyptians alike were constructed from perishable, materials ,such as mud bricks and wood, and have not survived. Peasants lived in simple
  6. Shipped all over the world, and Edmonton's oil refineries provide the raw, materials ,for a large petrochemical industry to the east of Edmonton. The Athabasca oil
  7. Using a mixture of soil/clay, water,sand, and other available organic, materials , The mixture was then formed and pressed into wood forms, producing rows of
  8. Sargon in the 24th century BC. The region was famous for exporting various raw, materials , Unlike the Akkadians and the Assyrians, whose Anatolian possessions were
  9. How would you proceed with your task? One way to begin is to examine the, materials ,each artist selected in making an object, image video, or event. The decision
  10. Mixture to create a thick wall and/or roof. Roof materials Depending on the, materials ,available, a roof can be assembled using lengths of wood or metal to create a
  11. And even some bracelets of Mayan origin, as well as a diversity of forms and, materials ,in other cultures. George I. Sanchez," Arithmetic in Maya ", Austin-Texas
  12. Any lunar dust that might be present. The raft containing decontamination, materials ,was then intentionally sunk. A second Sea King helicopter hoisted the
  13. Fruits, and meat. Fibers include cotton, wool,hemp, silk and flax. Raw, materials ,include lumber and bamboo. Other useful materials are produced by plants, such
  14. Audio cassette playback with the aid of a foot pedal. * Users produce tactile, materials , for example diagrams and maps, by applying heat to special swell paper. *
  15. To 0.15. Water reflects light very differently from typical terrestrial, materials , The reflectivity of a water surface is calculated using the Fresnel equations
  16. Istanbul Road in Timeout. It is home to various missiles, avionics,aviation, materials ,and aircraft that have served in the Turkish Air Force (e.g. combat aircraft
  17. By erosion, weathering,and volcanic activity on land washed to sea. These, materials ,are found mostly on the continental shelves and are the thickest near large river
  18. Of the roof supports, creating an extra need for care in choosing the right, materials , The builders can make an adobe chimney by stacking simple adobe bricks in a
  19. Screen Nation AFI Screen Nation is a Website featuring AFI-produced educational, materials ,and tips for new filmmakers to share work, receive recognition and compete for
  20. Seasons where the arid climate does produce rain. Attributes Depending on the, materials , adobe roofs can be inherently fire-proof, which is a valuable attribute when
  21. Arsenic-free glass, Apple also offers detailed information about the emissions, materials , and electrical usage of each product. In June 2009,Apple's iPhone 3GS was
  22. To date. It has been suggested that asteroids might be used as a source of, materials ,that may be rare or exhausted on earth (asteroid mining),or materials for
  23. Matter in carbonaceous meteorites. However, detailed studies have shown these, materials ,to be distinct. Ancient times The use of bitumen for waterproofing and as an
  24. In the end the meaning of most artworks ... is not exhausted by a discussion of, materials , techniques, and form. Most interpretations also include a discussion of the
  25. Of Bold Monday. The font began to appear in Audi's 2009 products and marketing, materials , In video games In PlayStation Home, the PlayStation 3's online
  26. This one has 17 facial points, for a total of 56 degrees of freedom. As for the, materials ,they used, the WD-2's mask is fabricated with a highly elastic material called
  27. Agricultural products can be broadly grouped into foods, fibers,fuels, and raw, materials , In the 21st century, plants have been used to grow biofuels
  28. Together with more adobe mixture to create a thick wall and/or roof. Roof, materials ,Depending on the materials available, a roof can be assembled using lengths of
  29. Move on. The shells of amoebas are often composed of calcium. The proteins or, materials ,are synthesized in the cell and exported just outside the cell membrane.
  30. Of different spectral classifications are likely to be composed of different, materials , there are no assurances that asteroids within the same taxonomic class are
  31. Been shown to help stabilize the friction coefficient in automotive brake pad, materials , The semiconductor gallium nitride doped with antimony has been proposed on
  32. System. Airframe design is a field of engineering that combines aerodynamics, materials ,technology, and manufacturing methods to achieve balances of performance
  33. And pressure of burial deep in the earth, the remains were transformed into, materials ,such as bitumen, kerogen, or petroleum. Deposits at the La Area Tar Pits are an
  34. Conditions, such as temperature and pressure. By varying the conditions, materials ,can transition between solids, liquids,gases and plasmas. Within a state, a
  35. Of materials that may be rare or exhausted on earth (asteroid mining),or, materials ,for constructing space habitats (see Colonization of the asteroids).
  36. Else about the artwork remains the same. Next, you might examine how the, materials ,in each artwork have become an arrangement of shapes, colors,textures, and
  37. That asteroids within the same taxonomic class are composed of similar, materials , At present, the spectral classification based on several coarse resolutions
  38. Are alkanes with chains containing hundreds of thousands of carbon atoms. These, materials ,are used in innumerable applications, and billions of kilograms of these
  39. Strip of current-day Angola, which relied on slave trade, commerce in raw, materials , and exchange of goods for survival. The African slave trade provided a large
  40. Other goods, supplies of olive oil. In exchange for its luxury imports and raw, materials , Egypt mainly exported grain, gold,linen, and papyrus, in addition to other
  41. Azerbaijan is also an important economic hub in the transportation of raw, materials , The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline (BTC) became operational in May 2006 and
  42. Hemp, silk and flax. Raw materials include lumber and bamboo. Other useful, materials ,are produced by plants, such as resins. Biofuels include methane from biomass
  43. In England," Claridge's was the type most used in the 1840s and 50s" with, materials ,manufactured through a subsidiary company called Clara Roads Ltd. Two
  44. Are mixed in before shipping to retain liquidity; upon delivery, these lighter, materials ,are separated out of the mixture. This mixture is often called" bitumen
  45. The word tarmac, which is now used in common parlance to refer to road making, materials , However, since the 1970s,when natural gas succeeded town gas, asphalt (
  46. Believed to result from releases of the gas as a decay product from radioactive, materials ,on the planet. In 2005,the Huygens probe also discovered the presence of on
  47. Create faience, but typically production involved application of the powdered, materials ,in the form of a paste over a clay core, which was then fired. By a related
  48. The Hamilton Ridge and in upwelling zones. *Antigenic deposits consist of such, materials ,as manganese nodules. They occur where sedimentation proceeds slowly or where
  49. Other relics were transported back to Rome. The Romans also imported building, materials ,from Egypt to erect Egyptian style structures. Early historians such as
  50. To suit. * Closed circuit television (CCTV) or video magnifiers. Printed, materials ,and objects are placed under a camera and the magnified image is displayed onto

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