Examples of the the word, rational , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rational ), is the 3791 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For mobility and sensation, and humans a vegetative, a sensitive, and a, rational ,soul, capable of thought and reflection. Aristotle, in contrast to earlier
  2. To have a special meaning within it. But no such meaning was found, and the, rational , life-affirming optimism of the Age of Enlightenment began to evaporate. A
  3. As a corollary, the demonstration of a new moral philosophy: the morality of, rational ,self-interest. " It advocates the core tenets of Rand's philosophy of
  4. Utility theorem, and the probabilities of how others will vote. A, rational ,voter model described by Myers on and Weber specifies an approval voting
  5. They arise even when the conscious mind would prefer to hold them at bay. The, rational ,mind is, for Schopenhauer, a leaf borne along in a stream of pre-reflective and
  6. With coefficients in F, can be written as the sum of a polynomial function with, rational ,functions of the form a/ (x − b)n, where n is a natural number, and a and b
  7. Acquiring knowledge and rejected all forms of faith and religion. She supported, rational ,egoism and rejected ethical altruism. In politics, she condemned the initiation
  8. Number is said to be of degree n. An algebraic number of degree 1 is a, rational ,number. * All algebraic numbers are computable and therefore definable. The
  9. Be defined explicitly or implicitly in terms of polynomials, starting from the, rational ,numbers. One may generalize this to" closed-form numbers ", which may be
  10. Of the term. It relates to the loss of the belief that humans live in a, rational ,universe in which they can fulfill their hopes and desires, find meaning, and
  11. Other scholars have preferred to emphasize instead Wallace's desire to find, rational ,and scientific explanations for all phenomena, both material and non-material
  12. All bachelors are unmarried" or" all triangles have three corners" ). All, rational ,statements that assert a factual claim about the universe that begin" I
  13. Cultures. Characteristics Art tends to facilitate intuitive rather than, rational ,understanding, and is usually consciously created with this intention. Fine art
  14. Function q with rational functions of the form a/ (x − b)n. Therefore,the, rational ,expression: \frac1-q (x)=\franc can be written as a quotient of two polynomials
  15. Of Enlightenment in the 18th century saw artistic depictions of physical and, rational ,certainties of the clockwork universe, as well as politically revolutionary
  16. The analytic–synthetic dichotomy. In ethics, Rand argued for rational egoism (, rational ,self-interest),as the guiding moral principle. She said the individual should
  17. On the Heavens. Theology In Sing was a devout Muslim and sought to reconcile, rational ,philosophy with Islamic theology. His aim was to prove the existence of God and
  18. Academic discipline of economics. In this and other works, Smith expounded how, rational ,self-interest and competition can lead to economic prosperity. Smith was
  19. 1966 novel The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, in which he explores what he terms ", rational ,anarchism ". A contemporary anarcho-capitalistic work of science fiction is
  20. Subfield of the real field is algebraically closed; in particular, the field of, rational ,numbers is not algebraically closed. Also, no finite field F is algebraically
  21. Involving such psychological causes as volition, need,motivation or motives, rational , ir rational , ethical,and all that gives purpose to behavior. Additionally
  22. Instance the unit circle S, and the action on S by a group G consisting of all, rational ,rotations. Namely, these are rotations by angles which are rational multiples
  23. A and b are integers are also quadratic integers. * Trigonometric functions of, rational ,multiples of \pi (except when undefined). For example, each of cos (\pi/7)
  24. The grade of a slope is approximately the measure of an angle in radians. In, rational ,geometry the spread between two lines is defined at the square of sine of the
  25. Number is a number that is a root of a non-zero polynomial in one variable with, rational ,(or equivalently, integer ) coefficients. Numbers such as π that are not
  26. Soul with all animals, but only humans of all beings in the world have a, rational ,soul. For Aristotle, the soul (psyche) was a simpler concept than it is for
  27. Priest, Father Panel. While the other main characters believe there is no, rational ,explanation for the outbreak of plague, Paneloux believes there is. In his
  28. Holds for the field F. Let p (x) be an irreducible element in FX. Then the, rational ,function 1/p can be written as the sum of a polynomial function q with rational
  29. Given an algebraic number, there is a unique Monica polynomial (with, rational ,coefficients) of least degree that has the number as a root. This polynomial
  30. All but a set of Lebesgue measure zero "; see Properties below. ) Examples *The, rational ,numbers, expressed as the quotient of two integers a and b, b not equal to zero
  31. It was the region where the mythic way of thought changed gradually to the, rational ,way of thought. It seems that the Greeks took advantage of the observations of
  32. Rational function 1/p can be written as the sum of a polynomial function q with, rational ,functions of the form a/ (x − b)n. Therefore, the rational expression:
  33. Is a bijective ring homomorphism from a field to itself. In the cases of the, rational ,numbers (Q) and the real numbers (R) there are no nontrivial fields
  34. The rejection of the analytic–synthetic dichotomy. In ethics, Rand argued for, rational ,egoism ( rational self-interest),as the guiding moral principle. She said the
  35. Rational expressions The field F is algebraically closed if and only if every, rational ,function in one variable x, with coefficients in F, can be written as the sum
  36. And uneducated people power over their betters seemed a reversal of the proper, rational ,order of society. For them the demos in democracy meant not the whole people
  37. Election (and condemnation on the day of judgment) was conditioned by the, rational ,faith or nonfaith of man; # the Atonement, while qualitatively adequate for all
  38. The schools' stated goal was to" educate the working class in a, rational , secular and non-coercive setting ". Fiercely anti-clerical, Ferrer believed in
  39. Form a ring. The name algebraic integer comes from the fact that the only, rational ,numbers which are algebraic integers are the integers, and because the
  40. Psyches" ) in humans: the vegetative soul, the sensitive soul, and the, rational ,soul. Humans share the vegetative soul with all living things, and the
  41. Of demos in the Agora which is lying in the middle of the city. The same, rational ,way of thought led him to introduce the abstract ape iron (indefinite, infinite
  42. From a botched robbery attempt during Alex's stay in prison. *Pete: The most, rational ,and least violent member of the gang. He is the only one who doesn't take
  43. To earlier philosophers, but in accordance with the Egyptians, placed the, rational ,soul in the heart, rather than the brain. Notable is Aristotle's division of
  44. More precise and reliable framework within a new view of the universe based on, rational ,materialism. Relation to Hermeticism In the eyes of a variety of esoteric and
  45. That humans live in an indifferent, incomprehensible universe that has no, rational ,meaning or order, and no transcendent God. The plague comes unannounced and may
  46. Decomposition of, rational ,expressions The field F is algebraically closed if and only if every rational
  47. System. Some scholars saw a gap between the existing mythical and the new, rational ,way of thought which is the main characteristic of the archaic period (8th to
  48. Fictional strike, Rand intended to illustrate that without the efforts of the, rational ,and productive, the economy would collapse and society would fall apart. The
  49. Of all rational rotations. Namely, these are rotations by angles which are, rational ,multiples of π. Here G is countable while S is uncountable. Hence, S breaks up
  50. Determined by words. They furnish an aesthetic idea, which serves the above, rational ,idea as a substitute for logical presentation, but with the proper function

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