Examples of the the word, cart , in a Sentence Context

The word ( cart ), is the 3809 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Amid great rejoicing. On the way to Zion, Uzzah, one of the drivers of the, cart ,whereon the Ark was carried, put out his hand to steady the Ark, and was
  2. Were to pull her cart were overdue and her sons, Biton and Cleo bis, pulled the, cart ,the entire way (45 Stadia,8 kilometers). Dipped was impressed with their
  3. Similar imagery was used to describe Gurkha. An example from China is the, cart ,with one wheel that is slightly broken, so that the rider is jolted each time
  4. Was made from an oak-tree and dressed in bridal attire. It was carried in a, cart ,with a woman who acted as bridesmaid. The image was called Daedalus and the
  5. Ancient builders, are equidistant uniform grooves dubbed" cart tracks" or ", cart ,ruts" which can be found in several locations throughout the islands with the
  6. Attributed to these ancient builders, are equidistant uniform grooves dubbed ", cart ,tracks" or" cart ruts" which can be found in several locations throughout
  7. Old boy at Glasgow Infirmary, who had sustained a compound fracture after a, cart ,wheel has passed over his leg. After four days, he renewed the pad and
  8. To perform publicly using music stored on a hard drive, instead of having to, cart ,their whole CD collections around to their gigs. File: DJ HAZEL2. PGD Hazel
  9. Country. A single canal horse could pull a load dozens of times larger than a, cart ,at a faster pace. By the 1820s,a national network was in existence. Canal
  10. At Delphi. The statues commemorate their feat of pulling their mother's, cart ,several miles to the Sanctuary of Hera in the absence of oxen. The neighbors
  11. Some bassists carry their bow in a hard bow case. Players also may use a small, cart ,or gig bag and end pin-attached wheels to move the bass. Hard flight cases have
  12. Showrooms making note of selected items. The customer then collects a shopping, cart ,and proceeds to an open-shelf" Market Hall" warehouse for smaller items, then
  13. Atrophied to be of no use whatsoever. He moves from place to place on a large, cart ,of Xian manufacture that shields him from harming moisture and bodies of water
  14. For modes of transportation; stagecoach and carriage, the wheelbarrow and the, cart ,; and the oil-lantern, among the first signs of modernization in the city. In
  15. Of a rich, low-class citizen, whose minus includes a woman fighting from a, cart ,or chariot. A minus of 89 CE, during Domitian's reign, featured a battle
  16. The forced standardization of the Chinese language, measurements,length of, cart ,axles, and currency. The Qin Dynasty lasted only fifteen years, falling soon
  17. Have a bridle & reins. A harness that is used to support shafts, such as on a, cart ,pulled by a single horse, will also have a saddle attached to the harness to
  18. The odometer during the First Punic War. The odometer was described as a, cart ,with a gear mechanism that dropped a ball into a container after each mile
  19. However a high proportion of people use the broad vowel from the word ", cart ," in these words. For some speakers, particularly in Victoria, the " a" vowel
  20. Playing in a celebrity golf tournament in Cuba in 1958,Weissmuller's golf, cart ,was suddenly captured by rebel soldiers. Weissmuller sized up the situation
  21. First road between Tewkesbury, ( near Pitt water) to Brisbane Water was only a, cart ,wheel track even in 1850. Convicts once lived and worked in the Oxford area.
  22. Experiment package, and using the modular equipment transporter (MET),a pull, cart ,for carrying equipment and samples, referred to as a" lunar rickshaw ". Rosa
  23. With food and ale by his keepers and transported to the execution ground in a, cart ,rather than having to walk there. Nearly all executions under the Tang took
  24. But eight years of age he would collect a number of boys, and standing on a, cart ,in the market-place address them on the subject of his latest reading. He
  25. Size. This family uses a unique" sketch" type of picture label. MPT-03 family, cart ,cases (see below) resemble Super NEW cart s in size and shape, except that
  26. A horse harness is a set of devices and straps that attaches a horse to a, cart , carriage, sledge or any other load. There are two main styles of harnesses -
  27. From street cart s during the day, where customers may eat standing beside the, cart ,or have their food wrapped up to take home. At night, many streets are filled
  28. How objects move, such as the constant application of a force needed to keep a, cart ,moving, had conceptual trouble accounting for the behavior of projectiles, such
  29. Injured was a technician who suffered a fractured kneecap when the GSE, cart ,overturned on him. A hole was blown in the NAS hangar roof 250 feet above, and
  30. Ever smaller the further they are from the viewer. Thus, the back wheel of a, cart ,will appear slightly smaller than the front wheel. Depth can be portrayed
  31. Her way to a festival in the goddess' honor. The oxen which were to pull her, cart ,were overdue and her sons, Biton and Cleo bis, pulled the cart the entire way (
  32. Diapers, doors of bathroom stalls, stickers on apples in supermarkets, shopping, cart , handles (grabertising),the opening section of streaming audio and video
  33. Cart" ( 7th century BCE),found in southeast Austria, a four-wheeled, cart ,with a goddess, riders with axes and shields, attendants and stags. (
  34. Nintendo 64 through an adaptor which connects only the lockout chip. The game, cart ,used for operation had to contain the same lockout chip used by the game backup
  35. Specified small computer-controlled electric cart s running on rails. Each, cart ,could have a simple hand or a small bulldozer shovel, forming a basic robot.
  36. Have an /æ/ vowel as in cat, but there are some speakers who use the vowel in, cart ,(/a/) for these words, particularly in South Australia, which had a
  37. Or" Stick" McGhee was nicknamed for pushing young Brownie around in a, cart , His father, George McGhee, was a factory worker known around University Avenue
  38. Captured by rebel soldiers. Weissmuller sized up the situation, got out of the, cart ,and gave his trademark Tarzan yell. The shocked rebels soon began to jump up
  39. Health deteriorates so that he cannot walk but has himself drawn around in a, cart , After a while Others and Balder us have their third battle and again Others
  40. Adams is dressed in a" pepper pot" outfit and loads a missile on to a, cart ,driven by Terry Jones, who is calling for scrap metal (" Any old iron ..." ).
  41. Been estimated that in England in the 18th century carrying bricks by horse and, cart ,for ten miles (16 km) over the poor roads then existing could more than
  42. At twelve, he was working 3½ acres (14,000 m²) of garden using a horse and, cart ,for his three-times-a-week deliveries to grocery stores in Pittsburgh. At
  43. Different names. However, not all consoles are compatible due to differences in, cart ,slots and cases. Banzai Arcadia In 1982 the Banzai Arcadia, a variant of the
  44. Surgery to remove the troublesome disk contents. A dog may need the aid of a, cart ,to get around if paralysis occurs. A new minimally invasive procedure called "
  45. The second problem concerned saving progress. Most N64 games saved to the, cart ,itself instead of external memory cards. If the user wanted to keep his
  46. Their speed not their ancestors; if they are slow they will end up pulling a, cart , *lines 8.71-86 – It is vile to rely on the reputations of others; one should
  47. Protein and vowed to take it back from Akbar. They live their life in wooden, cart ,GDI and are iron smith (Lunar) and hence the name. * Gaels – a Celtic people
  48. Neutron, Adams is dressed in a" pepper pot" outfit and loads a missile onto a, cart ,being driven by Terry Jones, who is calling out for scrap metal (" Any old
  49. The victims received an unceremonious trip to the guillotine in an open wooden, cart ,(the tumbrel). In the rebellious provinces, the government representatives
  50. AD) made many complex mechanical devices including automata and a programmable, cart , Other early versions of mechanical devices used to perform one or another type

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