Examples of the the word, dirty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dirty ), is the 3806 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Revamped the original name of Busked Ta Askatasuna. GAL During the 1980s a ", dirty ,war" ensued by means of the Groups Antiterrorist de Liberación (GAL,"
  2. team's quarterback. Bell responded in an interview to charges the NFL had, dirty ,players by saying,"' ... I have never seen a maliciously dirty football
  3. Translation is that ravens are ritually unclean (see) as well as physically, dirty ,; it is difficult to imagine any method of delivery of the food which is not
  4. Impressed with the script, but politely declined a cameo, fearing it was" too, dirty ," for his family image. He is also said to have told Brooks that he" would be
  5. Pieces during its 1846 apparition, and was never seen again after 1852. This ", dirty ,snowball" model soon became accepted and appeared to be supported by the
  6. Places, especially the thickets where wild beasts gather. Cemeteries and, dirty ,places are also favorite abodes. When appearing to man, jinn sometimes assume
  7. Historian George Safer, however,writes that rape in Okinawa was" another, dirty ,secret of the campaign" in which" American military chronicles ignore the
  8. Physical familiarity. Explicit contents led to blues sometimes being called, dirty ,blues. Lyrical content of music became slightly simpler in post war-blues which
  9. 27 people were murdered by GAL. Activities of GAL were a follow-up of similar, dirty ,war actions by death squads, actively supported by members of Spanish security
  10. Are still stereotyped by mainstream Yemenite society, considering them lowly, dirty , ill-mannered and immoral. Latin America The Spanish and Portuguese colonists
  11. The shoes are pointed out in turns as the rhyme is sung:: Whose shoe is the, dirty ,shoe: Please go out and wash your dirty shoe: And come back to school: By
  12. Perform a slow, high angle of attack" tail sitting" maneuver, and to fly a ", dirty ," (landing gear down) formation loop, the last of which is not duplicated by
  13. Needs to track which of its locations have been written over, and mark them as, dirty ,for later writing to the backing store. The data in these locations are written
  14. Floors. It was also said that the staff were lax and lazy and the palace was, dirty , And consequently the new wing, designed by Edward Bore, was built by Thomas
  15. Of Lorelei in league with the villains. Driven alcoholic, Superman,his outfit, dirty ,and neglected, eventually goes to a car wrecking yard where Kent, in a proper
  16. Casting David as primarily a poet who managed always to find others to do the ", dirty ,work" of heroism and kingship. In the novel, Elhanan in fact killed Goliath
  17. During winter training at Naval Air Facility El CENTR, California just after a, dirty ,loop. *13 July 1985 – Lead and Opposing Solo Sky hawks collided during a show at
  18. Officer) Freshen: Pilgrim's best friend. Pilgrim and Freshen love to trade, dirty ,jokes and stories. He speaks Ruhr dialect. * Joachim Bernhard as Bibelforscher
  19. Off the number of 'gallons' the person he landed on says. ) *Whose shoe is the, dirty ,shoe - everyone stands in a closed circle and stick one foot out in front of
  20. Him at one point. Pressured into finding Dulcinea, Sancho brings back three, dirty ,and ragged peasant girls, and tells Don Quixote that they are Dulcinea and her
  21. The rhyme is sung:: Whose shoe is the dirty shoe: Please go out and wash your, dirty ,shoe: And come back to school: By Monday morning *One potato, two potatoes -
  22. The same meaning, appears in The Parisians:" He says that Paris has grown so, dirty ,since the 4 September, that it is only fit for the feet of the Unwashed. " The
  23. Of Saint Matthew and the Angel, featured the saint as a bald peasant with, dirty ,legs attended by a lightly clad over-familiar boy-angel, was rejected and a
  24. Based (free float) and many are somewhere in between (" managed float" or ", dirty ,float" ). Interest rates By far the most visible and obvious power of many
  25. Their 60s," he said. " I wouldn't mind doing something with them as these two, dirty ,old men sitting on the couch. " Judge added that he wouldn't completely ignore
  26. And Virgin Atlantic culminated in the former being sued for £610,000 for a ", dirty ,tricks" campaign against Virgin and around £3 million in Virgin's legal costs
  27. And thus have irregular shapes. They are often popularly described as ", dirty ,snowballs ", though recent observations have revealed dry dusty or rocky
  28. The NFL had dirty players by saying,"' ... I have never seen a maliciously, dirty ,football player in my life and I don't believe there are any maliciously dirty
  29. Small music venues. However, it has been criticized as overpriced, false and, dirty ,by Lonely Planet. In general, it is regarded by locals as tourist orientated
  30. Such as caesium-137,could be used in radiological dispersion devices, or ", dirty ,bombs ".:" Centuries "," Centenary "," Centennial ", and " Centennials "
  31. Book by David Brock that savaged Hill and portrayed her charges as a political, dirty ,trick (Brock later recanted his claims and apologized to Hill). The idea for
  32. Bathed in sunlight. As well, at the time," part of every pitcher's job was to, dirty ,up a new ball the moment it was thrown onto the field. By turns, they smeared
  33. B. Johnson of Texas. Goldwater disliked Johnson (whom he said" used every, dirty ,trick in the bag ", and Richard M. Nixon of California, whom he later called "
  34. Personally the author of a particular consequence. For example, that having ", dirty ,hands" by participating in a crime can matter, even if the crime would have
  35. For the killing of about 48 people. The airing of the state-sponsored ", dirty ,war" scheme and the imprisonment of officials responsible for GAL in the early
  36. Soot or coal and oil, and " attack" the onlookers, attempting to get everyone, dirty , The festival ends with the ball de l'OS (bear dance). BCS theory — proposed
  37. Combined with orchestral clips of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and" other, dirty ,melodies" ( so stated by the subtitle),was released on the album EIN planes
  38. For the alleged" dirty tricks" campaign. Six months after the ", dirty ,tricks" campaign, Lord King stepped down as chairman in 1993 and was replaced
  39. Provisions for it, making amps easier to overdrive, and providing separate ", dirty ," and" clean" channels so that distortion could easily be switched in and out
  40. Guitar that sounded really warm and pop, but which required just one box to go, dirty ,(...) And something that could also be your first band guitar. I didn't want
  41. Rates are higher in the south, Outside the major cities, facilities are often, dirty ,and poorly equipped. Endemic diseases include dengue fever, filariasis
  42. Hits of the day, but also patriotic recitals, pure country gospel, and really, dirty ,blues. ... Elvis has emerged as a great artist, a great rocker, a great
  43. He had by then seen a live specimen. A walghvogel described as having a ", dirty ,off-white coloring" was mentioned in an inventory of specimens in the Holy
  44. Warfare From the Outside: The FBI and police used a myriad of other ", dirty ,tricks" to undermine progressive movements. They planted false media stories
  45. Dirty football player in my life and I don't believe there are any maliciously, dirty ,players in the National Football League. '" Nevertheless, Bell mandated
  46. Sirens in every village.; Dirty Bomb A" radiologically enhanced weapon," or ", dirty ,bomb" uses an explosive to spread radioactive material. This is a theoretical
  47. The flame which are heated to incandescence. The yellow flame is considered ", dirty ," because it leaves a layer of carbon on whatever it is heating. When the
  48. Babies from gods of illness and demons due to these gods' abhorrence of, dirty ,things. Before a baby was breast-fed, he/she was given a decoction of the
  49. S involvement in the project resulted in Linus accusing him of playing, dirty ,tricks with Beekeeper. Bridge claimed his analysis started with simply
  50. Costs causing BA management to apologize" unreservedly" for the alleged ", dirty ,tricks" campaign. Six months after the" dirty tricks" campaign, Lord King

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