Examples of the the word, accordingly , in a Sentence Context

The word ( accordingly ), is the 3803 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Lose money),or the margin treatment is not identical, and the trader is, accordingly ,required to post margin (faces a margin call),the trader may run out of
  2. From the electromagnetic field, and the angular momenta L and J change, accordingly , If the Hamiltonian is invariant under rotations, as in spherically symmetric
  3. e. g.,DS3,T1,ISDN etc.) and the site link topology will be altered, accordingly ,by the KCC. Replication may occur transitively through several site links on
  4. Falter, the latter was induced to bring the young artist to Venice, whither he, accordingly ,went, and was placed under a nephew of Torrent. With this instructor he
  5. And Yi. *Legalism, which maintained that human nature was incorrigibly selfish;, accordingly , the only way to preserve the social order was to impose discipline from above
  6. Of their power. The Protestant view of ecclesiastical authority differs, accordingly , Defining features Adherents maintain that apostolic succession" is one of
  7. And (ii) that what they did resulted in profit to themselves. " And, accordingly , the directors were required to disgorge the profits that they made, and the
  8. To worship the god on the hill now known as the Hill of the Nativity. The town, accordingly ,was known as Bat Latham, meaning " House of Latham. " William F. Albright
  9. Declaring partnership with that proposed in the contract and awarding points, accordingly , The available scoring points for the declaring side are dependent upon both
  10. In which the familiar masculine may be used, the form is augmented and modified, accordingly ,; likewise for the familiar feminine. (Gijón bat Terri the," a man has come ";
  11. Anarchist Union (20,000 members plus Humanity Nova, its daily paper) grew, accordingly ,... Anarchists were the first to suggest occupying workplaces. In the Mexican
  12. Alexios' father declined the throne on the abdication of Isaac, who was, accordingly ,succeeded by four emperors of other families between 1059 and 1081. Under one
  13. Focus of their unity, who became the first Bishop of Rome, and whose successors, accordingly ,became the leaders of the worldwide Church as well. Even so, Catholicism
  14. To Alaric's camp, clamouring to be led against their cowardly enemies. He, accordingly ,led them across the Julian Alps and, in September 408,stood before the walls
  15. Loss in the transaction, they have a loss. Bartering for business is also taxed, accordingly ,as business income or business expense. Many barter exchanges require that one
  16. Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly, and,if you speak, speak, accordingly , " #" Justice. Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are
  17. Are likely to do and so on. They can recognize unusual situations and adjust, accordingly , A machine without strong AI has no other skills to fall back on. Formalization
  18. It. Its location is simply known to the compiler and the generated code acts, accordingly ,for the various arithmetic operations. Higher-density encoding If a decimal
  19. Lost the standardizing influence of being the language of government and, accordingly ,underwent a turbulent period of change in morphology, phonology and lexicon.
  20. Resulted in improved per-clock performance. AMD shifted their PR rating scheme, accordingly , making lower clock speeds equate to higher PR ratings. The Thoroughbred-B was
  21. Philosophy ... is a science, and as such has no articles of faith;, accordingly , in it nothing can be assumed as existing except what is either positively
  22. Nut, and used a new, thick low B string from GHS to accommodate the instrument, accordingly , Sternberger made a 5-string headless instrument called the L-2/5 in 1982,and
  23. Of adobe are spread across the metal fencing like cob and allowed to air dry, accordingly , This method was demonstrated with an adobe blend heavily impregnated with
  24. He would have the most beautiful mortal woman in the world as a wife, and he, accordingly ,chose her. This woman was Helen, who was, unfortunately for Paris, already
  25. To be able to identify each person's psychological and continue or stop, accordingly , Aspects The initialism BDSM includes psychological and physiological facets:
  26. Bar for help. Since the Mosley position in Iraq was stable by now, the Caliph, accordingly ,wrote to Khalid to take half of his forces of Iraq to Syria and to assume
  27. Act provided relief to the existing tenants and the rights accrued to tenants, accordingly , Now the Bats are major landholders in the region. In ancient days Mere
  28. He would have the most beautiful mortal woman in the world as a wife, and he, accordingly ,chose her. This woman was Helen, who was, unfortunately for Paris, already
  29. RP (British Received Pronunciation) equivalents. The centering diphthongs are, accordingly ,also closer in AE than RP.; Monophthongize * A long sound is found in the
  30. The progression of the state-of-the-art to redirect procurement patterns, accordingly , Their inherent focus on practical implementation of technology has tended to
  31. Choose an algorithm and desired difficulty level, thus decide the key length, accordingly , An example of this process can be found at http://www.keylength.com/ Key
  32. Profile of cards yet to be dealt, and adapt their wager and playing strategy, accordingly , Other casino games inspired by blackjack include Spanish 21 and pontoon. The
  33. About his business, and allows him to evaluate how things are going and to act, accordingly , Bacilli recommends the Venetian method of double-entry bookkeeping above all
  34. Shillington writes that the author of Acts most likely created the speeches, accordingly ,and they bare his literary and theological marks. Conversely, Howard Marshall
  35. May be associated with many specific symbionts or live independently;, accordingly , lichens are named and classified as fungal species. The association is termed
  36. Hijacked, the pilot should not squawk 7500 and should inform the controller, accordingly , A pilot under duress may also elect to respond that the aircraft is not being
  37. This was thought to favor the doctrine of absolute non-resistance, and, accordingly , the convention parliament enacted the form that has been in use since that time
  38. They were admitted to the mediumship. The plebeians accepted the offer, and, accordingly , two curdle exiles were appointed—at first from the patricians alone, then from
  39. Sought restitution for the damage, the Latins gave a contemptuous reply. Angus, accordingly ,declared war on the Latins. The declaration is notable since, according to Livy
  40. The reference sample. This difference in buoyancy would cause the scale to tip, accordingly , Galileo considered it" probable that this method is the same that Archimedes
  41. Shot. The challenge in all these shots is to be able to adjust line and length, accordingly , the faster the delivery, the narrower the line or" green ". Variations of
  42. Fleet at Suez, he wanted to advance before reinforcements arrived to Aden. He, accordingly ,laid siege to the city. Aden was a fortified city, but although having scaling
  43. B, G,D, K,I, N ) but also with the North American 525-line standard, accordingly ,named PAL-M. Likewise, SECAM is used with a variety of 625-line standards. For
  44. Bacteria are able to sense the density of cells, and regulate gene expression, accordingly , This can be seen in both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. This was
  45. Tradition. The whole act of parish worship might take well over two hours; and, accordingly , churches were equipped with pews in which households could sit together (
  46. Letter b, is sometimes pronounced /b/ and sometimes /v/, and is written b or v, accordingly ,; Russian ts is written as c, which is the usual letter for /ts/ in those Slavic
  47. Has been implicated as one of the causes and risk factors for depression, and, accordingly , one approach to depression involves the use of nutritional supplements or
  48. Of the shoe, following them through the shuffle and then playing and betting, accordingly ,when those cards come into play from the new shoe. Shuffle tracking requires
  49. And use. In order for the conservator to apply their professional expertise, accordingly , they must take into account the views of the stakeholder, the values and
  50. Particulars that Abraham was the name of the first of the 365 Arc hons, and, accordingly , stood below Sophia and Dynamic and their progenitors; but his position is not

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