Examples of the the word, immune , in a Sentence Context
The word ( immune ), is the 3793 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- This allows a single antibody to be used by several parts of the, immune ,system. Forms Surface immunoglobulin (IG) is attached to the membrane of the
- As in the assembly, citizens acting as jurors acted as the people and were, immune ,from review or punishment. Shifting balance between Assembly and Courts As the
- Sweating is increased, blood flow to the major muscle groups is increased, and, immune , and digestive system functions are inhibited (the fight or flight response).
- Are also called isotopes. According to immune network theory, the adaptive, immune ,system is regulated by interactions between isotopes. The base of the Y plays
- Became his trademark style. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADAM) is an, immune ,mediated disease of the brain. It usually occurs following a viral infection
- To" remember" Rh antigen by generating memory B cells. Therefore, her humoral, immune ,system will not make anti-Rh antibodies, and will not attack the Rhesus
- Is the ability to combine specifically with the final products of the, immune ,response (i.e. secreted antibodies and/or surface receptors on T-cells).
- Pharmacotherapy. Future antidepressants may be made to specifically target the, immune ,system by either blocking the actions of pro-inflammatory cytokines or
- Immune response, whereas an antigen is able to combine with the products of an, immune ,response once they are made. The overlapping concepts of immunogenicity and
- Other than ASD, and are not always present in ASD, the relationship between, immune ,disturbances and autism remains unclear and controversial. The relationship of
- When introduced into the body, triggers the production of an antibody by the, immune ,system, which will then kill or neutralize the antigen that is recognized as a
- Target, known as an antigen. This enormous diversity of antibodies allows the, immune ,system to recognize an equally wide variety of antigens. The large and diverse
- Part of the mechanism of some forms of ASD. Although some abnormalities in the, immune ,system have been found in specific subgroups of autistic individuals, it is not
- By Cynthia et al. and more recently by North et al. In the framework of the, immune ,network theory, CDRs are also called isotopes. According to immune network
- And far from universally accepted. Moreover, no one knew enough about the human, immune ,system to understand why vaccination worked. When Wallace did some research, he
- Also known as an immunoglobulin, is a large Y-shaped protein used by the, immune ,system to identify and neutralize foreign objects such as bacteria and viruses.
- Whereas" Non-self" antigens are identified as intruders and attacked by the, immune ,system. Auto immune disorders arise from the immune system reacting to its own
- Arthritis is a disorder in which, for some unknown reason, the body's own, immune ,system starts to attack body tissues. The attack is not only directed at the
- Subsequent pregnancies, at risk for hemolytic disease of the newborn. Rho (D), immune , globulin antibodies are specific for human Rhesus D (RHD) antigen. Antioch
- In mammals, which perform different roles, and help direct the appropriate, immune ,response for each different type of foreign object they encounter. Though the
- By interactions between isotopes. The base of the Y plays a role in modulating, immune ,cell activity. This region is called the FC (Fragment, crystallizable ) region
- Enzyme. But, by 1903,he understood that an antigen induces the production of, immune ,bodies (antibodies) and wrote that the word antigen is a contraction of "
- S lymphoma, colorectal cancer, head and neck cancer and breast cancer. Some, immune ,deficiencies, such as X-linked agammaglobulinemia and hypogammaglobulinemia
- Inflammation. This reduced leukocyte adhesion, which is an important step in, immune ,response to infection; however, there is currently insufficient evidence to
- Memory cells that survive in the body for years afterward in order to allow the, immune ,system to remember an antigen and respond faster upon future exposures. At the
- Immunogenicity is the ability to induce a humoral and/or cell-mediated, immune ,response Antigenicity is the ability to combine specifically with the final
- At concentrations found commonly in US drinking water compromises the initial, immune ,response to H1N1 or swine flu infection according to NIEHS-supported scientists
- Exist freely in the bloodstream, they are said to be part of the humoral, immune ,system. Circulating antibodies are produced by clonal B cells that specifically
- And attacked by the immune system. Auto immune disorders arise from the, immune ,system reacting to its own antigens. In similar manner, an immunogen is a
- Presented and the type of the biocompatibility molecule, several types of, immune ,cells can become activated. Related concepts *Epitome - The distinct molecular
- Or complex of proteins (and sometimes DNA or RNA) that is recognized by the, immune ,system of patients suffering from a specific auto immune disease. These antigens
- Equitable relief" rather than damages, and government entities are not, immune ,from equitable relief. Under laws such as this, the ACLU and its state
- Of the immune network theory, CDRs are also called isotopes. According to, immune ,network theory, the adaptive immune system is regulated by interactions between
- Presented to a T-cell receptor. " Self" antigens are usually tolerated by the, immune ,system; whereas" Non-self" antigens are identified as intruders and attacked
- Are attenuated by the pharmacological effect of antidepressants on the, immune ,system. Studies also show that the chronic secretion of stress hormones as a
- An immunogen is defined as a substance that is able to provoke an adaptive, immune ,response if injected on its own. Stated another way, an immunogen is able to
- Immunity in the recipient. Cells present their immunogenic-antigens to the, immune ,system via a biocompatibility molecule. Depending on the antigen presented
- Candidates had been" east ode "," oriole" and" Anatole" ) was to make it, immune ,to a possible later change in the direction convention for current, whose exact
- Development, neuron and glial signalling and the control of innate and adaptive, immune ,systems (Abbracchio M. P. et al.,2008). Intracellular signalling ATP is
- Infecting neighboring structures. However, such encapsulation tends to prevent, immune ,cells from attacking bacteria in the pus, or from reaching the causative
- May explain why the two conditions are associated. Interactions between the, immune ,system and the nervous system begin early during the embryonic stage of life
- And massive cytokine release. *Tolerate - A substance that invokes a specific, immune ,non-responsiveness due to its molecular form. If its molecular form is changed
- Depends on a balanced immune response. It is possible that aberrant, immune ,activity during critical periods of neurodevelopmental is part of the mechanism
- To the other antibody isotopes, IgE, IgA or Egg, that have defined roles in the, immune ,system. Structure Antibodies are heavy (~150 DA) globular plasma proteins.
- If injected on its own. Stated another way, an immunogen is able to induce an, immune ,response, whereas an antigen is able to combine with the products of an immune
- The pathogen; and they trigger destruction of pathogens by stimulating other, immune ,responses such as the complement pathway. Activation of complement Antibodies
- Embryonic stage of life, and successful neurodevelopmental depends on a balanced, immune ,response. It is possible that aberrant immune activity during critical periods
- Pressure and cholesterol levels, while improving antioxidant status and some, immune ,parameters. While the active ingredient in oats appears to be water-soluble
- Body from the outside, for example by inhalation, ingestion,or injection. The, immune ,system's response to exogenous antigens is often subclinical. By endocytosis
- These antigens should, under normal conditions, not be the target of the, immune ,system, but,due to mainly genetic and environmental factors, the normal
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