Examples of the the word, verse , in a Sentence Context

The word ( verse ), is the 3804 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Lord created me at the beginning of his work" ( Proverbs) although this, verse ,is now generally held by Trinitarians to refer to some concept of" wisdom "
  2. Uncreated Father. ” *Giuseppe Brazil goes back for explanation to the first, verse ,of the prayer attributed to Rabbi Kenya Ben Hannah, the literal rendering
  3. Weeks, or American composers Eric Whit acre and Norman Diner stein). This, verse ,is also featured in William Billing's popular Sacred Harp song" David's
  4. Based upon the Golden Dawn initiatory rite, for which Crowley composed a, verse ,liturgy entitled" Fiber 671 ", and later dubbed" Fiber Pyramids ". The pair
  5. Attacks. He places the third verse first, after which he sings the usual first, verse , In the third verse (see above),the author scolds the materialistic and
  6. Passage by Cicero. Horace, who often wrote in imitation of Antaeus, sketches in, verse ,one of the Lesbian poet's favorite subjects - Locus of the black hair and
  7. If simple, statement of faith ". Grace is recalled three times in the following, verse , culminating in Newton's the most personal story of his conversion, underscoring
  8. The writing is prose, in the other a combination of prose and alliterating, verse , The latter manuscript was severely damaged in the 18th and 19th centuries, and
  9. And Elisha J. King became widely influential and continues to be used. Another, verse ,was first recorded in Harriet Beecher Stowe's immensely influential 1852
  10. He wrote some long poems, and notably he is the author of a history (in, verse ,) of the church at York, Versus de paribus, regibus et sanctions Eboracensis
  11. He sings the sixth and fifth verse s in that order, and Stowe included another, verse ,not written by Newton that had been passed down orally in African American
  12. Passage in Damian is later adapted in the anime Revolutionary Girl Ten in a, verse ,that is recited by Satori Academy Student Council members before meetings: The
  13. Convert and authoritative commentator of the same period, explained the, verse ," Let Reuben live and not die ..." ( Deuteronomy 33:6) to mean that Reuben
  14. Tall and may originally have been a perfume jar. A label containing a six line, verse ,is pasted on the urn. This is the fourth verse of a song-lyric published in
  15. 1925 After graduating from Cambridge in 1903,A. A. Milne contributed humorous, verse ,and whimsical essays to Punch, joining the staff in 1906 and becoming an
  16. Wise. 'AA'shah, Abu SA`EED al-Khudri and in 'Abbas in interpreting this, verse ,said Abu Bakr was the one who stayed with the Prophet in that cave It is
  17. The third verse first, after which he sings the usual first verse . In the third, verse ,(see above),the author scolds the materialistic and self-serving robber
  18. By nature, unlike the Latin script, Arabic script is used to write down a, verse ,of the Qur'an, a Hadith, or simply a proverb, in a spectacular composition. The
  19. A celebrated poem appeared in Punch on Saturday,9 September. The first, verse , quoted most frequently, reads:: Well done, Cornstalks! Whip us: Fair and
  20. Entrance to the cave, but was unable to sight them. Due to this the following, verse ,of the Qur'an was revealed: If ye help not (your Leader) (it is no matter):
  21. God in the lyrics until the fourth verse (by Excell's version, the fourth, verse ,begins" When we've been there ten thousand years" ), and that the song
  22. Film mi, Absalon" as part of his Sinfonia Sacra, op.6 * The single, verse , 2 Samuel 18:33,regarding David's grief at the loss of his son (" And the
  23. Century BC),Ancient Greek lyric poet who supposedly invented the Altaic, verse , He was included in the canonical list of nine lyric poets by the scholars of
  24. Church choirs. Several editions featuring Newton's first three stanzas and the, verse ,previously included by Harriet Beecher Stowe in Uncle Tom's Cabin were
  25. Tolstoy. Andersson and Slaves both did an a cappella rendition of the first, verse ,of" Fernando" as they accepted their Ivor Novella award in London in 2002.
  26. Lyrics, the buffoonery of puns and invented words, obscenities,disciplined, verse , wildly absurd plots and a formal, dramatic structure. *Fantasy and absurdity:
  27. A label containing a six line verse is pasted on the urn. This is the fourth, verse ,of a song-lyric published in Melbourne Punch on 1 February 1883:: When IPO goes
  28. Anthology of Hymns,Newton's use of an expletive at the beginning of his, verse ,is called" crude but effective" in an overall composition that" suggest (s
  29. Bowl played before the September 11 terrorist attacks. He places the third, verse ,first, after which he sings the usual first verse . In the third verse (see
  30. Interviewed by Myers explained his literal interpretation of the second, verse ,:" 'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved" by
  31. In the Heartfelt section of The Book of Thoth, Crowley interprets a, verse ,from The Book of the Law that speaks of" the woman girt with a sword; she
  32. Puebla Magi Madonna Magic, the ending was reminiscent of the last line of the, verse ,in Damian. Music The second album of the musical group Santana is entitled
  33. Composed Ashoka I China (in English: Anxiety of Ashoka),a famous Hindi, verse , The poem portrays Ashoka’s heart during the war of Ceiling. *
  34. The attacks, CBS newsman Dan Rather cried briefly as he quoted the fourth, verse , Ray Charles is credited with the song's most well known rendition in current
  35. Howl" and in his other poetry, Ginsberg drew inspiration from the epic, free, verse , style of the 19th century American poet Walt Whitman. Both wrote passionately
  36. Of the biblical narrative. * The Australian composer Nigel Butterfly set the, verse ,in his 2008 choral work" Ben Avshalom ", commissioned by the Sydney Chamber
  37. Is due to the absence of any mention God in the lyrics until the fourth, verse ,(by Excell's version, the fourth verse begins" When we've been there ten
  38. Bernardo Calling. Poetry *" Absalom and Achitophel"--a political satire in, verse ,by John Dryden * Trainer Maria Rilke alludes to Absalom in his two poems "
  39. Abu Dagwood, Ahmad,and Termini that Abu Bakr said," O people! You recite the, verse ,(5:105): O you who believe! Guard your own souls; if you follow (right)
  40. Was severely damaged in the 18th and 19th centuries, and the authorship of the, verse ,has been much disputed; but likely it also is by Alfred. In fact, he writes in
  41. William Blake, and the American poet Walt Whitman. The power of Ginsberg's, verse , its searching, probing focus, its long and lilting lines, as well as it's New
  42. Of the ashes being presented to the winners. As late as 1925 the following, verse ,appeared in The Cricketers Annual:: So here's to Chapman, Hendren and Hobbs,
  43. The Qur'an. After they were satisfied that they had not missed out any, verse ,or made any mistakes in reading or writing it down, the text was written down
  44. Trouble, : :Sailed in the darkness. The poem was written in Sapphire stanzas,a, verse ,form popularly associated with his compatriot, Sappho,but in which he too
  45. Be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I." (, verse ,) Arianism is defined as those teachings attributed to Arius which are in
  46. In Jami all Termini, Tafsir in Jair and elsewhere, when Muhammed recited this, verse ,(4:123)," And whoever does evil shall be requited for it" to him, he felt
  47. 24:17,“ A star rises from Jacob, a scepter comes forth from Israel. ” This, verse ,generally was seen as a biblical support for monarchy (and specifically as
  48. Refer to Abraham in their song" Damian" ( Cold Spring Records,2008). One, verse ,runs:" Our god is Abraham / Both God and Devil at the same time," Boyd Rice &
  49. Unknown ... Personally, in reflecting on the events of the past several days,a, verse ,from Psalms comes to mind. 'When I consider the heavens, the work of Thy
  50. John Skinner, ( 1721–1807) author, poet and ecclesiastic. Penned the famous, verse , Tullochgorum. *Peter Nicole, MBE, born in In verse on April 5,1973,is a

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