Examples of the the word, bite , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bite ), is the 3798 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Andy Warhol's 1963 silkscreen The Kiss depicts Lugosi from Dracula about to, bite ,into the neck of co-star Helen Chandler, who played Mind Parker. A copy sold
  2. Rainbow Apple ", the now-familiar rainbow-colored silhouette of an apple with a, bite ,taken out of it. Jan off presented Jobs with several monochromatic
  3. A unified and compelling long-term theme in his efforts. Indeed,Bush's sound, bite ,where he refers to the issue of overarching purpose as" the vision thing" has
  4. At my door '. When I heard that record I was like" Oh @#! * %! " And call it a, bite ,or what you will, but I dug that record. My record didn't sound like P. S. K.
  5. Links, and the small chain was counted to 52 ball links. A soldier could then, bite ,or break off one link from the large chain each day and remove one link from
  6. Powers were magic-based, rather than as the result of a radioactive spider's, bite , Additionally, Straczynski resurrected the plot point of Aunt May discovering
  7. Him; his wife was bitten by an insect while on holiday in Burnham-on-Sea. The, bite ,became infected, and his wife died in his arms from septicemia following an
  8. Done tells Aphrodite in the Iliad, Book V. Afterwards, Hera sent a gadfly to, bite ,the cattle, irritate them and scatter them. Hera then sent a flood which raised
  9. Gustavo A. Madero, the president's brother, remarked " the newspapers, bite ,the hand that took off their muzzle. " Francisco Madero refused the
  10. The spread of malaria by means of mosquitoes is common. The tsetse fly, whose, bite , is fatal to all domestic animals, is common in many districts of South and East
  11. Conscious mental states do not affect his behavior. If Pierre takes a second, bite , it is not caused by his pleasure from the first; If Pierre says," That was
  12. The band's singer does a fire-eating trick. Once backstage, he takes a, bite ,of the spicy KFC chicken and declares" Oh man, that is hot ". * An episode of
  13. The logo is often erroneously referred to as a tribute to Alan Turing, with the, bite ,mark a reference to his method of suicide. Both the designer of the logo and
  14. The Facial Action Coding System (with 46 action units such as" lip, bite ," or" squint" ) which had been developed in 1976 became a popular basis for
  15. The early design phase for the IBM Stretch computer. It is a respelling of, bite ,to avoid accidental mutation to bite . The size of a byte was at first selected
  16. Slow flying discs made of more pliable material to better resist a dog's, bite ,and prevent injury to the dog. Flying rings are also available, which typically
  17. The insects then act as a vector, infecting any person or animal they might, bite , Another type of EW is a direct insect attack against crops; the insect may not
  18. The animal down by the flanks and hind quarters. They do not use a killing, bite ,to the throat. They occasionally blind their prey by attacking the eyes. Serous
  19. And Bill Kelley, account executive. Jan off came up with the Apple logo with a, bite ,out of it. The design was originally an olive green with matching company
  20. 19, 1999) * The Simpsons," A Tale of Two Springfield's" This was a" sound, bite ," (November 5,2000) * The Drew Carey Show," What's Wrong with this Episode
  21. Sometimes results in infection of the skin and soft tissue, often around the, bite ,site of a flea. Treatments Waldemar Affine, a doctor of Russian-Jewish origin
  22. As likely to attack livestock than individual wolves. Coyotes will typically, bite ,the throat just behind the jaw and below the ear when attacking adult sheep or
  23. Although this is certainly not a professional way of examining gold,the, bite ,test should score the gold because gold is a soft metal, as indicated by its
  24. Until seeing a fiendish cat-like creature stalk around his niece's bedroom and, bite ,her on the neck. He then leapt from his hiding place and attacked the beast
  25. Catch large prey, such as when the orca (Trains orca) catches a seal, they, bite , off and swallow one chunk at a time. Mystic instead have baleen plates made
  26. some surrounding liquid (including the taste) and becomes firm to the, bite , so is widely used in vegetarian and vegan foods as a meat substitute. Added to
  27. He removed the uterus. Chikatilo said,“ I did not so much chew them as, bite ,them, they were so beautiful and elastic ”. A court submission at the trial of
  28. Both striped and spotted hyenas have been recorded to kill dogs with a single, bite ,to the neck without breaking the skin. The spotted hyena is renowned for its
  29. Upon anyone; this word is probably of Scandinavian origin, meaning to cause to, bite ,), is a legal term implying one who instigates, encourages or assists another
  30. December 2000 issue of the British Medical Journal published two studies on dog, bite ,admission to hospitals in England and Australia. The study of the Bradford
  31. Absurd ringtone (" I like to kill deer" ) from the website was a common sound, bite ,on The Howard Stern Show in early 2006. Lynch is an avid coffee drinker and
  32. Computer is often erroneously referred to as a tribute to Alan Turing, with the, bite ,mark a reference to his method of suicide. Both the designer of the logo and
  33. Scorpius Carpathians whose venom is generally no more potent than a mosquito, bite , Crustaceans and mollusks River crabs include the semi-terrestrial potato
  34. Alcohol (up to 27 % vol) is added, as a carrier for the flavor, to provide ", bite ,". Because of the alcohol content, it is possible to fail a breathalyzer test
  35. Of Albania is the Frisbee. There are" mud weasels" living in the mud that can, bite ,people. Characters Popular culture The popularity of the comic strip within the
  36. From the first; If Pierre says," That was good, so I will take another, bite ,", his speech act is not caused by the preceding pleasure. The conscious
  37. Peg. Henri reacted violently; he opened his jaws very widely, and tried to, bite ,the gods. The gods thrust" a certain sword" into Fenrir's mouth, the hilt of
  38. Business card implementation, the rounded" an" of the logotype echoed the ", bite ," in the logo. This logo was developed simultaneously with an advertisement and
  39. Oxford for the Queen's favor ('reserve it to the sheep; he hath no tooth to, bite ,where the boar's tusk may both raze and tear' ). In the summer of 1573 Oxford
  40. Labors more difficult. When he fought the Bernstein Hydra, she sent a crab to, bite ,at his feet in the hopes of distracting him. When Heracles took the cattle of
  41. That Charles Darwin might have suffered from Changes disease as a result of a, bite ,of the so-called great black bug of the Pampas (cinchona) (see Charles
  42. Have an edge over, stake a claim, take a shine to, in on the first floor, bite ,off more than one can chew, off/on the wagon, stay put, inside track, stiff
  43. It is in color to humanize the company. The Apple logo was designed with a, bite ,so that it wouldn't be recognized as another fruit. The colored stripes were
  44. Bears use their paws to strike their opponents in the chest or shoulders and, bite ,the head or neck. In his Great Bear Almanac, Gary Brown lists 11 different
  45. Applied to the bow hairs to increase the effectiveness of the friction, grip or, bite , and allow proper sound production. Rosin may have additives to modify the
  46. And tearing meat. When it overpowers its prey, a cat delivers a lethal neck, bite ,with its two long canine teeth, inserting them between two of the prey's
  47. Is intense, and giraffes feed more efficiently (gaining more leaf biomass per, bite ,) higher in the canopy. However, scientists disagree about just how much time
  48. On his own sword and into Cleopatra's arms, while she let a venomous snake, bite ,her. Having exploited his position as Caesar's heir to further his own
  49. The Egyptian Ptolemaic dynasty, commits suicide, allegedly by means of an asp, bite , *1099 – First Crusade: Battle of Salon Crusaders under the command of
  50. The older a male dolphin is, the more likely his body is to be covered with, bite ,scars. Male dolphins engage in such acts of aggression apparently for the same

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