Examples of the the word, loving , in a Sentence Context

The word ( loving ), is the 3799 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of Lovecraft's works are directly or indirectly adversarial to the belief in a, loving , protective God; Lovecraft's works are ruled by several distinct pantheons of
  2. Not to see you at all in my own mind ... Unfortunately I shall go on, loving ,you to the bitter end ... To me always a Queen, if not always mine,Goodbye.
  3. That occurred three days later proving the divinity of Jesus Christ and the, loving ,nature of the father. Cyril was very adamant about the fact that Jesus went to
  4. Knitting: there would be living people, breathing and feeling, suffering and, loving , ” The Scream Painted in 1893,The Scream is Munch's the most famous work and one
  5. Rächt such! " –" Perjury avenges itself" ) that since Siegfried admitted, loving ,Brunhilde, the oath he swore on Hagen's spear was obviously false, therefore
  6. The mind which was in Christ, enabling us to walk as Christ walked. " It is ", loving ,God with all our heart, and our neighbor as ourselves ". It is 'a restoration
  7. Ministry by allowing Christians to feel the living presence of Jesus as a, loving ,figure" who is always there to harbor and nurture those who turn to him for
  8. The bathroom, just to be with each other. " And added" There were some really, loving , caring moments between four people: a hotel room here and there – a really
  9. With all their heart and with all their soul and with all their mind" and ", loving ,their neighbor as themselves" ( cf.) — a place of great joy, without the
  10. A white velvet dress, she addressed them in one of her most famous speeches: My, loving ,people, we have been persuaded by some that are careful of our safety, to take
  11. No longer had time to paint so intensely as Berth. Letters between them show a, loving ,and cordial relationship, underscored by Berthe's regret at the distance
  12. Massed" ( For the love of Massed) in which she describes a very decent and, loving ,husband. After his death, Massoud was interred in a mausoleum in Panther
  13. Fellowship and unity between a man and a woman and to provide a stable and, loving ,environment for the rearing of children. The Bahá'í teachings on marriage call
  14. Professed a devotion to the traditional role of women in society, that is:, loving ,child to her parents and brothers, faithful to her husband, residing with her
  15. Prison, and he wrote letters to his former wife, and told her he never ceased, loving ,her. He remarried her in 1796. Finally, wholly restored to his position, he
  16. Those painted by Peter Fend) he was portrayed as the patriarch of a, loving ,family, surrounded by his children and grandchildren. On 2 March 1835,43 years
  17. But I assure you, I do not desire to live to distrust my faithful and, loving ,people ... I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman, but I have
  18. The empire. All his inscriptions have the imperial touch and show compassionate, loving , He addressed his people as his" children ". These inscriptions promoted
  19. Tells Room that although the death of an innocent child in a world ruled by a, loving ,God cannot be rationally explained, it should nonetheless be accepted. Panel
  20. Relationships may be associated with numerous health benefits. Other, more, loving , type gestures of affectionate behavior include obvious signs of liking a person
  21. Altruism is but one possible form of love. An altruistic action is not always a, loving ,action. Word defines altruism as acting for the good of the other, and he
  22. Is not a barker. Occasionally, the dog may bark or 'too. ' They are very, loving ,creatures, and they enjoy the company of their humans and other dogs. Whether a
  23. Enjoy the divine consolations they hear others have; but they should know the, loving ,Father for some reason sometimes withholds these. Again, they should learn that
  24. We know, though you may guess. And as nothing is more dear to us than the, loving ,conservation of our subjects' hearts, what an undeserved doubt might we have
  25. Until his death, and,by all accounts, their marriage was a happy, close,and, loving ,one. Russell's eldest son, John,suffered from serious mental illness, which
  26. Arthur Person Stanley delivered a memorial elegy, lauding " the genial and, loving ,humorist whom we now mourn ", for showing by his own example" that even in
  27. The Fantastic Four have been portrayed as a somewhat dysfunctional, yet, loving , family. Breaking convention with other comic-book archetypes of the time, they
  28. Leave the Ministry as loyal subjects who have been brainwashed into genuinely, loving ,Big Brother. Legacy Since the publication of Nineteen Eighty-Four the phrase "
  29. Aspects of life, and sets of questions used to calculate deficits of time, loving , being and having. * Gross national happiness – The Center for Bhutanese
  30. Jesus' sacrifice it will become ineffective for them. But for non-Jews, these, loving , actions are sufficient for" great recompense of reward" as long as they "
  31. As we know it. Another famous character was Joe Btfsplk, who wants to be a, loving ,friend but is" the world's worst jinx," bringing bad luck to all those
  32. Meaning gong, but due to the homophony, the series puns on this, with Daemon, loving ,Murasaki. Plot Daemon is sent back in time by Nikita Nobi's great-great
  33. Be lived to the full, in the way that the designer planned, each believer ", loving ,the Lord their God with all their heart and with all their soul and with all
  34. Father. Letters and personal accounts demonstrate that they did have a fairly, loving ,relationship. In 1837,shortly after his mother died of tuberculosis
  35. In a positive light regarding Roman authorities. Or (be)loved by God or, loving ,God, and may not be a name but a generic term for a Christian. The Gospel is
  36. Other, but Arthur did write to his parents-in-law that he would be" a true and, loving ,husband" and told his parents that he was immensely happy to" behold the face
  37. Hillel held Aaron up as an example, saying:“ Be of the disciples of Aaron, loving ,peace and pursuing peace; love your fellow creatures and draw them nigh unto
  38. Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God's love by, loving ,our neighbors as ourselves; * Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the
  39. Peggy stated that" Lynch definitely was a reluctant father, but a very, loving ,one. Hey, I was pregnant when we got married. We were both reluctant. " As a
  40. His beliefs in the nature of Jesus and God. His writings are filled with the, loving ,and forgiving nature of God which was somewhat uncommon during his time period.
  41. Lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into, loving ,their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience. Post World
  42. Discovered the program through DVD releases and RFD-TV airings. In spite of the, loving ,support of the series by its fans the program had never been a favorite of
  43. S works and introduces many neglected or unknown Puccini pieces to the music, loving ,public. It was founded in 2004 by leading Puccini artist and scholar, Dr. Harry
  44. The Bible's main theme of redemptive history. Heed, sometimes translated as ", loving ,kindness ", also implies loyalty. The theme of heed is woven throughout Ruth
  45. For example in literary Welsh we can have Carey I love and Yr WWF in car I am, loving ,where the Brythonic syntax is exactly mirrored in English, whereas in the
  46. Is a modern scientific Latin adaptation from Greek words," dew ", and,", loving ," with the Latin feminine suffix -a. Morphology Drosophila are small flies
  47. Was a fashionable affectation, and that Claudius, whose perhaps inordinately, loving ,relationship with his sister was the subject of much gossip and insinuation
  48. Crystal grew up in a Jewish family that he has described as" large" and ", loving ,". Billie Holiday was one of Crystal's babysitters during his childhood. After
  49. And wrathful; in the second part of the book, He is revealed to be truly, loving ,and merciful. The other characters of the story include the sailors in chapter
  50. one's soul into heaven by giving the impression that he or she was a good and, loving ,person, well-loved by many. State funeral Military and high-ranking political

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