Examples of the the word, sales , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sales ), is the 3811 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. First hit. The record was credited to Bjorn & Benny and reached number 5 on the, sales ,charts and number 1 on Svensktoppen, staying there for 15 weeks. In the first
  2. But can deduct federal Social Security and Medicare taxes. The state's general, sales ,tax rate is 4 %. The collection rate could be substantially higher, depending
  3. S. $3.74 billion in 1996. This represents around 30 percent of reported U. S., sales ,and makes Germany the third-biggest music market in the world. Advanced
  4. Businessweek in April 2010,Amway had 237 retail shops in China,160,000 direct, sales ,agents, and US$3 billion in revenue. Brands Amway's product line grew from LOC
  5. 90,which had a much superior set of standard features. In the early 1990s, sales , began to slump for the Audi 80 series, and some basic construction problems
  6. In Alaska. Fairbanks has one of the highest property taxes in the state as no, sales ,or income taxes are assessed in the Fairbanks North Star Borough (FNSB). A
  7. While Alaska has no state sales tax,89 municipalities collect a local, sales ,tax,from 1 to 7.5 %, typically 3–5 %. Other local taxes levied include raw fish
  8. In Ada, Michigan,the company and family of companies under Action reported, sales ,growth of 9.5 %, reaching US$9.2 billion for the year ending December 31, 2010.
  9. Public libraries. These days, many authors supplement their income from book, sales ,with public speaking engagements, school visits, residencies,grants, and
  10. A reported 180,000 sales representatives,140 stores, and $2 billion in annual, sales , In 2007 Amway Greater China and South-east Asia Chief Executive Eva Cheng was
  11. 2008,Action announced that two-thirds of the company's 58 markets reported, sales ,increases, including strong growth in the China, Russia and India markets.
  12. Apple saw the Apple II series as too expensive to produce, while taking away, sales ,from the high-end Macintosh. In 1990,Apple released the Macintosh LC with a
  13. Pollution it caused. Newly independent Armenia needed the income from foreign, sales ,of Carat rubber and chemical products, many of which had been assigned
  14. Produced. A South American Mercosur country rancher calculates with a calf's, sales ,price of US$120–200 (both 2008 figures). With the former, scarcity and high
  15. The 2006 output level with development of deep-water offshore oil fields. Oil, sales ,generated USD 1.71 billion in tax revenue in 2004 and now makes up 80 % of the
  16. Instance, is the largest single market in Western Europe, with estimated annual, sales ,of U. S. $3.74 billion in 1996. This represents around 30 percent of reported
  17. New state laws that directly affect the tax division. While Alaska has no state, sales ,tax,89 municipalities collect a local sales tax,from 1 to 7.5 %, typically 3–5 %
  18. Tax burden in the United States, and be one of only five states with no state, sales ,tax, one of seven states that do not levy an individual income tax, and one of
  19. Way: usually a set fee or a per word rate rather than on a percentage of, sales , Andrey (Andrei) Andreyevich Markov () (June 14, 1856 N. S. – July 20, 1922
  20. Intellectual sense. The plot is invented, the background is not ..." Initial, sales ,were slow and the American publisher let it go out of print, although European
  21. In the U. S., sales people in China are ineligible to receive commissions from, sales ,made by the distributors they recruit. In 2006,Amway China had a reported
  22. In debt to his father, who bailed him out after his last two unsuccessful, sales ,trips. He took a job as a schoolteacher in Cheshire with the help of his Uncle
  23. Currently, ten seed companies control over two-thirds of the global seed, sales , Bandana Shiva argues that these companies are guilty of biopiracy by patenting
  24. Tunnel. The Audi A2 was criticized for its high price and was never really a, sales ,success, but it planted Audi as a cutting edge manufacturer. The model, a
  25. A provincial sales tax (though residents are still subject to the federal, sales ,tax, the Goods and Services Tax of 5 %. ) It is also the only Canadian province
  26. To the Nutritive Products Corporation. Nutritive was a California-based direct, sales ,company founded by Dr. Carl Reborn, developer of the first multivitamin
  27. Amway Sales Corporation to procure and inventory products and to handle the, sales ,and marketing plan, and Amway Services Corporation to handle insurance and
  28. Screen names and selling them to known spammers. Company purchases Company, sales ,AOL (Time Warner) has sold a number of its sub-companies in Europe. AOL
  29. That produced in 1954. As of 2000 the top six US supermarket groups had 50 % of, sales ,compared to 32 % in 1992. Although the total effect of the increased market
  30. In Canada, and Alberta is the only province in Canada without a provincial, sales ,tax (though residents are still subject to the federal sales tax, the Goods
  31. Payable (for example, where royalties start at 10 % for the first 10,000, sales , but then increase to a higher percentage rate at higher sale thresholds). An
  32. Women. In 2008,China was Amway's largest market, reporting 28 % growth and, sales ,of ¥17 billion (US$2.5billion). According to a report in Bloomberg
  33. Academy won the legal battle by getting a permanent injunction. Although Oscar, sales ,transactions have been successful, some buyers have subsequently returned the
  34. Separately provide for the generation, transmission,distribution and retail, sales ,of gas and electricity. Some major companies are: Energy, which
  35. The Amber DRPG games were acquired in 2004 by Guardians of Order, who took over, sales ,of the game and announced their intention to release a new edition of the game.
  36. Who work it. They also wanted village cooperatives to keep the profit from crop, sales ,in local hands, and credit institutions to underwrite needed improvements. Many
  37. A livestock farmer in South Korea can calculate with a (highly subsidized), sales , price of US$1300 for a calf produced. A South American Mercosur country rancher
  38. Success and a" masterpiece ". The Macintosh initially sold well, but follow-up, sales ,were not strong due to its high price and limited range of software titles. The
  39. As an anticlotting agent that reduces the risk of clotting diseases. Aspirin, sales ,revived considerably in the last decades of the 20th century, and remain strong
  40. By the distributors they recruit. In 2006,Amway China had a reported 180,000, sales , representatives,140 stores, and $2 billion in annual sales . In 2007 Amway
  41. To profits on each product sold, Nutrilite also offered commission on the, sales ,of products by new distributors introduced to the company by existing
  42. Or income taxes are assessed in the Fairbanks North Star Borough (FNSB). A, sales ,tax for the FNSB has been voted on many times, but has yet to be approved
  43. 2006 Amway was one of the first companies to receive a license to resume direct, sales , However, the law forbids teachers, doctors,and civil servants from becoming
  44. To operate through a network of retail stores promoted by an independent, sales ,force. China introduced new direct selling laws in December 2005,and in
  45. Rate could be substantially higher, depending upon additional city and county, sales ,taxes. For example, the total sales tax rate in Mobile is 10 % and there is an
  46. Artists are treated as peddlers, and that there should be a law limiting the, sales ,of books to ten thousand copies. *The Fishwife is one of the strikers, who
  47. As Jackson withdrew money from the Bank to invest it in other banks, land, sales , canal construction, cotton production, and manufacturing boomed. Then, in 1836
  48. Depending upon additional city and county sales taxes. For example, the total, sales ,tax rate in Mobile is 10 % and there is an additional restaurant tax of 1 %
  49. They have been cited as the second best-selling band on the label, exceeded in, sales ,only by Gabriel himself. Their striking live performances have often been the
  50. The law forbids teachers, doctors,and civil servants from becoming direct, sales ,agents for the company and, unlike in the U. S., sales people in China are

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