Examples of the the word, rid , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rid ), is the 3795 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Body soon to be sacrificed and his blood soon to be shed. Paul states," Get, rid ,of the old yeast that you may be a new batch without yeast—as you really are.
  2. Eurystheus was frightened and hid again in his jar and begged Heracles to get, rid ,of the beast; Heracles obliged. The fifth labor proposed by Eurystheus was to
  3. Part and water the ignoble aspect. He believed the goal of the soul is to be, rid ,of water and become pure fire: the dry soul is the best, and it is worldly
  4. Time of his head injuries, Rommel had made up his mind to do his part to get, rid ,of Hitler. After the failed bomb attack of 20 July, many conspirators were
  5. While on their way home from a movie theater. Bruce Wayne swears an oath to, rid ,the city of the evil that had taken his parents' lives. He engages in intense
  6. In the Maine legislature. Rep. Don Pilot of Sack has led the effort to get, rid ,of the laws that prohibit automobile dealerships from opening for business on
  7. For the superabundance of happiness and wealth of certain people who should, rid ,themselves of it. This is the ancient morality of the gift, which has become a
  8. Were the same and helped the authorities set a trap for him, hoping to both, rid ,himself of his enemy and claim the reward for his capture. The trap was sprung
  9. American activists, who,in attempt to reassert their civil rights, tried to, rid ,the word of its polarizing negative connotation by reasserting a unique ethnic
  10. To spread the rumor that the prophet found Ali a burden and was relieved to be, rid ,of his presence. Ali, grieved at hearing this wicked taunt, told Muhammad what
  11. 2020 ". Abdul Bar Aswan summarizes this strategy as comprising five stages to, rid ,the Emma from all forms of oppression: # Provoke the United States into
  12. Diagnoses. It was discovered that the Cuban government was using the event to, rid ,Cuba of the unwanted segments of its society. Currently, there is an
  13. Muslims was needed to establish" true Islamic states ", implement sharia, and, rid , the Muslim world of any non-Muslim influences, such as concepts like socialism
  14. Event in 1994. Bannister took the reins fully in October 1993. His aim was to, rid ,the station of its 'Smash and Nice' image and make it appeal to the under
  15. Emperor Zeno. The Cypriot Church claimed Barnabas as its founder in order to, rid ,itself of the supremacy of the Patriarch of Antioch, as did the Archbishop of
  16. That only gods may choose new gods. He restored lost days to festivals and got, rid ,of many extraneous celebrations added by Caligula. He re-instituted old
  17. A situation complicated by Catwoman's teaming with the Penguin in an effort to, rid ,Gotham of Batman. When Batman exposes the Penguin's villainous ways, thereby
  18. His Plano Real, a successful economic reform that managed to permanently, rid ,the country of the excessive inflation that had plagued it for more than forty
  19. And a thorn on the United States, and using the CIA, it began plans to get, rid ,of Sihanouk. Throughout the 1960s,domestic Cambodian politics became polarized
  20. British subjects by reason of parentage, may buy declarations of alienate get, rid ,of British nationality. Emigration to an uncivilized country leaves British
  21. The basic expectation that they are going to disappear. They have to be gotten, rid ,of. At present, I am involved in discussions aimed at having them moved away to
  22. To use the matter as you shall think good. For my own part ... I am glad to be, rid ,of my Lord of Oxford seeing he refused this, & I pray you let me not be
  23. Of this, she ordered her sister Anna to construct a pyre, she said, to get, rid ,of Aeneas' possessions, left behind by him in his haste to leave. Standing on
  24. Large quantities of relatively new aircraft that bankruptcies would want to get, rid ,of and would re-enter the market either as increased fleets for the survivors
  25. And General-in-Chief Henry W. Hillock, who were looking for an excuse to get, rid ,of him, immediately accepted. They replaced Hooker early on the morning of June
  26. Wild elephants live in very hot climates, they must have other means of getting, rid ,of excess heat. Legs and feet An elephant's legs are roughly shaped like
  27. Bonded. The pieces are aligned and pressure is added to aid in adhesion and, rid ,the bond of air bubbles. Common ways of applying an adhesive include brushes
  28. Seymour W. Kickoff writes that the Holocaust was" a vast dyslexic program to, rid ,Europe of highly intelligent challengers to the existing Christian domination
  29. Uncle and nephews take turns dancing the jitterbug with her while trying to get, rid ,of each other. In their final effort the three younger Ducks feed their uncle
  30. Still on the border ... I would admonish you not to go so quickly in getting, rid ,of people who helped us defeat the Taliban. Rohrabacher has since become a
  31. Modern switching amplifiers need steep low pass filtering at the output to get, rid ,of high frequency switching noise and harmonics. Efficiency is a
  32. Kill Quin. His pistol was loaded with tow. The duel was stage-managed to get, rid ,of Barry, so Quin could marry Nora and repair her family's fortune. Barry's
  33. League West with a 74–88 record, failing to make the playoffs. The team got, rid ,of hitting coach Alan Rockwell, third base coach Mike Gallegos and bench coach
  34. Are satisfied. Only then can he help his neighbor.... Why should we not get, rid ,of these parasites Jews who suck Rumanian Christian blood? It is logical and
  35. The disastrous turn of the events. In any case, Gallus had no choice but to get, rid ,of the Goths as soon as possible. Minus Marcellus rated this reverse with
  36. To hanker after large and flamboyant women. Poirot had never been able to, rid ,himself of the fatal fascination that the Countess held for him. " Although
  37. More faithfully was to stand back from it, look at it from a distance, and get, rid ,of everything superfluous. " The farther back you stand, the closer you will
  38. And Hindi. His love of sounds pushes him to strive to minimize, and ideally get, rid ,of, any foreign accent. Le Ton beau de Tarot: In Praise of the Music of
  39. Natural sweetness of the seafood. However, most restaurants would gladly get, rid ,of their older seafood inventory by offering dishes loaded with garlic and
  40. Raises from the grave and resumes her intentions to kill Ash. He finally gets, rid ,of her when he slashes her head with his chainsaw. * Richard Domain as
  41. A series of questions are asked by the Scientology auditor, in an attempt to, rid ,the auditee of the painful experiences of the past which Scientologists believe
  42. Things through naturalistic and scientific terms stating," Not only had I got, rid ,of the theology and the supernatural, but I had found the truth of evolution. "
  43. Recalled Forbidden as a" filler album that got the band out of the label deal, rid ,of the singer, and into the reunion. However, I wasn’t privy to that information
  44. To the Church and its ascetic practices the Orthodox Christian seeks to, rid ,himself or herself of the passions (The desires of our fallen carnal nature).
  45. Of Babylon. In the ancient Far East, natural asphalt was slowly boiled to get, rid ,of the higher fractions, leaving a material of higher molecular weight which is
  46. And hoped to manipulate him, or to bear with him during their efforts to get, rid ,of Antonius. In September, the Estimate orator Marcus Julius Cicero began to
  47. Called" categorical abstraction. " Through this faculty we are able to get, rid ,of sensible components of judgments, and just focus on formal categories
  48. How accumulation of food in our body, can cause diseases, and one way to, rid ,us of this is strong medicines. However, as he explains; this is not the ideal
  49. He comes to realize that Asia is possessed when she suggests to him to get, rid ,of Jessica. He realizes that on top of the fact that it is not the sort of
  50. The party is then joined by Baron Oldenburg, the descendant of the hero who, rid ,the area of vampires long ago. Oldenburg is an authority on vampires and has

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