Examples of the the word, radar , in a Sentence Context

The word ( radar ), is the 5157 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In addition to radar and lightning detection, observations and extended, radar ,pictures (such as NEURAL) are now available through satellite data
  2. During the war, including a totally new missile. The improved guidance, radar ,and missile performance improves the probability of kill over the earlier PAC-2
  3. Time was less important with cargo munitions that burst much higher. The first, radar ,proximity fuses (code named 'VT' ) were initially used against aircraft in
  4. For pilots to see the weather ahead. Heavy precipitation (as sensed by, radar ,) or severe turbulence (as sensed by lightning activity) are both indications
  5. Due to technical development, more and more spotters are using equipment like, radar ,decoders to track the movements of aircraft. The two most famous devices used
  6. Involved special facilities and army level teams. Measurement using Doppler, radar , introduced in the 1950s,started to simplify arrangements. Some armies now
  7. Project to measure the parallax of 433 Eros was undertaken in 1930–1931. Direct, radar ,measurements of the distances to Venus and Mars became available in the early
  8. Jets to help pilots fly at low levels. While the civil market has had weather, radar ,for a while, there are strict rules about using it to navigate the aircraft.
  9. ASW),and even Weather radar (ARIC 708) and ground tracking/proximity, radar , The military uses radar in fast jets to help pilots fly at low levels. While
  10. Believes that Shepard would have continued with the landing attempt without the, radar , using the LM inertial guidance system and visual cues. But a post-flight
  11. Radar (ARIC 708) and ground tracking/proximity radar . The military uses, radar ,in fast jets to help pilots fly at low levels. While the civil market has had
  12. After World War II. These fuses have a mechanical timer that switched on the, radar ,about 5 seconds before expected impact, they also detonated on impact. The
  13. Pressure of the air and wind direction and speed at different altitudes. Also, radar ,is used both for determining the location of enemy artillery and mortar
  14. And Hernán flew separately in the LM. The LM crew checked out their craft's, radar ,and ascent engine, rode out a momentary gyration in the lunar lander's motion
  15. Requiring such a combination (e.g., a high frequency phased-array, radar ,or a weather system computation). Mechanisms Electronic analog computers
  16. On testing of the first unmanned LM for Apollo 5. Having the rendezvous, radar ,on (so that it was warmed up, in case of an emergency landing abort),should
  17. Some of them. During the mission, the cause was diagnosed as the rendezvous, radar ,switch being in the wrong position, causing the computer to process data from
  18. Material. The purpose was to determine how much the EMP would interfere with, radar ,tracking and other communications and the level of destruction of electronic
  19. See World War I). Modern counter-battery fire relies on counter-battery, radar , which calculate the source of incoming artillery shells very accurately and
  20. Lakes near the north polar regions of Titan, as discovered by Cassini's, radar ,imaging. Methane and ethane have also been detected in the tail of the comet
  21. TV stations and their weather forecasting divisions (for weather graphics and, radar ,), advertising channels, music video production, and 'desktop video '. The
  22. Function in mathematics * Airborne interception, aircraft-carried interception, radar ,Organizations * Amnesty International, an international non-governmental human
  23. The Azerbaijani government. The contract costs Russia $7 million per year. The, radar ,station has a range of up to 6,000 kilometers (3,728 mi),and was designed to
  24. The plans propose the installation of the latest generation ABM system with a, radar ,site in the Czech Republic and the launch site in Poland. The system was
  25. That the Patriot was much less effective than initially thought because of its, radar ,and control system's inability to discriminate warheads from other objects
  26. Warning System (TAWS). Weather systems such as weather, radar ,(typically ARIC 708 on commercial aircraft) and lightning detectors are
  27. Data (such as images, targeting information etc.). Radar Airborne, radar ,was one of the first tactical sensors. The benefit of altitude providing range
  28. Take the guesswork out of this process. These embody a miniature, low powered, radar ,transmitter in the fuse to detect the ground and explode them at a
  29. With cargo munitions. Proximity fuses have been of two types: photo-electric or, radar , The former was not very successful and seems only to have been used with
  30. The Indian Ocean. Whether the Russian Government shares any of the station's, radar ,data with Azerbaijan is unknown. Training and education Azerbaijani pilots are
  31. From offensive or defensive nuclear warheads) which could degrade defensive, radar ,systems. When this proved infeasible for economic reasons, a much smaller
  32. Increasing refinement as technology has improved. These were joined by, radar ,in World War II. *In the mid-1970s several armies started equipping their
  33. Around sunset, the bats emerge in search of insects, an exit visible on weather, radar , Watching the bat emergence is an event that is popular with locals and
  34. Called Airway Radar and SBS Box. Both of them are reading and processing the, radar ,data and show the movements on a computer screen. Most of the decoders also
  35. And explode them at a predetermined height above it. The return of the weak, radar ,signal completes an electrical circuit in the fuse which explodes the shell.
  36. Just in time. A second problem occurred during the powered descent, when the LM, radar ,altimeter failed to lock automatically onto the moon's surface, depriving the
  37. Benefit of altitude providing range has meant a significant focus on airborne, radar ,technologies. Radars include Airborne Early Warning (AEW),Anti-Submarine
  38. Has all the support systems that it requires (maintenance, targeting, radar , etc.) organic to its unit. Modern field artillery can also be split into two
  39. The case of the cruise missiles, to destroy threats, including extensive use of, radar , sonar and electronic warfare. Although the role of the ground attack aircraft
  40. Use systems such as ground-proximity warning systems (GPWS),which use, radar ,altimeters as a key element. One of the major weaknesses of GPWS is the lack of
  41. Randomly powered up. The extra spurious cycle stealing, as the rendezvous, radar ,updated an involuntary counter, caused the computer alarms. When Armstrong
  42. Inexpensive enough that they are practical for light aircraft. In addition to, radar ,and lightning detection, observations and extended radar pictures (such as
  43. Have Yakov light training aircraft. Air defense Azerbaijan has missile and, radar ,systems intended to defend Azeris airspace. There are at least 2 divisions of
  44. Azeri's aerospace. Also in Azerbaijan there is a former Soviet early warning, radar , The Cabala Radar is a bistatic phased-array installation, currently operated
  45. But an electrical phasing mismatch between two parts of the rendezvous, radar ,system could cause the stationary antenna to appear to the computer as
  46. To simplify arrangements. Some armies now have a muzzle velocity measuring, radar ,permanently fitted to every gun. Logistic services, supply of artillery
  47. Design, laser/optics technology, health products, engineering services, radar ,systems, telecommunications and petroleum services. * Located at Science Park (
  48. Early Warning (AEW),Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW),and even Weather, radar ,(ARIC 708) and ground tracking/proximity radar . The military uses radar in
  49. Lunar landing was an exercise in precision targeting, using a Doppler effect, radar ,technique developed to allow the pinpoint landings needed for future Apollo
  50. Consequence of the software patch. After the astronauts cycled the landing, radar ,breaker, the unit successfully acquired a signal near, again just in the nick

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