Examples of the the word, ordinance , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ordinance ), is the 5162 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Studied at universities for historical and linguistic purposes). The official, ordinance ,stated that Yiddish, being the spoken language of the Russian Jews, should be
  2. Who hold the Melchizedek priesthood may use consecrated oil in performing the, ordinance ,of blessing of the" sick or afflicted ", though oil is not required if it is
  3. Better shape thanks to a rich epigraphic documentation, including a military, ordinance ,of Philip V and an ephebarchic (? ) law from the gymnasium. After the final
  4. Justice and recompense For their injustice In conformity with the, ordinance ,of Time. Simplicity mentions that Anaximander said all these" in poetic terms
  5. Recovery. The Church of the Brethren practices Anointing with Oil as an, ordinance ,along with Baptism, Communion,Laying on of Hands, and the Love Feast.
  6. Began in Flagstaff, Arizona,in the U. S. There, over three decades of, ordinance ,development has taken place, with the full support of the population, often
  7. Trials, while one-third are civil and" other" ( e.g., family,municipal, ordinance , traffic). Nevertheless, the vast majority of cases are in fact settled by
  8. Whether it wants to ratify it. If Parliament votes no to ratification,the, ordinance ,is cancelled. Most of the time, ratification is made implicitly or explicitly
  9. Hounds are mentioned in the Forest Laws of Canute which exempted them from the, ordinance ,which commanded that all dogs capable of running down a stag should have one
  10. Service customarily is celebrated once per quarter. The service includes the, ordinance ,of foot washing and the Lord’s Supper. Unleavened bread and unfermented (
  11. Of Tam aqua, Pennsylvania passed a law giving ecosystems legal rights. The, ordinance ,establishes that the municipal government or any Tam aqua resident can file a
  12. And bars. The ordinance was passed with protest, and several amendments to the, ordinance ,reflect this. Sister cities In accordance with the Columbia Sister Cities
  13. S secession, a Unionist government in Wheeling asked 48 counties to vote on an, ordinance ,to create a new state on October 24, 1861. A voter turnout of 34 % approved the
  14. Partners of city employees. On October 10, 2006,the City Council approved an, ordinance ,to prohibit smoking in restaurants and bars. The ordinance was passed with
  15. Rite. Non-traditional Protestant communities generally use the term ", ordinance ," rather than" Sacrament ". Mainline beliefs Liturgical or Mainline Protestant
  16. An 11 member review panel to monitor the city's compliance with the 2005, ordinance , Former Denver mayor John Hickenlooper was a member of the Mayors Against
  17. Of their ancestors who, it is believed, are given the opportunity to accept the, ordinance , Proselytizing Judaism is not a proselytizing religion. Orthodox Judaism
  18. Doctrinal reforms and influences Good Neighbor policy (LDS Church) and temple, ordinance ,reforms. Beginning soon after the turn of the 20th Century, four influential
  19. Streets in outlying sections. As new additions to the city were platted, city, ordinance , required them to be laid out with eight streets to the mile in one direction
  20. Both. The South Carolina Convention then met and rescinded its nullification, ordinance , The Force Bill became moot because it was no longer needed. Indian removal
  21. Abraham Lincoln in 1860,however, events accelerated. South Carolina adopted an, ordinance ,of secession on December 20, 1860,and Mississippi did so on January 9,1861.
  22. Madly, pg. 19),but in 1930 the Japanese government created a ministerial, ordinance ,that allowed cars with engines up to 500 cc to be driven without a license. (
  23. Ordinances, measures decriminalizing marijuana possession, and a rent-control, ordinance ,; many of these remain in effect in modified form. Alongside these liberal and
  24. On July 26, 2007,a federal court agreed and struck down the Hazleton, ordinance ,; Hazleton's mayor promised to appeal the decision. In 2008,the ACLU stated
  25. Of Latter-day Saints often, but not exclusively consider anointing to be an, ordinance , Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon or LDS
  26. Judge in San Francisco. After the town of Hazleton, Pennsylvania passed an, ordinance ,to punish landlords who rented to illegal immigrants and businesses who hired
  27. Legislature from 1839 to 1903. There the Mississippi legislature passed the, ordinance ,of secession from the Union on January 9,1861,becoming the second state to
  28. 1992 (although previous legal texts have made it official since 1539,see, ordinance ,of Villers-Cotterêts). France mandates the use of French in official
  29. Conscripted Korean with a Japanese name, adopted under the pre-war Soshi-kaimei, ordinance ,that compelled Koreans to take Japanese personal names. Out of the 1,036 IRA
  30. Which was called by its proponents" Save Our Children ", to overturn an, ordinance ,in Dade County, Florida prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual
  31. To be known as the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland. The, ordinance ,was ratified by the Second Protectorate Parliament, as an Act of Union, on 26
  32. The events of 1643 when troops and citizens, encouraged by a Parliamentary, ordinance ,against superstition and idolatry, behaved thus: Lord what work was here! What
  33. Council approved an ordinance to prohibit smoking in restaurants and bars. The, ordinance ,was passed with protest, and several amendments to the ordinance reflect this.
  34. Follow the new technical conditions described in Japanese ministerial, ordinance , The amendment shall coexist with passive tag systems in the band. IEEE
  35. Spectacle in Cleveland's Public Squares. City authorities tried to find an, ordinance ,forbidding it, to the joy of the crowd, they were unsuccessful. - Harold
  36. Concert in Columbus, Georgia in 1987 led to the passage of a lewdness, ordinance ,in that city. Sal Governable, a comedian on the staff of The Howard Stern Show
  37. Orientation and a similar movement in California. In urging the repeal of the, ordinance , Falwell told one crowd," Gay folks would just as soon kill you as look at you
  38. Inhabitants belong to nations following different rites. *Canon 11 renews the, ordinance ,of the council of 1179 on free schools for clerics in connection with every
  39. City budget. Government priorities and activities are established in a budget, ordinance ,usually adopted each November. The council takes official action through the
  40. Classify the Eucharist as a sacrament. Some Protestants prefer to call it an, ordinance , viewing it not as a specific channel of divine grace but as an expression of
  41. Value, in precisely defined areas. Rehabilitation laws specify the scope of the, ordinance , After the ordinance is issued, Parliament is asked whether it wants to ratify
  42. And the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund sued Hazleton, saying the, ordinance ,was unconstitutional. On July 26, 2007,a federal court agreed and struck down
  43. Defined areas. Rehabilitation laws specify the scope of the ordinance . After the, ordinance ,is issued, Parliament is asked whether it wants to ratify it. If Parliament
  44. Mention of baseball in the United States was a 1791 Pittsfield, Massachusetts, ordinance , banning the playing of the game within of the town meeting house. Another early
  45. On October 31, 1861,and although lacking a quorum in either house, passed an, ordinance ,of secession. However, this occurred after a standing constitutional convention
  46. Of a particular church tradition. Baptism has been called a sacrament and an, ordinance ,of Jesus Christ. In some traditions, baptism is also called. The New Testament
  47. Anita Bryant's 1977" Save Our Children" campaign to overturn a Florida, ordinance ,prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and a similar
  48. Next March. On December 20, 1860,South Carolina took the lead by adopting an, ordinance ,of secession; by February 1,1861,Florida, Mississippi,Alabama, Georgia
  49. In our power, if we abandon their custom, to prolong the due observance of this, ordinance ,to future ages by a truer order ... For their boast is absurd indeed, that it
  50. Sacrament, the Lord's Supper, and other names, is a Christian sacrament or, ordinance , It is celebrated in accordance with Jesus' instruction at the Last Supper as

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