Examples of the the word, socially , in a Sentence Context

The word ( socially ), is the 5163 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Argument. Moral sanctions # Moral norms exist and have authority beyond the, socially ,mediated. It is, for example, perfectly coherent for someone like William
  2. Word" Czech" became prevalent in English. " Bohemian" may also denote" a, socially ,unconventional person, especially one who is involved in the arts. " (see
  3. Devastating results for her, since she was less prepared (both militarily and, socially ,) for that event than any other Great Power. Austria-Hungary took alarm at the
  4. And Frankfurt respectively, who are rightfully credited with the thousands of, socially ,progressive housing units built in Weimar Germany. In Taut's case, the housing
  5. Fulfills certain demands. This information is usually of an embarrassing or, socially ,damaging nature. Ordinarily, such a threat is illegal. * If the black
  6. Females require males' assistance for successful brood-rearing. Among many, socially ,monogamous species, extra-pair copulation (infidelity) is common. Such
  7. Used in different places at the same time. " Property in concrete things is ", socially ,necessary. "" Since successful society rests on individual initiative, it is
  8. The new episodes will start on October 27, 2011. The show centers on two, socially ,awkward, rock/metal-loving teenage delinquents, Beavis and Butt-head (both
  9. Oralists won many battles and for a long time the use of sign was suppressed:, socially ,and pedagogically. ASL was discouraged in schools for the deaf in many parts of
  10. The Blue Dog Coalition, which tends to be more pro-business, pro-military,and, socially ,conservative than the center-left Democratic mainstream. Reflecting the state
  11. Been explained as consequences of disinhibition, that is loss of control over, socially ,unacceptable behavior. Paradoxical reactions are rare in the general population
  12. Left who tend to favor a more interventionist economic policy and more, socially ,progressive ideals, and Labor Right, the now dominant faction that tends to be
  13. Ancestry. The term 'black people' is not an indicator of skin color but of, socially ,based racial classification. Some definitions of the term include only people
  14. Parents objected to the match because Warner was“ in trade” and thus not, socially ,suitable. Sadly the engagement lasted only one month when Warner died of
  15. The political center, belong to three main groups: the right-wing Liberals,the, socially ,conservative Christian Democrats and the socialists forming the left wing.
  16. Officers mainly untrained in the art of war. Napoleon happened to present, socially ,one evening and during a casual conversation over a misplaced 24-pounder
  17. Used, with a preference for midazolam as its administration is easier and more, socially ,acceptable. When benzodiazepines were first introduced, they were
  18. Frowned upon by Speer's class-conscious mother, who felt that the Webers were, socially ,inferior (Weber's father was a successful craftsman who employed 50 workers)
  19. Exception) until the middle of season five. He only recovers physically and, socially ,and breaks the cycle at the end of the season. Dr. Stephen Franklin develops an
  20. And increased foraging efficiency. Costs of flocking include bullying of, socially ,subordinate birds by more dominant birds and the reduction of feeding
  21. The filmmaker Emile de Antonio about the difficulty Warhol had being accepted, socially ,by the then more famous (but closeted) gay artists Jasper Johns and Robert
  22. A Dissenting Protestant sect who rejected the doctrine of the Trinity and were, socially ,and politically discriminated against. Potter’s paternal grandfather, Edmund
  23. The Australian Democrats is an Australian political party espousing a, socially ,liberal ideology. It was formed in 1977,by a merger of the Australia Party and
  24. Resignation of Fraser. The Liberals were divided between supporters of the dour, socially ,conservative John Howard and the urbane Andrew Peacock. The arch-conservative
  25. Trouser in, Chuckusafiva: ballet dancers. *"Thunderbolt" Footie: handsome, socially ,celebrated boxer (who can do everything except actually fight) *The M'Baba
  26. Lovelace met and corresponded with Charles Babbage on many occasions, including, socially , and in relation to Babbage's Difference Engine and Analytical Engine. Babbage
  27. To harmful consequences in their life, physically,mentally, emotionally and, socially , Johnson (1980) explores the emotional progression of the addict’s response
  28. Allegiance several times during his 14 years as Mayor, generally hewing to, socially ,conservative platforms. His successor, Democrat Anthony M. Marcello (elected
  29. Themselves. Breeding Social systems Ninety-five percent of bird species are, socially ,monogamous. These species pair for at least the length of the breeding season
  30. Portrayal of sexuality and frequent rude humor, as well as the politically and, socially ,relevant asides, made the film an international hit and a major success with
  31. The Teach" moniker and made a deliberate attempt at creating politically and, socially ,conscious Hip-Hop. BDP were hugely influential in provoking political and
  32. Flocking, and mobbing of predators. The vast majority of bird species are, socially ,monogamous, usually for one breeding season at a time, sometimes for years, but
  33. Economies was a great boost to British Columbia's economy. Politically and, socially , the 1960s brought a period of significant social ferment. The divide between
  34. While the urban city dwellers were more advanced technologically and, socially , in many cases they could do little in a military aspect to defend against the
  35. Multiple medical authorities certify that the abortion is either medically or, socially ,necessary. Other jurisdictions ban abortion almost entirely. However, many,but
  36. Using Steiner's ideas about economic associations, aiming at harmonious and, socially ,responsible roles in the world economy. Socially responsible banks founded out
  37. Of beauty, with willing participants in a given social spectrum, may be a, socially ,negotiated phenomenon, discussed in a culture or context. Is there some
  38. Ghanaian, and Haitian backgrounds, respectively. Influenced by North American, socially ,conscious rap and the Native tongues' movement, Advanced Chemistry is regarded
  39. To help disadvantaged youth. He regularly is cited as the most charitable and, socially ,involved player in professional tennis. It also has been claimed that he may be
  40. Friends in high society he has worked so hard to make, and he is shunned, socially , As badly as he has treated his stepson, Barry proves to be a compassionate and
  41. Such as Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan, suggest that moral norms are entirely, socially ,mediated, through,for example, a social contract. Indeed, there is a great
  42. Published without the seal. The comics sold well and Marvel won praise for its, socially ,conscious efforts. The CCA subsequently loosened the Code to permit negative
  43. Vision of life, and this sensibility ... impedes his efforts to realize a, socially ,committed mode of filmmaking. " Furthermore, the director’s ideal of heroism is
  44. Or Soviet Program. Australian New Vogue is danced both competitively and, socially , In competition there are 15 recognized New Vogue dances, which are performed
  45. Teachings, and the rise of the blues. " Levine states that" psychologically, socially , and economically, African-Americans were being acculturated in a way that
  46. Of the West Bank barrier has had an impact on Bethlehem politically, socially , and economically. The barrier runs along the northern side of the town's
  47. Lines on the (then very dense) network were unprofitable and hard to justify, socially , and a modest program of closures began. However, the general financial
  48. Ballroom dance refers to a set of partner dances, which are enjoyed both, socially ,and competitively around the world. Because of its performance and
  49. The traditional rules of country music. Lyrics were often bleak, gothic or, socially ,aware. Key alternative country artists include Lyle Love, Steve Earle, Uncle
  50. Subtle prose has a fine ironic edge; her novels also reveal Anne to be the most, socially ,radical of the three. Now, with increasing critical interest in female authors

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