Examples of the the word, useless , in a Sentence Context

The word ( useless ), is the 5170 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Time is, say,n15,it is unreasonable to consider it efficient, and it is still, useless ,except on small instances. What intractability means in practice is open to
  2. Only of supplies in 154 flights. The supplies that did get through were often, useless ,: one aircraft arrived with of vodka and summer uniforms, another with supplies
  3. Only possible economic approach, and any government intervention was seen as, useless , The Poor Law Amendment Act 1834 was defended on" scientific or economic
  4. And happiness that has been offered to them and had been hitherto destroyed in, useless ,sacrifices should serve the poor and children. * Compare Altruism (ethics) –
  5. What is being demonstrated reasonably, the map may be regarded as, useless , Making a meaningful map is the ultimate goal. Alan Maclaren explains that a
  6. Of Waterville, England. Holloway inadvertently produced a product that was, useless ,as a sealant, but pliable and semi-elastic. This novelty product was
  7. With one barrel, but miss consistently with the other, making the gun nearly, useless ,for anything requiring two shots. Fortunately, the short ranges and spread of
  8. Erode into the river. This silt was accumulated in the harbor until it was made, useless , and Rome was forced to rebuild Carthage. By 122 BC, Gaius Gracchus founded a
  9. On the past and the future, and the dangers of the Open Source, especially the, useless ,proliferation of OSI approved licenses and the strength of the GPL 3. In
  10. Civilians (political rivals, criminals and anyone else he considered ", useless ,to humanity" ), mainly by using his favorite method of impaling them on a
  11. Or provide escort for other cargo ships, although they generally proved to be, useless ,in this role because of their low speed, feeble firepower and lack of armor. In
  12. And saved modes 0–3 (including the only 16 color mode) from being nearly, useless ,due to contended memory timings. Blogger Master RAM Board A development of the
  13. Without some amount of read/write storage for primary storage purposes would be, useless ,for many tasks. Modern computers typically use read/write storage also for
  14. Bind similarly situated absent parties, which rendered the rule almost entirely, useless ,and was a direct reflection of Story's inability to understand the old English
  15. Stadium) had recently been built at great expense; it would be rendered, useless ,by a wider field. The rules' committee legalized the forward pass instead. The
  16. He states that therefore" the extramission of visual rays is superfluous and, useless , " Alhazen's problem His work on cathartics in Book V of the Book of Optics
  17. And missionary, wrote," If Christ was not raised, then all our preaching is, useless , and your trust in God is useless . " Salvation Paul of Tarsus, like Jews and
  18. Faceless) * Security (who will tape Emerald over CCTV videotapes;, useless ,with computers) * George, the cleaner (invaluable source of information) *
  19. Hoarding of money for one's children is avarice. While making money is not, useless , he says, doing so as a result of wrong-doing is the" worst of all things. "
  20. Takes place. Typical transformations for optimization are removal of, useless ,or unreachable code, discovery and propagation of constant values, relocation
  21. Remains less chance of accidental damage and infection, since the previously, useless ,and exposed organ is sealed with a flap of protective skin Another likely
  22. He probably would have been spared if he'd talked. Finding Kidd politically, useless , the Tory leaders sent him to stand trial before the High Court of Admiralty in
  23. Imprisoned, destroyed,and lost. And its powers are not only debilitated and, useless ,unless they be assisted by grace, but it has no powers whatever except such as
  24. Marxists did not have the same problem but also proved to be relatively, useless ,against the firearms of British forces at the battle of Omdurman. During World
  25. Up in the cable to one of the probes, detaching it and rendering the experiment, useless , The astronauts also conducted performance tests with the lunar rover, Young at
  26. When the business failed, his father would quietly turn the huge stacks of, useless ,stationery and pencils over to his children, requiring them to use up all the
  27. Between religious art and religion per se? The truth is complex; art is both, useless ,in a functional sense, and also the most important human activity. An argument
  28. Problems in the country, for many workers this meant that they had a, useless ,job, getting paid perhaps after two three or even six months late only for one
  29. The Manganese soon grew tired of the Dutch actions; the low prices,the, useless ,trade items, and the enforcement of Dutch sole rights to the purchase of the
  30. Are no longer recognized by the beta-lactams, the antibiotics are, in essence, useless , This is the mechanism behind the methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (
  31. Problems. Diaphanous considered negative or irrational square root solutions ", useless ,"," meaningless ", and even" absurd ". To give one specific example, he calls
  32. Practice established by Cars, who had declared the Senate's ratification a, useless ,formality. If Diocletian ever did enter Rome shortly after his accession, he
  33. Estimated temperatures of up to. Typical firefighting tactics were rendered, useless ,by the reinforced structure as firefighters were unable to reach the fire to
  34. Was not raised, then all our preaching is useless , and your trust in God is, useless , " Salvation Paul of Tarsus, like Jews and Roman pagans of his time, believed
  35. Per day. This clock could not contain a pendulum, which would be virtually, useless ,on a rocking ship. Many European governments offered a large prize for anyone
  36. Of computing power or storage in order to run, again rendering it practically, useless , Ælle (; also Belle or Ella) is recorded in early sources as the first king of
  37. N't mean that a person can discard his physical purity, as Salah (prayer) is, useless ,if a person is untruthful in his speech and for that the esoteric and exoteric
  38. To be communicated to the central or local planners. Third, the information is, useless ,to other individuals if it is not in a form that allows for meaningful
  39. Regional is the original Capoeira without many of the aspects that were, useless ,in a real fight, with less subterfuge and more objectivity. Training was mainly
  40. All the probabilities are completely unknown, making the result worse than, useless , Likewise, in a 2003 lecture at Caltech, Michael Crichton, a science fiction
  41. Who were mere puppets in his hands; by the end of his reign they were so, useless ,that he didn't even bother appointing one. At this time, Charles again marched
  42. Including many cruisers of different sorts, calling them 'a miser's hoard of, useless ,junk' that any modern cruiser would sweep from the seas. Battlecruisers The
  43. S new acquisition (and the source for its next generation of computers), useless , The resulting court case lasted for several years, with both companies
  44. Due to this, fuelling the rocket took 4.5 minutes, which would have made it, useless ,as a rapid response to an attack. The missile was vulnerable to a preemptive
  45. A whole series of cells until the next frame starts. This reduces the number of, useless ,cells in the network, saving bandwidth for full frames. END and PPD work with
  46. Especially when the resin dropped on to the ground, so that the material may be, useless ,except for varnish-making, whence the impure amber is called finish.
  47. An algorithm taking too long to run can render its results outdated or, useless , An inefficient algorithm can also end up requiring an uneconomical amount of
  48. Be the elaborate philosophical reduction of the word" moral" into a vacuous, useless ,term. Lindsay adds that it is important to reclaim the specific word" Morality
  49. Not mean that conventions should be absolutely ignored as unreal and therefore, useless , Instead, according to Buddhist thought, a wise person adopts a middle way
  50. S disease). Efficacy Chemotherapy is highly effective in some cancers, useless ,in others, and unnecessary in still others. Taking all forms of cancer together

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